Brazil: A government crisis before starting

Before he took, Bolsonaro began having trouble implementing your project entreguista. También para mantener a sus electores y seguidores que ya dudan si su gobierno va a ser realmente contra la corrupción. The first crisis faced Bolsonaro was the attempt to unify the Ministry of Environment in Agriculture, which very clearly would put environmental reserves in the hands of two large landholders, between lines fulfilling his campaign promise, that in its governments there will not be one centimeter of territorial demarcation for indigenous peoples and black communities. When it was announced this proposal, the recent government received a barrage of criticism from various technical fields, political and popular, what made this idea is quickly rethought.

While he is presenting this measure, which sought to please fans of his government, Jair Bolsonaro began to feel that another problem beating your door, part of his constituents began using social networks to demand explanations from the president-elect, of that in your group and its future government names are people involved in corruption, such as the Head of Government Transition, Onyx Lorenzoni, who admitted having received money from the Caixa 2 by JBS.

The other names that came out to integrate this future government protofascist, is the deputy Alberto Fraga, convicted of corruption.
In another attempt to bring an end to the discontent of voters and prevent a crisis deepens with its base, Bolsonaro formalized the invitation to Judge Sergio Moro to be decoupled from Lava Jato operation and assume as a future Minister of Justice. Invitation would not be questioned, if not this judge who had some "guilt" that has been elected president Bolsonaro, since his main opponent was convicted in a process accelerated (where even they missed several tests) driven by the already appointed Judge, and was what prevented Lula may be a candidate.

The invitation to Moro becomes even more suspicious when the vice president-elect, General Mourao, He says the judge was consulted for this offer several weeks ago. It is wondering whether this offer was not before the first round of the elections. What happens is that during the first round, Sergio Moro issued the statement of former Minister Antonio Pallocci petista and although there was nothing to change the course of the investigation in its content and the information was already known through other investigations, This maneuver by the judge on the eve of elections gave room to think that what happened was to put together a scene in the political game and reap the rewards in the future.

All these events took place in less than two weeks. Bolsonaro that can not calmly advance and consolidate their traitorous project is already becoming clear. The task now is to build a strong organization that is the vanguard of resistance, and presented as a real alternative left for the people.

Unfortunately some on the left, which also make PSOL, They continue to claim that this is no time to take stock of the mistakes made before and during the election process; from Socialist Alternative we are convinced that only with a deep balance, to help steer the direction we can move forward on a solid construction on the left. Right only grows when the left fails as an option and the population is a false progressivism as an alternative. We need to build that alternative, have a national project and anti-capitalist and socialist world, with the social bases empowered, to achieve forcefully confront the government, real output betting against fascism.

Lucas Tine. Socialist alternative, Brazil

reproduced from Anticapitalist Network

Nov 8, 2018