U.S: pride and rebellion on the streets of New York

ByLuis Meiners LIS United States

At 51 anniversary of the stonewall uprising, tens of thousands took to the streets once more. The Queer Liberation March for Black Lives and Against Police Brutality brought back the spirit of rebellion against oppression and the state institutions that are its executing arm.. Pride and rebellion took to the streets. The call to defund, disarm and dismantle the police, and the scream of Black Trans Lives Matter, were the most widespread demands of the march.

The march was organized by the Reclaim Pride Coalition, which follows the tradition of the Stonewall uprising, understanding that pride has always been a protest against a system of oppression. The Coalition calls for a march «against the exploitation of our communities for profit and against corporate and state“ pink washing ”, as displayed in Pride celebrations around the world, including the New York Pride Parade ». And it has a comprehensive program against all forms of economic oppression and inequality..

In a situation marked by rebellion against systemic racism, the fight against the institutions that impose oppression has become a central demand. This has particularly taken the form of a massive rebellion at the national level demanding immediate defunding of the police and aimed at their dismantling.. In this sense, the march demanded "a fifty percent reduction in the NYPD budget with a fifty percent reduction in the police force. Those funds must be dedicated to services that include housing, medical care, restorative and restorative education and justice for black and brown communities ".

The Trump administration's right-wing agenda has included an assault on the rights that the LGBT community has won through decades of struggle.. The most recent example of this is a direct attack on trans people.. Trump withdrew a rule prohibiting discrimination based on gender identity in health care. Black trans women face the most brutal forms of oppression. He 15 of June, tens of thousands of people took to the streets across the country, with a big rally in Brooklyn, por Black Trans Lives, after the murder of two black trans women, Dominique “Rem’Mie” Fells, from 27 years, from philadelphia, y Riah Milton, from 25 years, de Cincinnati, Ohio. This was also one of the central demands of today's march.

These recent massive actions confirm that a new situation is developing. The ongoing rebellion has radicalized thousands. It is a time to fight all forms of oppression. We must continue the fight against the institutions that act as its executing arm, fighting to disarm, defund and dismantle the police. To end oppression we have to fight against the capitalist system that reproduces it. This is a rare time to organize to achieve it..

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