Femicide are also “pandemic”
Confinement has exposed more women to gender violence.
More than a third of humanity is confined to restrain the Covid-19. The specific problems facing women and, in some cases we are in situations of greater vulnerability. We suffered by the feminization of poverty, adjustment as workers, care tasks, racialization and exacerbation of gender violence in conditions of confinement.
The murder of Italian nurse Lorraine Quaranta sensors lit a problem and alerted by feminism since the beginning of the crisis by the Coronavirus. For many years various groups, in different countries of the world, we have demanded shelters available in cases of gender violence. The premise pursues the objective that women victims of these aberrations can have a safe place, to go with your hijxs where it is difficult to isolate the aggressor. Today, analyzing the reality of the forced confinement, the requirement reaffirms its validity fair.
It was expected that, to the force women in situations of violence to live with their abusers under the same roof, increase the number of calls telephone for complaints. The period of forced confinement increases the exposure of women to physical violence, psychological, verbal and economic. Since the alarm state, in the Spanish state they have come to know the least two femicidios. In Italy it makes a femicide every 72 hours, For Lorena was best known, but not the only one since the start of quarantine. In France “Secretary of State for Equality” He issued an alarm message: "A health crisis may exacerbate gender violence and sexual or domestic violence. Unfortunately, confinement at home can create a fertile ground for domestic violence”.
We need shelters are state policies, not only depend on NGOs and are safe places you can go alone or with nuestrxs hijxs.
About, Regional Director for the Americas and the Caribbean UN Women, Maria-Noel Vaeza, ensures that "The fact that man does not have access to jobs, have greater frustration by not being able to provide for his family and lack of distractions such as sport, will increase domestic violence ". In this same line, Miguel Lorente, former delegate of the Spanish Government against gender violence, He said in remarks to the newspaper The country: "Aggressors perceive impunity and safety, difficult because the closure out of the relationship or file a complaint ". While statements explain part of a reality existing, such as increasing the phone calls of complaints, They do not provide solutions to a problem that hundreds of thousands of women face every day in the world. Patriarchy and Capital Alliance kills us every day in every corner of the world, We are daily victims of different forms of sexist violence.
Because, it is necessary once again governments will reclaim urgent measures to stop them from killing us. We need emergency budget to combat gender violence, we do not want the crumbs of those who call themselves progressive, we want a budget discussed and controlled by all of us. We need shelters are state policies, not only depend on NGOs and are safe places you can go alone with nuestrxs hijxs. And subsidies to stop suffering economic dependence. We want to stop thinking if we woke up tomorrow will be the last and that requires urgent action claim. Patriarchal capitalism leads to barbarism and constantly threatens our lives. From Boards and to the left you continue organized by a different model of society, a model where we are "Socially equal, humanly different and totally free ".
Together and to the left – Spanish state