Argentina, 30N: thousands against the G-20 and IMF
In Buenos Aires there was a massive unity march behind the flag: "Outside G20-IMF". The Summit of the imperialist leaders, Aires gathered to discuss how to download the capitalist crisis on workers and peoples, He had a week of protests with different expressions of repudiation, Contra Summit on 29 Congress Plaza and culminating with this massive mobilization whose combative postcards were beamed around the world and cover many of the major publications.

The broad arc unit, within which our party played an active role, It was a channel which allowed not only convene and ensure progress, but to overcome the real obstacle deployed by the government of Macri and his minister Bullrrich. With the city virtually under siege, with an unprecedented deployment of thousands of Argentine and foreign repressive forces armed with weapons of all kinds, with suspended basic transport and a real campaign of terror aimed to instill fear in the population and prevent mobilization, tens of thousands of trabajadorxs, women and young people have decided to move is an important victory without a doubt.

Firmness have maintained the will to mobilize for 9 of July, Avenida de Mayo and reach the Congress, He persuaded the government should go back in their attempts to reduce to a minimum the protest and marginalize an area without public visibility. The strength of the march and organization, They avoided the provocations by the repressive forces and thrown overboard doomsayers forecasts announced by the spokesmen and pro-government media.
There were some selective arrests repudiate from the MST as part of MVJ Meeting and space that organized the march and demand the release of all the comrades and desprocesamientos ellxs.
Los K, absent with notice
The march was clearly hegemonized the left and consortia, with a good presence of various social movements, international delegations, CTAs and anti-globalization and anti-imperialist groups such as the Confluence also integrates our party. With the exception of the CTA union delegations T, the great absentee from this march and actions generally anti G20n, It was the kirchnerismo. It was not by chance.

Cristina Kirchner retreated to El Calafate and univocal line fell all means reflected almost verbatim: that its members will not join the protest marches against the summit of G-20, "In a new gesture of moderation in the face former President of the government of Mauricio Macri. From the environment Senator, They confirmed that there was a decision that La Campora and allied groups do not participate in the escraches to be made in the Capital, in an intense day of protests by leftist activists and social organizations ". "The idea is not to confront the G20, not to show the world that Kirchner is a radical left. That's what she said Clacso: anti arm does not seek a summit, but a space of ideas ", They said from the environment of the former President.

The media also weighed that CFK was architect of the incorporation of our country to this monstrosity of the dictatorship of capital. A new and strong signal that K. It can not be a real alternative replacement to macrismo.
The MST front row
Our column led the way. With a colorful and combative internationalist header, anticapitalist, feminist and ecosocialista, behind a legend that synthesizes the rejection of capitalist summit: "They want war and we will not give them peace". A real feisty postcard went around the world and was highlighted by almost all of the press. Alejandro Bodart, Vilma Ripoll and Cele Fierro. And behind one of the main pillars of the march, MST, Anticapitalist Network, our youth, ANCHOR union groups and Teresa Vive.
Congress Plaza, nora Cortinas, Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo (LF) read a joint statement expression of unity in diversity and which was signed by almost all the participantres, except for the forces of FIT (PTS, PO, IS) and the New MAS, by once again displaying his unwillingness to sectarianism and anti-imperialist street mobilization.
From the MST closed our involvement with street fighting ceremony with a greeting from Israel Dutra Mo / PSOL and the word of Alejandro Bodart.
our party, He drove and was also part of similar actions across the country, in a national day which showed that many of the workers, women and youth, we give back to Trump and other imperialist leaders, Macri and IMF. And in all discussions and through our slogans on the march, We raised the need for output Socialist.
Guillermo Pacagnini
reproduced from MST-Argentina