Declaration on Venezuela against imperialist interference and a working out of the crisis

For just over a month ago, We are witnessing a blatant interventionism of imperialism on Venezuela. Unsuccessful attempt of 23F will not be the last. Meanwhile, the economic and social crisis that millions of workers and the poor Venezuelan people have been suffering and suffering continues to deepen., living in a country deteriorated to the limit, with this unbearable poverty and decay.

Trump uses the popular desperation by the collapse of the economy and the enormous prestige of government Maduro, whom most of the population, justly, responsible for their sufferings, to launch this unacceptable interference on the Venezuelan nation and still threatening a military intervention to impose their puppet, the right-wing Juan Guaidó, who auto chose as interim president.

The US government has for this advanced with the active collaboration of the governments of the Group of Lima, fully functional mandates "master of the North", and the complicity of the European Union and other international organizations, who after the call to "dialogue" play the role of "good cop" of this interventionist offensive of imperialism.

This coup attempt allegedly carried forward in the name of "democracy", "human rights" and "humanitarian aid" for the people. Something that is an incredible cynicism in the mouth of Donald Trump and officials from more overwhelming democratic rights of government in the world, responsible for the hunger of hundreds of millions of human beings, bloody wars, looting and mass exoduses. The Ivan Duque, President of Colombia and representative of a regime of terror responsible for thousands of disappearances and violations of human rights and proto fascist Jair Bolsonaro, defender of the worst dictatorship in the history of Brazil, which they are responsible to announce the menial positions Lima Group with other right-wing anti-worker as Mauricio Macri.

We reject aggression being carried out. All the cackling about "democracy" around it is at the service of imposing an illegitimate government that allows them to large corporations plunder at will the vast resources of Venezuela, which will bring more hardship for workers and the Venezuelan people.

Maduro's government

At the same time, It is a fact that the government of Nicolas Maduro has lost all social consensus. The huge demonstrations and protests against being developed in Venezuela, to which have added numerous contingents from the townships, prove it.

His policy of holding him and all the bureaucracy that profits from the spoils derived from state control to negotiated, causing a huge embezzling the nation, while capitalist rule with friends and still allows foreign corporations get rich, He is responsible for the humanitarian crisis in the sister Caribbean country and the indignation of the Venezuelan people no longer supports handedness, corruption and hardship to which it is subjected.

The current government of Venezuela has nothing to do with the left or socialism. Neither the leftist nationalism of the era of Chavez, he rode in a mass mobilization took some progressive steps that enabled significant improvements in the living standards of working people. Mature, behind a liar anti imperialist discourse, It has reversed that process. Even in these times of imperialist aggression and threat coup, He has taken a single measure against imperialist corporations or the bourgeoisie behind the coup: still paying foreign debt and allowing capital flight, while he subjected the people to wages not even enough to feed a single day. The Maduro is a capitalist government using repressive methods to contain popular discontent and defend their privileges. The bureaucracy in power, with their actions, It is responsible for strengthening nefarious characters like Guaidó, and the PT has been the emergence of Bolsonaro in Brazil and all Latin American progressivism false, that after a long time, alternatives emerge again right.

Maduro can not continue to rule six years. He has lost popular support and can only be sustained on the basis of the armed forces and an increasingly brutal repression, such as that unleashed in Nicaragua Daniel Ortega to stay in power against the will of the popular majority.

Nor can it accept a puppet government imposed by the United States, is the way it is. And if they try by means of a military coup backed invasion or military sectors, workers and peoples who suffer daily attacks of the imperialist beast and hambreadoras bourgeoisies, we must close ranks and encourage an international mobilization to defeat.

For a workers out of the crisis

Faced with all this and with the great concern that millions of Venezuelans have about what might happen the next few weeks, we believe that today Venezuela output passes through the articulation of a series of policy proposals and program, independent of both the interests of US imperialism, European, chino, Russian and Vatican, as the Venezuelan government and the bureaucracy that has perched on power.

It is mobilized independently working people alone can give an appropriate response to the needs of the majority of the population. Needless to promote and impose a revolutionary constituent process to be workers who discuss and decide what to do with oil, mining, the salaries, inflation, the external debt, public health and education, corruption and all major national issues. And implement an emergency economic plan to leave the boot repay foreign debt, recover the millions sent to offshore accounts, regain full control of production, distribution and marketing oil under control of their workers without intervention of foreign corporations, breaking all mining agreements looting the country and destroy nature, these resources provide an important and urgent wage increase to all sectors and strict control of foreign trade and domestic production to curb inflation punishing companies that continue to increase prices.

To strengthen this policy, It is very important that the classist labor forces and the Venezuelan revolutionary left, that they have been opposing foreign interventionism, Guaidó and also to face the Maduro administration and bureaucracy daily, by honest intellectuals and other popular fighters also move forwards together to form an alternative anticapitalist and really socialist policy for Venezuela. With the strategy of accumulating social and political force that the proposal that the workers are those who govern and decide everything, Go gained increasing strength, sympathy and social support. And help new generations to join militants to organize politically as these objectives.

Out Yankees Venezuela!
Neither Guaidó nor Maduro! Everyone leaves!
By the independent mobilization of the working class and the people!
Let the people decide their fate worker!
For a workers emergency plan!
Let govern workers!
Anticapitalist Network - Turkey PST
Ankara, 27 February 2019

reproduced from Anticapitalist Network