Nahuel Moreno to 34 years of his death

It is a new anniversary of the death of the founder of the historical current from which the MST of Argentina and other organizations that make up the LIS come. We remember him through some of his teachings. An essential theoretical and political legacy of rigorous actuality for the construction of the party and the International.

Guillermo Pacagnini

Moreno was one of the most important Trotskyist referents and undoubtedly the main one in Latin America. Recognized even by his most staunch detractors, he had the merit of being one of the few leaders who took the post of continuing on Trotsky's path after his death and in the midst of an adverse political panorama., getting to set up one of the main currents of the international Trotskyist movement.

He dedicated his life to building the party and international activity, without stopping to venture into academia and the intelligentsia.

Who we come from the current that founded, we always honor him based on our tradition: far from all cult of his figure, but emphasizing some of the valuable tools that remain valid for intervention in the rich current reality full of opportunities to build ourselves.

Our tribute also focuses on transmitting to the younger generations and highlighting those pillars and foundations in the militancy as a whole., on which reworking and updating the theory, the program and organization, we daily build the party and the international that can lead the workers to take power and begin to build socialism in Argentina and the world.

I propose a reflection around some of these teachings, in my opinion, essential for their decisive weight in our history and for their undoubted timeliness.

Trust in the working class

The genetic mark that Moreno imprinted on our current is the scientific trust in the working class and the need to build the party within it., intervening in their struggles and being part of it. Carrying our policy, but also being willing to learn. Promoting the most absolute workers' democracy and winning the best leaders and activists to contribute to the construction of the party.

We inherited from Moreno that trust in the working class. That while the working class fights, there is hope that the world will change. And precisely the working class beyond the ups and downs has not stopped fighting for decades. Has overthrown governments, it has brought down regimes that were enthroned for years and that is what makes us confident in a better world.

We believe in mobilization as the only way to achieve changes. We dispute in all areas in which the class struggle is expressed, but we are convinced that only the mobilized working class can defeat the capitalist power.

Without a doubt, along with tradition and morals, Confidence in the class has been what has allowed us to build ourselves without giving in to mass phenomena that were poles of attraction for the avant-garde. Like the class conciliation promoted by Peronism, the guerrilla focus or the belief that the bourgeois democracy of the early Alfonsinistas would solve all the ills. It is the one that allowed us not to succumb to the siren songs of neo reformism, Possibilities and Kirchner variants, as unfortunately did a sector that claimed to be left.

When the campaign that "socialism failed" took place, many currents of thought gave up on recognizing the working class as the subject of the revolution. Today, faced with the new situation that the world is experiencing from the crisis of the capitalist model, the renewed role of the working class is shown in full force alongside other social actors, continues to be the fundamental raw material to nurture the construction of the party. And from that location, with that anchor, intervene in all processes of the feminist movement, the student body, neighborhoods, environmental struggles, disputing the political and union leadership.

The road to the masses

A second pillar has undoubtedly been Moreno's obsession with abandoning the marginality in which Trotskyism was and building the party from within the processes, fighting sectarianism and also opportunism.

Trotsky in the Transitional Program, polemicizing with sectarians, raised that who is not able to find the way to reach the masses and only content with being a group, no matter how much program it has, it is a dead weight for the revolution. Moreno, following that path, He constantly sought how to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the class struggle for the party to connect with the mass movement. Building within worker Peronism in times of resistance, intervening in the rise after Cordobazo not only in the struggles but in the electoral opening, developing the campaign against the payment of the debt in the time of Alfonsín and exploring confluences always based on the strategy of building the party taking advantage of opportunities when other sectors of the left took refuge in sectarian dogmatism. The result of this is that it succeeded in turning Trotskyism into a dynamic force and embodying itself in a strong current while other formerly strong opportunist sectors, disappeared from history.

Today, this is much more important since there is a huge opportunity. Although Trotskyism has not been transformed by various circumstances into a majority current in the workers' and popular movement, There are millions who, seeing and feeling the tremendous crisis of capitalism, begin to walk the road to revolution and to look with sympathy towards the revolutionary left.. Which opens opportunities everywhere that if we know how to take advantage, can mean quality advancements in construction. The LIS experience is a clear example of this..

