To win the streets for wages and workers' rights
Inflation liquefies income. For a general strike with mobilization. Let's support the metallurgists of Cádiz.
Average loss of purchasing power of workers deepens. The price rise is widespread. It is felt every day in the pocket of working and humble families.
More expenses, less income
December inflation was 6.7%. The update of the agreements was in 1.47%, that is, five points below. According to data from the Ministry of Labor, solo “Increases were signed in 2.886 agreements that affected about 8 million workers with the aforementioned annual average increase of 1.47% ". For the rest of the workers, there were not even measly increases.
Expired agreements
It is the lowest salary increase in the last four years precisely at the moment when inflation is at record levels for the last thirty years. It is evident that the agreements negotiated in the first half of the year, with less inflation, they were totally outdated, which causes a loss of purchasing power and the expansion of social inequality.
Of progressives, any
This happens with the coalition government PSOE-Unidas Podemos, self defined as "The most progressive in history". It's not by chance. It is a product of the response they give to the capitalist crisis and Covid-19. They respond to orders from Brussels and plan EU aid according to the interests of large companies and banks. It is a pressing need to build a new leftist and anti-capitalist political alternative, with the Socialist Revolutionaries in the front line.
Repeal of the labor reform, neither
The looting to the pocket is complemented by the continuity of the most damaging aspects of the labor reform of Rajoy and the PP. The reforms raised as historical they are a makeup that does not alter at all the operating matrix of the capitalist system that privileges corporate profits over the lives of workers.
To defeat the bureaucracy, new union leaders are needed
And he has accomplices, union leaders entrenched in the majority centrals of CC. AND. Y UGT. It is these bureaucrats who negotiate everything down with the bosses and the government. Those that allow the loss of historical conquests, precarious work, junk contracts, low wages, layoffs and all kinds of abuses. Above, they agreed with the employers and the government on the latest reform, that did not imply qualitative changes in working life. As the situation worsens, bureaucrats only make more or less critical statements, but it's just to look good and push a bit. Nothing more. They take care of themselves like the Covid-19 of calling for a frank fight for workers' interests. New leaders are needed to overcome those who maneuver and betray. Make them democratic, that promote assemblies to debate and decide everything. That they support and promote the struggles and are played for coordination, for unity to make them stronger.
Energy companies must be nationalized
President Pedro Sánchez said in an interview with SER that it is necessary to prevent the rise in the CPI "End up permeating the rest of the economy, like wages ... " According to Sánchez, you have to sit and wait for the energy to drop. That is to say, that private companies continue to get rich, while the great majority have difficulties to make ends meet. If increased light is the problem, that they prohibit it by law and that they nationalize the companies, placing them under workers' control.
With price controls, without VAT
That establish price controls, fines and penalties for large commercial chains, to everyone who increases and eliminates VAT on essential goods. It would be the minimum that a truly progressive government would have to consider. But the bourgeois government PSOE-Unidas Podemos, does not ask these questions. Not even remotely.
General strike and mobilization
Today, more than ever it is necessary to debate in companies, Offices, colleges, hospitals and all workplaces a plan to fight in the way of a general strike. With a program for the salary, with trigger clauses of increase according to the inflationary index, for the annulment of the labor reform and for the own agenda that the workers decide. Against layoffs and precarious contracts,
All with the metal workers
In Cádiz they did strike, barricades and mobilizations to defend your rights. And they did not go back either with the repression or with the persecution unleashed against them. They come from mobilizing and confronting the police again, when he wanted to prevent them from cutting the bridge of the Constitution of 1812. And the 15 January various unions will take to the streets in Cádiz, Madrid and Zaragoza against the repression in Cádiz. You have to support them! All our solidarity with those who fight!