International call to Mobilize against the G20 and the IMF

Call anti-imperialist presidents at the summit to be held in Argentina.
On Tuesday 11 September at the Hotel UNO city of Buenos Aires a meeting he attended a broad spectrum of organizations and launched an international appeal to meet the G20 Summit in Argentina and IMF policies was held. An opportunity to generate a broad and united mobilization.

The next 30 November and 1 December presidential summit G20 is made. That day among other mandarins of the empire, Trump promised his presence at the meeting. The G-20 is an imperialist coordinating body that was created to design and agree on the central policies of those who run the capitalist system and which are involved with the most powerful nations of the world, countries called "emerging economies".

Although the G20 is crossed by the present crisis dispute between Trump and other powers by the gain in the "trade war", is the forum of the main supporters of capitalism in the world every year summarizing the agreements to further impoverishing workers and peoples. Hence, despite its crises, its enormous political importance. Its last meeting in Hamburg in Germany was met by thousands of protesters in the city and many others come from different parts of Europe, who mobilized and clashed with German police for a week.

Now Argentina is the "host" country. For several months several meetings at ministerial level and groups called "affinity" (1) They have been meeting in different cities, bass phrases humanitarian dye as' design policies to address global food emergency ", with which the trade ministers' meeting is convened in Mar del Plata, discuss how large agro food companies make better business. According to the latest statistics disseminated over 850 millions of people are starving in a world that has more than enough food. A figure that tends to increase year by year.

In these months they have already made the summit of foreign ministers, Energy, Finance, Agriculture, Education and Labor. Now it is being carried Trade in Mar del Plata. when the 21 Y 22 July finance ministers last met with Macri and Argentine ministers, the IMF president Christine Lagarde travel to participate in the meeting and seal the deal with Macri. At that time thousands of protesters took to repudiate his visit and the recent agreement, despite an impressive array of security forces to protect the representatives of the masters of the empire. He MST Y Anticapitalist Network we were part of that call with several organizations today launched the call for international mobilization against the G 20 - IMF.

A) Yes, in the territory of one nation convulsed by the brutal adjustment plan being implemented by the president Macri, one of the key instruments available to the G-20 as the International Monetary Fund, they walk and do meetings in their cities the most important ministers of world imperialism and within weeks disembark their presidents with Trump at the top. What a great opportunity for the 30 November enormous and united mobilization is made against Trump, the G20 and the IMF!

International call

With a correct statement that allowed contain a ragtag political space, between organizations that often come together in the street in the confrontation against Macri plans and IMF, but we hold various debates and differences of how to make a success of this fight and other international components that have similar relationship, an important statement was released (See Annex) calling for a national and international mobilization against the G20 and IMF next 30 November and a "Week of Action" 25/11 to December 1, which will include all initiatives carried out jointly or generated by the organizations during these days. Some organizations also advocate as an own initiative conducting a "counter-summit" of peoples.

Present at the meeting the member organizations of the "Confluence Outside the G20-IMF" in Argentina, which will conform Saturday September 1 at the Faculty of Cs. Social and integrate the CTA Peron, CTA Info, MST our anticapitalist Network, ATTAC Argentina, Jubilee South, Free South, Avoid, PCR, Patria Grande, UP, PST (The), Conlutas, Frente Popular Darío Santillán, FOL, Feminist Forum, emerging, Socialist convergence (LV), Multisector anti-Extractive, among many other organizations. On behalf of the "Continental Day for Democracy and Against Neoliberalism" (2) They took part in the meeting leader Rafael Freire of the Trade Union Confederation of the Americas (CSA), leader of the CUT and the PT in Brazil, and Alberto Villareal Network / Friends of the Earth Uruguay. representatives of international secretariats of the CTA led by Yasky and the CGT were also present.

He has achieved this declaration and the call to mobilize the coordination unit 30/11 It is a good foothold to achieve an important action of repudiation. Like any mobilization action to be carried out without any sectarianism. Which does not mean that we hide the differences between the convenor. For example, in the pre-approval of the resolution exhibitions and joint actions, there was a brief discussion on the current situation in which from the MST and anti-capitalist in Red raised our differences.

