Venezuela: Criticism of anti-imperialism "short legs" of the Forum of Sao Paulo

And support for the destroyers of the Bolivarian revolution against his people.

Yankee against interventionism supported by Guaidó and against all imperialist factors acting in Venezuela.

Recently he completed the XXV Sao Paulo Forum (FSP). His statement only share the denunciation and rejection of US interventionism, in all its forms, but not the unconditional support given to the government of Nicolas Maduro and political directions of the Latin American bourgeoisie who have shown their "short legs" and have even carried out anti-labor policies and unpopular when they have been in government.

Of course we also agree in rejecting everything that represents Guaidó, as a representative of the bourgeois and imperialist interests in Venezuela, but not because the option is a government like the present (of mature-Military-PSUV), authoritarian and destructive of the gains of the Bolivarian revolution and many previous achievements, reaching further adjustments of neoliberalism, with sheath of false language of "left" and so-called "socialist". Besides all that, This is one of the most predatory governments of Venezuela's resources and delivery to various expressions of global capitalism (despite the confrontation with the government Trump).

In the final declaration of FSP it can clearly be felt where point, priority, the interests of a grouping of parties, movements and governments that call themselves progressive and leftist, but whose character is portrayed in the events, just look at the overwhelming growth of corruption and mafia mechanisms of appropriation of income, light years away from the principles and true alternative to the prevailing model of global governance.

Throughout the domed statement and desentendida vision of the big problems that we suffer workers and popular sectors in Latin America it is revealed, for which the polarizing optical not enough, resorting solely to point out the role of the US as the world hegemonic economic and condition of capitalist power. responsibility for FSP members who are not attention or have been government, in deepening the calamities we suffer as peoples of the continent. And more, observing the course that took political leaderships that became enablers of anti-democratic tasks, entreguistas and incipient sofocadoras lived emancipatory processes in the region throughout the twentieth century and early twenty-first; as is the role of Maduro and Ortega, for example.

They speak in the abstract to defend sovereignty, democracy, human rights, the plurality ... when governments like those mentioned and others who have defended, at the opposite end. We should ask then: How is that conceive of "sovereignty" who deliver the 12% the country to mining multinationals in the so-called Arco Minero del Orinoco or persist in paying debt at the expense of the poorest sectors of society? How conceive of "democracy", who they are part of shady dealings in Europe or the Caribbean with factors rivaling those who say and we have no idea of ​​what is discussed or agreed behind the people? Understand how "peace" touting, while neighborhoods suffer the onslaught of FAES and extrajudicial killings committed in actions? What can talk about human rights in Venezuela when we have removed, in fact, wages and other rights related to work, which they are inherent to life? How can they talk about "plurality" who attune to the perpetuation of single-party regimes, or proclaim the "popular activism" when serving cliques paramilitary gangs entrenched in state structures are sad protagonists apagafuegos, to the genuine protests of the population, As it is seen in Managua or Caracas?

Lula and Cristina Fernández, Exalted figures hold the event during which even the latter was voted a resolution of electoral support in the upcoming presidential election in Argentina- They were not and do not mean a different option chance to breach anti-extractivist expoliador developmentalist model based on the appetites of markets and has led to the pollution of rivers, deforestation, the deep commodification of health and education or labor regimes assembly hunger.

Conversely, Uncompromising say that such governments rode mass promotions at a time when there was a change in the disposition of most of South America and once in government bureaucratized and assimilated into the logic of capital, with its inherent vices and their ways of doing politics for the powerful, new or always, betraying the will of millions betting on progress toward resolving the myriad problems, caused a rationale historically the US backyard. And were government, They showed what they are and want to return, but people should not continue to pay the cost of following these directions and treasonous inconsequential.

Maduro support is one of the most grotesque variants met few resolutions, by underpinnings that give such a position, continuismo ascribing an assessment of the so-called Bolivarian revolution and liberation wars alleged in favor of the Venezuelan people, when expression of a breed that generates a huge rejection level grassroots and whole population, precisely rationale dismantlers, not only of social and economic gains that had been achieved in recent 20 years, but they have brought the country to a complete catastrophe, making the daily lives of the poor families in an endless ordeal.

There is electricity crisis, transport crisis, hospital crisis, Education is on the floor ... Maduro and his escape let human rights violators as Simonovis, which would not surprise us that was part of what secretly agree the government and opposition. Here a young artist is imprisoned for publishing a twits, This was the case Karen Palacios. a blind boy is allowed for domestic gas demand with their community. Here are tortured and murdered prisoners in the dungeons, as it happened recently with Lieutenant Commander Rafael Acosta Arevalo. Here he "takes its toll" Rodney Alvarez, a worker who takes eight years, part of them without trial, imprisoned for a crime he did not commit, by the mere fact of raising their voice against union bureaucrats linked to the PSUV. And only cite some cases to exemplify.

The "integrationist" governments "progressive" which is raised from the FSP, although it may express frictions with US imperialism and seeking a more favorable correlation of forces, It is really the bureaucratic reshuffling factors and neo-bourgeois, which they are arranged to further refine the control and business elites, in the context of geopolitical disputes and inter, continuing the delivery of our resources to corporations, including Chinese and Russian with a showdown against Trump and his band, This does not mean giving channel for other ways to address the global crisis of capitalism in favor of the impoverished majorities. So from the FSP mobilizing the people greet Puerto Rican almost reluctantly and superficially, because they feel splattered inevitable and threatened by the rise of any people.

