Venezuela, Marea Socialista about 23F: “it was a failure…”

“To interventionism and totalitarianism, We propose a consultative referendum and a real constituent process”. United Socialist, as part of the Alliance for the consultative referendum, drives this proposal whose purpose is to avoid intervention and war, and that is the sovereign people to decide, to go to the re-legitimization of all powers through general elections.

24 February 2019.- Marea Socialista today issued a statement that evaluates the day of 23F and the attempt to introduce alleged “humanitarian aid”, regardless of international conventions and regulations, like a “smokescreen” to cover the trigger for an interventionist operation in the country.
Marea that operating “it was a failure”, but considered just like “prelude to further escalation”, because they think “Guaidó now appeal to the imperialist dad to defend you”.

The organization always left clarifies that “not to reject interventionism and the putschist actions of the traditional right left to face the authoritarian and anti-labor policies of Nicolas Maduro”. Precisely distance of the two ends of the polarization, the leadership of Marea, insists that “it is necessary to appeal to a constitutional referendum to be the people who decide the solution of the conflict between a parallel government as an instrument of the US, with a nefarious government that has fed the Venezuelan people, as is the bureaucracy of madurista”. MS must be “subject to a consultative referendum re-legitimization of all power in general elections, as a democratic alternative to overcome this situation that has us between a rock and a hard place, between war and hunger”. Thus they were expressed Zuleika Matamoros, Gustavo Martinez and Gonzalo Gómez, members of the national team led to this political current.

Below we reproduce the full content of Marea Socialista Press:

To interventionism and totalitarianism, We propose a consultative referendum and a real constituent process

Amid the situation, without our hopes pinned on a bourgeois elections, We raise the flag for the consultative referendum, On one side, as a democratic alternative to seeking, with the participation of the sovereign people, a possible solution to the current conflict in Venezuela, you can avoid intervention and war. On the other hand, We propose the consultative referendum as a way to differentiate the two domes now vying for power at the expense of the suffering of the workers and the people. Also we tried to open another path, with the regrouping of fighters, personalities, groups and political currents of the left and “Chavez critic”, as well as sectors of the political center, who are neither with nor Maduro and Guaidó; this in order to ensure the emergence of a third force, autonomous, to escape the constraints of polarization between the madurista bureaucracy and capitalist sectors that are reflected in the traditional right with imperialist backing.

But this approach must be accompanied by a thorough debate on which country we need from the perspective of the workers and the people. Maduro already showed what sectors of the world bourgeoisie responds and has also shown Guaidó who responds and who will respond, as an instrument of Trump and US imperialism. This is giving us the opportunity to discuss the country, your economy, the use of resources and the production model in a democratic process of the workers and the people. It is trying to rescue a true constitutional process, which allows somehow regain political role of the working class and oppressed sectors, as any of the other options would mean remain in the hands of one or another government that will respond in their own way to the imperial bourgeoisie and the global capitalist order at the expense of ourselves.

This was a 23F day in Venezuela, the rightist opposition gave a deadline: Era “the day D” that it would “Maduro leave”. It was not the showcase “humanitarian aid” where Trump and its satellite governments in the region managed to divide an important sector of the Venezuelan Armed Forces, facilitating a coup to Maduro and install a fully managed government from the White House.

Mobilization towards the barracks had called Guaidó not given as expected, people know what face to go to this call, even though the government of Maduro, beyond propaganda, is a weakened and powerless to address the economic and social collapse of the country, has shown its repressor mood and exposed to death or imprisonment was not the election that took Venezuelans largely, desperate, have supported this option more ultra right and meddlesome.
Guaidó is the product of a political and communications strategy which is based on reviving optimism huge disaffected sections of the masses, convincing them that within days there will be an outcome that will lead them to the government.

Interventionists assembly ended with the self-proclaimed president in Colombia

On both sides of the border bridge Simón Bolívar and few meters apart, two concerts were performed both domes. Then, a video in which three officials FANB deserting it went viral and crossed the bridge. Such poorly assembled show which added six soldiers to its ranks. To close this scene of failure Guaidó went to Colombia and from the other side of our territory appealed to his “leadership” the armed forces and promised “nullifying” the qualification of traitors, for troops crossing the border, but the mass defection of military did not give. The offer is not paid off. The “defections” they occurred were very low and it was not the Military High Command.

