25-N: International Day Against Gender Violence

Different expressions of feminism are a whole: millions of women fighting for our rights. So we set the course for feminist strike on 8-M. Again we will mobilize massively and unitarily. The Fourth World feminist wave is here to stay and we are part of it, We claim the heterogeneity that gives color, creativity, freshness and strength to fight for the rights of feminism.

Patriarchal machismo escarmienta, or in social life or institutions. In 18 years have killed around 2.000 women by male violence, taking this number only as a minimum reference because it only includes couples with an affectionate relationship. It is a shame that the data is so unreliable and that these crimes are not recognized for what they really are: femicidios.

... We demand the heterogeneity that gives color, creativity, freshness and strength to fight for the rights of feminism.

The State Pact, which it was also started by mobilizing, just it is a partial palliative measures. So is the budget only 200 EUR million for gender to such a problem of violence against women that crosses society.

Institutional violence continues to express, Case Pack and subsequent release of rapists is only the most brutal expression of an action that is repeated daily. While judges are not democratically elected by popular vote, revocable mandate and there is no real equal representation of women, institutions will punish more victims than victimizers.

... that the Fourth World feminist wave becomes a tsunami for the right of women.

The Catholic Church gets into our beds and our ovaries, covered in the political and economic power of the state. They decreed what can be done and what can not be done in our lives, decide on our own body when prevent legal and free abortion, even when put obstacles to access it, as in the Spanish State. And we punish in accordance with their reactionary values ​​and violent.

Housework and unpaid care, the huge wage gap with men, the "glass ceiling" and job insecurity, mainly on young women and immigrants; complete the double box oppression and exploitation to which machismo subjects us like normal. They want to naturalize the role imposed upon us in society and in the family, but we do not want that.

Even so, we are increasingly, we are increasingly united and we demand more countries like feminist movement. This 25-N have to win the streets with all our vitality, let us make us feel strongly. It will be one more push for the 8th-M do feminist strike and mass action, for the Fourth World feminist wave becomes a tsunami for the right of women.

There are many reasons to speak out, raise our hands making symbol that identifies us and win the streets. We will be there from Boards and to the left and we will continue until capitalism and patriarchy fall together.