The passion to build the party

Just as Moreno always fought for the party to connect with sectors of the masses and get involved in the processes, being bold in tactics and fighting sectarianism, I always did it with a goal: build and strengthen the Party. This has also been a central feature of our current: the opposite of opportunism, because we appeal to the various tactics that we mentioned to explore the confluence with other sectors and compete in better conditions, we did it always maintaining the political and organizational independence of our party. We fight to set up revolutionary parties with mass influence in our country and in the rest of the world. We vindicate the Leninist project, of parties of action that are tempered in the central combats of the workers and popular movement. We are committed to forming a strong nucleus of cadres and militants who are capable of building an organization in which thousands of workers take place., young people and women who leave the old parties and move away from the system's proposals, to contribute to the struggle for a workers' and popular government that leads the total change of society.


Undoubtedly Moreno marked the fundamental leap in our history international political work. Because the fate of the labor movement in a country is inextricably linked to the class struggle at the world level, just as in a province it is linked to the national situation. A large part of the militancy of Moreno and of our current paid for the construction of an international current. Because it helps us to achieve greater fairness in policy and orientation in each country. But fundamentally because without international organization, no matter how small, it is impossible to build national parties and really contest power.

Moreno made Trotsky's premise flesh: the revolution that starts in a country, if it is not continued in others, makes it difficult to maintain conquests and will most likely regress. Thus, at the same time that one builds a party in a country, it is essential to help build parties in all countries of the world. Imperialism has its international organization. To succeed, we workers also need a global organization. And based on this, all the efforts and investment of resources are worth it.. Because, many times we have weakened our own construction to build an international perspective. Moreno played for building matches in all the countries he could. He always remarked that the workers of the world have the same problems, for this reason it is essential to build a party everywhere.

Moreno also insisted that there is no possibility that a national party, no matter how big and strong it is, achieve triumph. Today it can be seen more clearly than in the time when Moreno lived. Because in this globalized world, the only way to succeed, even in one country, It is by first achieving a relationship of forces that allows us to have a powerful international organization.

About construction strategy, Moreno always stressed that the development of an international was not a merely evolutionary or linear process, rather, you had to bet on mergers and jumps. That is why he was not only obsessive about founding parties, Rather, he was convinced that it was also necessary to explore the confluence with other revolutionary sectors, even from other traditions.. Question that we have been facing, developing and reworking in our international work.

That is why all the energies that we are placing in the construction of the LIS (International Socialist League). Its rapid development demonstrates not only the objective possibilities, but the priority location that internationalism has in our activity.

Far from dogmatism

The permanent elaboration with a critical spirit and starting from reality is the other milestone that we want to highlight from Moreno's legacy. He was a profound student of Marxism, which is not to take it as a dogma and a recipe but as a scientific method to update and improve according to reality. Analyzing new phenomena with an open head. After Trotsky's death there were tremendous facts that the Russian leader could not know, like the emergence of revolutions without working class or revolutionary party. And there were sectors of Trotskyism who believed that they were not revolutions because they did not fit into the scheme they had.. Moreno, advanced in critical elaborations in hisTransition Program Update, the study of revolutions against dictatorships and the law of reversal of causality, among other. All are a fundamental part of our theoretical baggage and are current. Without them it would be very difficult to explain many of the phenomena that occurred after the Second World War.  

This is very important because we saw ourselves in an analogous situation in the face of immense phenomena that happened after Moreno's death.. Perhaps the greatest historical change was the fall of the Stalinist world apparatus and now the systemic crisis of capitalism and the tremendous processes that it is unleashing.. That is why we appeal to this method of being critical of Morenoism itself., rescuing its essence. And because of that, advance in new elaborations in the theoretical field, political and organizational.

The validity of these pillars

These teachings are key points of reference today that we are living a much greater stage of openness than that experienced by Moreno. New phenomena arise daily to interpret and intervene. The use of these pillars at the service of critical reflection has allowed us to walk a path of new elaborations. Convinced that in order to successfully face the tasks posed by the multiplicity of opportunities that arise, it is essential to draw as many conclusions and lessons as possible. We began a political year with enormous challenges in the construction of the LIS and its sections in the five continents . Walking this path with the greatest militant energy is the best tribute we can pay to Moreno. We will continue fighting to change this world convinced that ours is not utopian. The only thing utopian, pure science fiction, is to believe that capitalism is going to solve some problem. Thus, the best tribute to Moreno is to continue building the party, the International, and continue to believe in the working class and the mobilization, and in which a socialist world is possible and necessary. Moreno would surely tell us to keep fighting, because there is nothing or no one to tell us that we cannot succeed.