As well as the representative of the CSA (CUT-PT), He described the current situation as a "conservative restoration", a characterization widely used to support the path of previous governments 'progressive', We differ with these statements and note that against the offensive of big capital against the rights of workers and peoples actions of the mass movement that roamed the planet rose, from two million women and movements they mobilize against Trump within the imperialist giant, to the enormous resistance to plans Macri and the movement for legal abortion in Argentina and then, the greater unity of action possible should be achieved in mobilizing and that was the spirit we attended that meeting.

The "Confluence Outside the G20- IMF "of Argentina will meet next 29 September to 14 hs. the faculty of Cs. To continue coordinating social previous actions and the progress of 30 November and calls upon all organizations willing to come together in a united action to participate in its deliberations.

Some events in the coming weeks

Reproduce some of the events that were considered at the meeting for initiatives when trading.

Women 20 (W20): Companions grouped in the Feminist Forum called to take action and a "feminist forum" when the Women20 meet, an affinity group to meet in Buenos Aires next 1 Y 3 October. This time the meeting will be chaired by Susana Balbo businesswoman Argentina. Several women's and gender rights organizations raised the need to coordinate a common action to lift themselves against this event claims.
Business 20 (B20): he 4 Y 5 October will meet in Buenos Aires. Argentina will travel to hundreds of CEOs of major multinationals in the world. Argentina will attend the IAU, the Rural Society, Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Construction, Stock Exchange and Adeba. The sea, the cream of the bourgeoisie Argentina with representatives of multinationals that dominate the world.

Urban20: It is a meeting that will include the mayors of the largest cities in the world to be held in Buenos Aires 29 Y 30 October invited by the mayor of PRO Enrique Larreta and address issues related to life in big cities. Or rather the conduct of business in big cities.
New meeting of G20 finance ministers: in Buenos Aires from the 26 al 29 of November.

Must be prepared for a great action 30 of November

Implementation of one of the hardest adjustments in recent years to meet IMF prescriptions, with the arrival of Trump to Argentina, greatly facilitate the workers and explain to the people about the nefarious role played by the G20, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and all credit agencies of imperialism.

Strong action would not only be a blow to the policy of the IMF in Argentina but would be taken with great sympathy for all peoples struggling against imperialism and help their struggles.

To achieve this we must regain lost time. You can not miss the opportunity again when he came Lagarde as happened last July and mobilizations were modest, mainly driven by the left and the CGT was content to raise a protest letter signed agreement and many organizations with great power to mobilize only small columns highlighted the protests scheduled.

Now we must change, the unions starting with the CGT and following CTAs have to make a plan of assemblies in all workplaces to explain the need to mobilize the full force 20/11, as part of a battle plan to defeat Macri agreement with IMF. And for that day they would have to call a general strike to promote mobilization in every corner of the country.

And before some danger that the government decreeing complete day off for fear of popular mobilization must be provided for all transport mechanisms to surround thousands Trump and imperialist summit.
The same should do the leaders of the student movement, social organizations, women's movement, etc.

In turn, the leaders of the workers and peoples, the leaders of central and workers' organizations in the world, FOs, social, student, of women, environmentalists, fighters and anti-imperialist organizations, ultimately all facing policies and governments that support this brutal imperialist capitalist system should call do the most massive and decisive actions this 30/11.

Gustavo Giménez

Called "affinity groups" are meetings parallel to the ministerial meetings and government officials "civil society". We can find among its components business representatives, NGO tolerated by the system, addicts unionists, They are trying to "contribute" to the discussions body, and yet critical glances sometimes partially support the operation of this imperialist body.

Continental Day for Democracy and Against Neoliberalism groups, among other, a la CSA, Latin American Confederation of Rural Organizations CLOC-Via Campesina, Jubilee South / Americas, Friends of the earth, World March of Women, the Continental Coordination of Social Movements of ALBA, the PIT-CNT and the Campaign Against Impunity Corporate.

