¿Moncloa Pacts II?
"History repeats itself first as tragedy and then as comedy ..."
Since the pandemic was installed in the Spanish State, the social awareness, the solidarity commitment of the population and the colossal effort trabajadors lxs public health, They have been the main barrage to the virus and the fuel that feeds the hope to stop it as soon as possible. Even so, the Covid-19 has claimed a high cost in loss of life and social rights, before the government action clearly inadequate, unjust and authoritarian. Pedro Sanchez clarified the state of alarm with a political speech by "Unity of Spain" and the "Unity of employers and unions", It has finally taken the form of an official strategy to reissue the Moncloa Pacts. The stated aim is to finalize the "Concertation on the reconstruction of the country" after the health crisis, "No red lines" ni "preconditions".
Since the return of the PSOE to the government the project is so erratic and weak in a short span went from run to govern alone, a coalition with United and now we are looking forward to more support to retain power. Social manage to gain enough Partners sought? We will see, why “is water running under the bridge”, but it seems difficult due to the wide range of positions crosslinked. nuanced, Pablo Iglesias (UP) and Inés Arrimadas (citizens) They have expressed support. Right and the extreme right of the PP and Vox, They have rejected the so-called flat. The PNV has expressed the pros and cons of the proposal. There are regional presidents who have expressed their approval and others " they are going to study" the proposal, as Quim Torra (JxCat). Meanwhile ERC, CUP and EH Bildu have made critical statements, putting rejecting finance social rights. The debate is installed, in the coming days there will be other pronouncements and positions defined more respect. Beyond this, not to accept that use the fear of the Covid-19 and uncertainty to normalize regressive actions as if they were "common sense".
…not to accept that use the fear of the Covid-19 and uncertainty to normalize regressive actions as if they were "common sense".
Pacts class conciliation Are the solution? reflect critically. Whenever the powerful use them, They seek those below work more, They earn less and strive to generate capitalist profits without protest. Like having memory is also a tool of struggle, I must recap on what happened in the Spanish State. Shortcomings in public health are due to budget cuts in recent years and the transformation of health in a private business. Social conditions were caused by the liquidation of the welfare state. The uncertainty about employment and wages based on labor reforms that gave workers' gains, along with the scandalous bailout of banks and companies. Regrettably, beyond speeches, UGT and CC.OO. They have acted as a transmission belt of successive governments. The twelve years since the beginning of the previous capitalist crisis until the outbreak of the current show who are on one side and who is on the other side. So is it possible that large majorities benefit reconciling with their exploiters and oppressors? Is it possible that this change to better the living conditions of trabajadorxs, jornalerxs del campo, women, pensioners and immigrants? Well, no, because employers, the rich and usurers, protected by the government, They insist that the crisis pay working people.
On the other hand, the main spokesmen for the arguments to appeal to the past to justify the course they intend to adopt in this. They do dusting off balance historical acrítico of the Moncloa Pacts signed in 1977 and transition, presented as "modélica ". There are many people who did not have the same valuation, but they accepted it acted as "The only possible way" to permanently close the terrible historical period of Francoism. from now, It is a sensitive issue on which there are different opinions. It is not it that was so positive and could not do anything else? So we did not believe before, nor we believe now. Since the death of Franco increased workers' struggles, They were strengthened and gained important achievements, with assemblies and demonstrations in the way of the general strike. It was possible to bury fascism forever and continue on a path breaking uncompromising. Nevertheless, the torrent of change was dismantled by political and union leaderships, that replaced it by trading domes and subordination to elites, in the opposite direction of a socialist perspective and even republic. Thus enthroned pacts of Moncloa driven by Adolfo Suarez and signed by CC.OO, UGT, the Communist Party Spanish, the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party, Republican Left of Catalonia, Convergencia i Unió, Basque Nationalist Party and other.
Recreate the Moncloa Pacts deepen the mistakes and popular ailments…
What was the results? called "Agreement on the program of consolidation and reform of the economy and agreement on the program of legal action and policy" They imposed the loss of rights and purchasing power, inflation rose to the 24,6%, unemployment rose from 5% al 15-20% in los'80, a stop beat the salary increase, Subcontracting is promoted, precarious and temporary employment. They sealed the survival of the worst features of Francoism, with their political, judges, economic allies and ensured the impunity of fascist crimes. The "Full democracy, modern and European " promised he never arrived: the Constitution of '78 established the bipartisan system of government PP-PSOE, dependent political power justice and parliamentary monarchy, with such anachronistic kingdom as corrupt, all at the service of the capitalist system. Pacts 1977 They came closer to a tragedy that threw dirt on the best traditions of Spanish workers' struggle, Republicans and socialist ideals. In 2020, if they happen to be repeated, They would be closer to a bad comedy with actors and an improvised script to save the regime of exhaustion.
Recreate the Moncloa Pacts deepen the mistakes and popular ailments, will cause more authoritarianism, more denial to self-determination of Catalonia and cut democratic freedoms. The output through the unit between the working class, the popular sectors, feminist groups, pensioners, lxs progressive youth and democráticxs. By adopting their own agenda mobilization for the recovery of rights and that the crisis caught the capitalists pay. The formation of a new anti-capitalist and leftist political alternative is more necessary than ever. Building a strong revolutionary socialist party, so it is. Through times of profound shock, after which we will have to rethink the whole way not to go to barbarism. In this regard, capitalism can never be "Humanized" nor reformed with equal criteria. To achieve a more just and caring society, You need to fight for a model of socialism with democracy. It is the strategic purpose for which we organize ourselves who we integrate International Socialist League.