Guaidó is displayed with the most recalcitrant politicians of the right regional Ivan Duque, Sebastian Pinera, Mario Abdo and Luis Almagro, They are proud to be showing the faces of those enfilan imperialist interference in Venezuela.

He “great achievement” on the right was passing a truck on the border with Brazil, not knowing where and how will the distribution of “supplies” who managed to reach Venezuelan soil, but with the detail that the “self-proclaimed president” It is in foreign territory.

Burning trucks: A dish served to interventionism

Almost at the end of a long day afternoon, Juan Guaidó announces an alleged entry of trucks passing Ureña, The result was tear gas and two burned trucks. Industry propaganda this time the war drums sounds and says that this was an act of war against Colombia, while the Maduro government through its propaganda industry belies the fact blaming the same right-wing opposition of being the perpetrators of the burning. To the fake news and false positives are used on both sides of the domes that are played Power, but this particular, It gives you the ability to justify military aggression by the Colombian army, obviously accompanied Southern Command.

Although the meddling and interventionism disguised as the action taken this victory 23F, the truth is that it failed to divide the armed forces, it was one of the principalísimos objectives that had been raised, and he remained on the Colombian side Guaidó, without possibility of entering Venezuelan territory, because you risk being imprisoned. Nevertheless, It has announced its participation in the Group of Lima, and is the argument of the attack on Colombia by burning trucks of humanitarian aid. It highlights the “gazapos” of the Constitution of the year 1999 and they are appealing to Article 187, literal 11 in which it is stated that the National Assembly may authorize an intervention of foreign troops, thus distort the meaning of that literal in which the term “missions” military equivalent of representations and not armies, as in the case of calls “diplomatic missions”.

This is done with the convoluted unconstitutional instrument created by the opposition AN (now the government “parallel” of Guaidó) called Status of Transition, which envisages authorize “humanitarian aid” and seek international support to strengthen the “territorial sovereignty” the intended government.
Mature, though weakened, remains in power. A mobilization, more nourished by public officials required to attend that anti-imperialists, Maduro breaks political and diplomatic relations with Colombia. Insults and vulgar expressions, who thinks that approach the poor people, He dropped the pearl he could pay all humanitarian aid from Brazil and challenges Guaidó to convene presidential elections. Fallacies desperate in power depends, as well as the traditional right, support or otherwise of

Armed forces

Maduro clearly shows what their priorities are. While workers in Venezuela are subjected to extremely precarious conditions (salaries reaching less than 10 dollars a month, food distribution through the governing party, higher prices and shortages of medicines, etc.) yesterday immediately offered to pay the price of humanitarian aid from Brazil and the European Union, then proving that the impoverishment of life of the Venezuelan is a question that only attend if you have fallen threat of seeing their government.

No less important detail, is the “challenge” Maduro who invites to Guaidó to convene presidential elections. What remains in the air are more doubts than certainties: How convene a National Assembly elections “ilegalizada”? Why not convenes, with agreement to change the CNE? Why instead of calling Venezuelans are killed if he personally something happens, does not prevent the bloodshed that promotes the right injerencista? How do you intend that the people who stayed in the country is left holding the hardships defend kill him and his government?

For a workers' party and the people

For workers and the people is imperative to oppose and confront the imperialist offensive it is to take our resources and to impose their own discipline. Maduro has the same face entreguista to transnational bourgeoisie Guaidó. The bourgeoisie of empires has been strengthened by a government that has falsified the whole premise of socialism. Be Chinese, the Russians or the Americans the country's resources are its priority. The bureaucratic bourgeoisie that has made the government does not want to leave the game.

While they play war drums, The exploited workers, the oppressed we advance our own movilizatoria agenda against the imperialist offensive that peeks out from behind Guaidó and against Maduro. We know the dire consequences from the organizational point of view, not have a Central Obrera, or autonomous popular movement organizations, but from Marea Socialista we call for a program to organize workers.

For now it is important to understand that for workers the “plan Country” of Guaidó, is a program that guarantees economic stability and profit the bourgeoisie, not workers. Stability will be depending on business. Something like representing the government of Maduro, but faced pro-interventionist and gringa, more war. They not oppose Maduro rebuild our country.

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Facebook: United Socialist

Before the interventionism and totalitarianism consultative referendum and true constitutional process

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