ANNEXED: Declaration adopted at the international meeting against the G20 IMF

International call to Mobilize against the G20 and the IMF

By political sovereignties, environmental, cultural and economic life of our peoples and our bodies
as organizations, processes and international movements, national and local, the working people, farmer, native to, afrodescendant, feminist, retired / as, migrants, students, defenders of the rights of individuals and peoples, enviroment, the commons and climate justice, the rights of children, of genre, among others, we fight from our various expressions of organization and struggle to advance the Capital on our lives, bodies and territories, We call people and movements around the world to mobilize in Argentina and in all our countries on 30 November this 2018 and also to join the Action Week 25 November to 1 from December, against G20, the IMF and its agenda of domination.
Between 30 November and December 1 will be held in the South American country the G20 Summit, where the Heads of State of the member countries and organizations will discuss issues of great importance, including the state of the world economy, the future of work and food and infrastructure development.
Connoisseurs of such enclaves to determine new forms of exploitation in each of the living spaces of our peoples, We manifest our repudiation to the realization of this Summit, that comes to reaffirm the brutal setback imposed on his country's government Mauricio Macri and seek to extend to the entire region and world. Argentina is today a concentrated laboratory liberalization policies, debt and privatization that drive the G20 with the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank and others and have mortgaged the future of the country and condemned millions of workers / es and their families to a situation of exclusion and misery.
We believe that this G20 Summit, which brings together the most powerful countries in the world with other "emerging", no more legitimacy than what it purports to usurp based on its size and power, It will serve as a new platform for advancing public policy counter to the progress achieved internationally on human rights, paz, sovereignty, environmental rights, labor, among others. The onslaught that neoliberal capitalism carries on, impoverishing, hungering, excluding and repressing the popular majority, undermining the chances of building democracy and perpetuating impunity architecture at the service of transnational corporatism, It consolidates through this forum. That is why it is our duty to manifest conclusively, expressing our absolute rejection and visible the urgency and possibility of real alternatives.
We can not allow the future of our rights to work, social welfare,education and free public health, food sovereignty, our territories and integrity, is in the hands of elites who despise our people and profit from insecurity to which they subject their decisions. It's the future our, of new generations of all peoples and life on this planet which is in check.
For these reasons we call for mobilization. We call on all peoples and their organizations, united in diversity, to show that we do not accept the policies promoted and implemented by the G20 and we will work jointly from different countries and specific to self-determine our future and face the impositions of powerful economic elites and military. Given the fierce advance aims to achieve total control of our lives, our global response must be strong and protected by the right to protest that we wanted to be unknown and repressed to deny the legitimate expression of our resistance.
For a world without the dominance of transnational corporatism and its model of trade liberalization and debt, with respect for the rights of peoples and nature and the possibility of building democratic alternatives based on our sovereignty and integration as peoples, We call to participate in a wide Action Week 25/11 al 1/12 and to mobilize in Argentina and all over the world the day 30 November against the G20 and the IMF.

Outside G20-IMF meeting

Continental Day for Democracy and Against Neoliberalism-Buenos Aires, 11.9.18

First International Adhesions
ALBA Movements
Friends of the Earth Latin America and the Caribbean
Anticapitalist Network
CSP-Conlutas - Central Sindical y Popular Brazil
Ecological Voices Collective COVEC (Panama)
Our America Trade Union Meeting (ESNA)
Digna Economics Study Group - GEED (Colombia)
Jubilee South Americas
Friends of the Earth Argentina
Assembly not to G2
Assembly without TLC Argentina Best
ddhh Cañada de Gomez Association
ATTAC Argentina
Barrios de Pie
Central of Workers of the Autonomous Argentina
Latin American and Caribbean Confederation of State Workers (CLATE)
Confederation of Workers People's Economy (CTEP)
Collective Subversiones-Baccalaureate Popular Parque Patricios
Left Current Policy (CPI)
Socialist democracy
Dialogue 2000
Foundation for Social Research and Policy (FISYP)
People's Movement - for feminist socialism from below (Current Popular Juana Azurduy // Frente Popular Darío Santillán // Frente Popular Darío Santillán-current National // Latin American Unity Movement and Social Change)
Evita movement
Patria Grande Popular Movement
Workers' Socialist Movement (MST)
o.p. Hundred fires