It is clear then, to the above, that the only alternative we have workers and peoples of Latin America and around the world, We are ourselves, through our own self-organized and conscious expressions. That is an initial conclusion that must give way to undertake the construction of our own political tools. We are not forced to choose between our executioners. Mature, Ortega, Cristina Fernández, Lula, Diaz-Canel ... who do not represent actual forms of liberation of their people, versus the typical capital faces today is by Donald Trump and his direct servers: Guaidó, Macri, Bolsonaro and all racist variants, xenophobic, homophobic and anti congregated in other groupings such as the Group of Lima.

From Marea Socialista we promote a different Latin American integration, based on the momentum of the revolutionary mobilization of the workers and peoples on a continental scale, to achieve the establishment of governments to respond to our class and not the ruling and exploiting social strata. On that basis, our nations can join and strengthened to overcome all colonial and semi colonial subjugation.

We aim to two fundamental strategies that are: mass mobilization and building revolutionary parties, the antithesis of bureaucratic spaces like the FSP. Our organization is part of the struggle for full independence and free and self-determining union of peoples, no ties whatsoever to the interests or impositions of the imperial powers (traditional and emerging) and global capitalism. Because, in the Venezuelan case, we backed out of the OAS and the ICSID, and all treaties military, political and commercial designed for American domination of world imperialism on Latin America.

Hence acompañásemos Chavez initiatives to create UNASUR and CELAC, not subject to United States, but always warning about the limitations and inconsistencies, while governments were controlled by the national bourgeoisies and not by governments of the working class. For the same reason, we have noted, when there was the entry of Venezuela, the need for a new Mercosur, for the benefit of workers and peoples, and no capitalist area, without treaties "free trade" that undermine its sovereignty against Europe or Israel. Also why we oppose Colombia's relations with NATO and, Of course, US bases on its territory.

For our organization, the perspective has to be the free union of peoples in federations of socialist and democratic republics by region or continent, without forgetting the inspiration of what was once the Great Bolivarian Colombia who joined for a while several of the liberated nations under the leadership of Simon Bolivar.

We activate vigorously against any interference and imperialist domination, in all fields, and so we stand against the system of domination implanted through External Debt. We oppose our people to sacrifice for the payment of a debt Corrupta, It is now paid by both Maduro, as Guaidó; the latter through the resources used after the outburst of the Venezuelan company Citgo government Trump, with complicity, and that the self-proclaimed not allocated to the "humanitarian aid" but to satisfy the international financial capital and bondholders. Against this we have raised the approach of a public audit and Citizen, suspension of payment of illegitimate and fraudulent debt. And in this sense, we have supported the idea of ​​a front of debtor countries to ignore the illegitimate and odious debts.

We condemn the actions of imperialist plunder carried out by the United States against Venezuela with the approval and cooperation of the opposition right and the "government" Guaidó, become a direct instrument of their interests; the seizure of assets and Venezuelan companies and economic-called "sanctions" applied to Venezuela by imperialism, they really are genocidal instruments for intervention and unacceptable mechanisms of pressure and blackmail against a country. We demand the immediate cessation of these actions and demand the return of property and Venezuelan funds abroad for use in overcoming the crisis. But not convalidamos manipulation is done with the excuse of the blockade, economic sanctions and war, to cover the responsibilities of the ruling bureaucracy in Venezuela on disasters generated by its policies and the massive embezzlement that have practiced against public property. Why criticize the exercise of a hypocritical "solidarity" is to support some elites against other, to the detriment of the true interests of the peoples.

Within our anti-imperialist orientation we have supported the nationalization of businesses and public services in Venezuela, but under social control and not for the usufruto of bureaucracy or for settlement and reprivatization once Squeezed. We are for the annulment of the Free Trade (TLC), They are accentuating the economic domination of imperialism and transnational. Also we say: Down with the Yankee blockade against Cuba!, without excusing the prevailing authoritarian bureaucracy on the island. We say: Out with MINUSTAH and Haitian troops! And do not the "blind eye" with the participation of Brazil in times of Lula or Argentina in times of Kirchner in this mission of UN military intervention on that Caribbean nation, notably countries in United States (imperialist aggressor more), France (Haiti's former colonizer) and Spain (former colonizer of much of America).

Not to confront US imperialism we stop opposing the imperialist policies of China and Russia, particularly engaged in Venezuela, in the enjoyment of their resources and geopolitical position of their governments in Latin America and the Caribbean.

With this approach, against all imperialisms, for independence and genuine integration of the oppressed nations, from below and their peoples, against its elites, their bureaucracies and their bourgeoisies, in tune with the revolutionary working class worldwide, we are part of the International Socialist League (LIS), of which the MST is also integral in Argentina, where it has taken an important step towards the unity of the anti-capitalist left, anti-imperialist and anti-bureaucratic, widening the joint Left Front Workers (FIT-Unit), electorally presents alternatives, as the candidacies of deputies, and the presidential formula Nicolas Cano and Romina Plá, against the candidate of the bourgeoisie Argentina and supported by the parties of the Sao Paulo Forum. We got independent alternatives bureaucracies and bourgeoisie worldwide, as a task to which we devote ourselves with youth, to workers, to women, to the students, farmers ... only way to find the real possibility of a solution to the crisis in favor of our class and not those who exploit us and dominate. With that call, program and policy, welcome to do together and together a militant experience around the construction of Marea and LIS.

United Socialist