What is the EU for??
It is the question that is posed before the social inequality in the “normal” and the consequences of the Covid-19.
The Eurogroup reached an agreement to unlock 500.000 millions of euros. Will go 25.000 million from the EIB (European Investment Bank) in guarantees that will serve to mobilize up to 200.000 million euros and grants from the European Commission to ERTE (Redundancy Temporary Employment). The community executive will be financed with state guarantees to mobilize 100.000 millions destined to avoid the definitive loss of jobs.
Finally, there will be no conditions added to the granting of a loan by the MEDE (European Stability Mechanism), which was one of the main points of debate. The only requirement will be “Use this line of credit to internally finance costs directly or indirectly related to medical care, the cure and prevention due to the Covid-19 crisis ”. further, laid the foundations for an economic recovery fund to inject money into the recessionary economy.
Until a few days ago Germany-Holland on the one hand and France-Spain were at odds, but they agreed because of the ambiguity of the formulation. The writing allowed the Netherlands to assert that "It may also be used for financial support, but with conditions " ,and Spain to say that it is a good agreement because “It has a triple safety net for workers, companies and states ”. further, have left "for later" las decisiones más controvertidas sobre la financiación y las condiciones de acceso al fondo que aprobaron crear. That is to say, decidir sí habrá eurobonos, denominados “coronabonos” al estilo de un “Plan Marshall Europeo” how ha reclamado Pedro Sánchez sin éxito, o sí habrá créditos con duras condiciones para los países que tienen grandes deudas como España e Italia u otros que entren en crisis. Esta diferencia es la que ha llevado a la UE a una tensión extrema que incluyó advertencias de los involucrados sobre el futuro del espacio. Nevertheless, the fundamental thing is that, beyond the nuances, agree to allocate millions of euros to guarantee business profits.
Plans “austerity” designed in Brussels caused the cuts in public health and the privatizations that today endanger the lives of millions of people.
The measures include palliatives that are propagandized by the PSOE-Podemos government as great concessions to the most needy. They try to hide that the help that reaches the popular homes with a lion "small letter" on foot, it is a pittance compared to the fortunes that go into the pockets of a small handful of capitalists, rich and privileged. The cynicism of Pedro Sánchez and Pablo Iglesias grows proportionally to the magnitude of the crisis.
Do you remember how the EU has acted in other critical situations? When Greece went bankrupt, the troika recipe (European Central Bank, European Commission and International Monetary Fund) was to adjust and grant usurious loans that conditioned the present and future of the Greek people. When the crisis of the world capitalist economy settled in Europe, left a string of unemployed people, homeless and in poor employment conditions due to labor reforms. Where did the millions of euros contributed by the EU go to?? To the coffers of the banks, companies and the wealthy, the same ones that caused the crisis.
In 2017, when the Catalan people practiced the right to self-determination by voting in the 1-O Referendum, the EU sided with the parliamentary monarchical regime, of its king and its institutions inherited from Francoism. Nor did they respond to the social claims made in France by the “yellow vests”, but they sided with Macron's repression. At the end of 2018 and meanwhile 2019 thousands of immigrants tried to reach Europe by escaping hunger, wars and other ailments. The EU left many to die in the Mediterranean, others he detained in neighboring countries or on his own borders. He returns those who manage to pass "Hot" or does not give them rights and punish the NGOs that help immigrants. In the face of the humanitarian disaster involving thousands of refugees on the Turkish-Greek border, financed the Turkish government to prevent migration and when this failed, they did the same with the Greek government to shield the Hellenic borders as "Shield of Europe". In the face of the unprecedented health and economic crisis, the EU has been unable to respond quickly with a joint plan and has left each country to its own devices. Plans “austerity” designed in Brussels caused the cuts in public health and the privatizations that today endanger the lives of millions of people.
…the capitalist system cannot be humanized… The system that is needed is socialism with democracy…
Don't you think that it is necessary to reflect on the EU? Far from the lies that embellish the Union as the depositary of human rights, of social conquests and "Advanced democracies"; it is an imperialist bloc at the service of guaranteeing capitalist profits, the free movement of financial capital, the exploitation of workers and the oppression of peoples. Es un conglomerado de instituciones que fomenta el recorte de derechos humanos, social and democratic obtained through years of struggles. The "Europeanist" Y "Eurosceptics" they only have tactical differences that revolve around deciding who offers the best scheme to manage capitalist businesses and strengthen bourgeois-democratic regimes.. We have nothing to do with them.
Given the consequences of the Covid-19 there is uncertainty about the future. What is sure is that the return to “normal” it will be a return to a world of deepening social inequalities and new adjustments. Far from the call to “try harder” of employers and the directors of the majority unions such as UGT and CC.OO. we will have to fight, the organization, mobilization and strikes are the only way to prevent the effects of the crisis from falling once more on the backs of the working people. Facing the double economic crisis-Covid-19, bourgeois governments have taken ineffective measures, late, insufficient and authoritative. In front, he transition program that the revolutionary socialists have presented has again demonstrated both its correctness and its validity. From the left we have to postulate an anti-capitalist alternative, strong and broad, since the system cannot be humanized, as United Podemos and other reformers want to make us believe. It is necessary to break with the EU with an independent agenda, so that the bourgeoisie like Brexit does not lead it., with proposals favorable to the large majority.
Have you thought about the solution to recurring crises? We are convinced that it is in another model of society. A system in which there are no exploiters and exploited, where life and solidarity are above all. With a democratically planned economy to meet the needs of work, Health, living place, public education and public health of the population. And with full democratic freedoms of expression and organization, without privileged bureaucrats and oppressors like the Stalinists who in the past dominated in Eastern Europe, nor those who today lead the exploitative and authoritarian project in China. The system that is needed is the socialism with democracy those of us who are part of the International Socialist League.