Deficient, unjust and authoritarian
So are measures of the Spanish government to the crisis triggered the Covid-19.
Pedro Sanchez received the support of Congress for extension of alarm status until the 11 of April. Right and ultra PP, Cs and Vox have redeployed their most reactionary positions to demanding more racist and authoritarian measures, charge them as immigrants for health care and reapply 155 in Catalonia. In the meantime, the curve of the virus continues its exponential growth phase and it is not known how it will evolve.
What happened? When the disease had already spread to China, Iran and Italy, The officials predicted "Spain will only have a handful of cases". A serious mistake: there are more deaths per capita than China. They declared before the overflow containment areas, but the slowness and bias decisions made many people do not isolate themselves. further, decreed the obligation to attend work with which millions of trabajadorxs, with non-essential jobs, They followed in the streets without protection and without evidence of massive contagion. Sanitary measures taken are insufficient, slow and of questionable effectiveness. The main barrier to the virus is the effort of the population and health trabajadorxs lxs, to which all the comrades applauded every night from the balconies.
Is it mismanagement? Yes, but this infrastructural deficiencies and supply of essential materials are added. missing hospitals, ICU beds and are awash, so they improvised establishments campaign and morgues in spaces originally intended for other purposes. Médicxs scarce and enfermerxs, so they hired 50 jubiladxs thousand professionals and students. Not enough masks, protective clothes, gloves and alcohol gel. Some of these materials, respirators and rapid test kits are being imported on the fly, in some cases without success since not serve. Not having adequate protection has had a high price for the general population and the staff of empleadxs health especially as it has reached a spread of the 12% Of the template. as contracara, the royal family, the rich, politicians of the regime and a handful of privileged, not lack nada: They use the private health system and quarantine skip when they please.
What it caused a "black hole" in the health system? They were successive budget cuts…and privatization…
What it caused a "black hole" in the health system? They were the successive budget cuts made when officials decided that public funds were banks and companies, rather than used for public. The governments of the PP, PSOE and regional who supported this disaster can not shirk its responsibility. Another key element was the privatizations: owners of establishments are not interested in pandemic, because, in the absence of "clients" and they pass close to the ERTE trabajadorxs. While lacking beds in public facilities, They abound in private and are empty. There is statistical evidence that Spain is among the European countries fewer resources per inhabitant turns to public health. These are the reasons why advanced virus, women were not the 8M, or who they attended football stadiums, nor lxs trabajadorx that they followed in the streets by compulsion. The responsibility of the government was, indecisiveness, concealment and disinformation.
In the economic field there was some relief to vulnerable sectors, but they are so partial and limited that not enough. They can barely conceal that fundamental measures are to save the bosses' profits. Because, They accepted the employer-union agreement to present ERTE massive than, until today, reach 1,5 million trabajadorxs and only they referred to teleworking as a suggestion without compensation. Rescues in major EU countries include fiscal measures, of credit, programs of the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank for a sum estimated seven trillion euros; excluding EE. UU., China, Japan or another Asian economy. According to some analysts, action to save the capitalist economy is unprecedented, even in the previous crisis that began in the 2008. The measures are unfair, which exacerbate social differences. There is no money? There is money. The problem is that it goes to the most privileged. And the 70 billion the Spanish State gave private banks to avoid bankruptcy?And the 100 million dollars emeritus King Juan Carlos I has offshore accounts? Should recover to save lives and assist socially needy.
Politically gushed authoritarianism. The declaration of the state of emergency includes cutting to democratic freedoms, abusive police patrols, sanctions and deployment of the Spanish army; UN measures which can, Commons and other reformers are aligned. There is no war, no need generals in uniform and medals, giving reports of "battles". It takes more médicxs and protected enfermerxs, not uniformed soldiers. It is no coincidence that right and ultra government support, Sanchez and repeat ad nauseam that seeks "Unity of Spain", "Employers and workers”, taking advantage of the situation to impose the values of the regime questioned '78. further, encourage the population make police and denounce those who take to the streets. Many people reject these mechanisms are arranged such solidarity with vecinxs lxs necesitadxs. Government, the regime and the mass media displayed an ideological campaign choking and confuses, diverting attention from those responsible for the disaster and inducing people to accept resignedly settings, both current and those to come. No need to panic and fall into the uncritical complacency.
It is time to act socially conscious and reflective attitude.
Revolutionary socialists we need to encourage a response from the working class and the people, as stated in the International Socialist League. We must guarantee a free massive test plan, treatment and distribution of preventive elements. Enough of private profit, It needs a single state health system, with an investment shock, under social control organizations: trabajadorxs health, specialists and independent scientists, pensioners, neighbors and other user groups. The installed capacity of private health services should be made available to the public and subject to expropriation system. layoffs should be prohibited, licenses granted full payment of wages and labor reform repealed. Informal Anarchist trabajadorxs, autonomists and desocupadxs should receive a universal income worthy. evictions should be banned, suspend payment of rents and services. Enough of privileges to officials, royalty and the rich: they have the medical means to which anyone has access. We can not let the excuse of the emergency advance sexism and racism: closure of CIES and repeal of the immigration law. Not one euro to speculators, nationalization of the banking and financial system.
It is time to act socially conscious and reflective attitude. What we are going through is not a total exceptionality. Economic crises, policies, social, humanitarian, health, cultural and environmental life deteriorate and threaten the planet, They are becoming more frequent. Have you ever wondered why that is? The answer has as its backdrop the decay of the capitalist-imperialist system. While still in force will push humanity into barbarism. It is essential to think of outputs background, in a different system, justice and solidarity, without privileged, that meets the basic health needs, job, education, housing and full freedoms, definitely, a model of socialism with democracy. Steel is the dilemma of socialism or barbarism.