Punishment of those responsible for murdering people in Melilla
On Friday 25 of June, It will be a date that will be marked, not because of the beginning of summer on the morning after the Night of San Juan, but because of the massacre and the tragedy that occurred in Melilla, where it is calculated that 37 people have been killed trying to cross the border to reach Spain.
During the morning of 25 June some "2,000 people" tried to approach Melilla to jump the wire, according to “official” figures 500 men managed to start the entry into Spanish territory. Of those 500, According to the Government Delegation, 133 managed to stay in the autonomous city. The rest have been contained and repressed by Moroccan security forces.
In addition to the people killed, there are hundreds of injured as a result of the abuse by the repression of the Moroccan security forces in cooperation with the Spanish forces in the city of Nador, when trying to cross the fence that separates it from neighboring Melilla.

This anti-human massacre and violation of human rights, adds to the brutal number of more than3000 Dead people during the year 2021 when they tried to reach Europe across the sea.
The "fortress EU", as a symbol of racist and anti-immigration politics
La Frontera Sur, represented, supported and assumed by Morocco, it is the entrance door and functions as the first mirror towards a “Fortress Europe”, in which some migrants are welcome and others are not. in this Europe, and in this Spain, migrant selection and exclusion policies are implemented, based on hierarchical criteria of oppression such as the origin, nationality, gender and race. It is as a result of these events and the rejection of migrants from the countries of the so-called "global South" when these historical axes of oppression are more clearly visualized.: exacerbated racism and colonialism serves, among other reasons, for Fortaleza EU governments to apply their national and community migration policies.

This Fortress Europe, under the guise of their “community security”, violates the rights of migrants, and at the same time consistently fails to comply with its international human rights obligations.
The rapprochement between Morocco and Spain and their cooperation policies
Last Friday's massacre was the first assault since Morocco obtained in March this year, by the government of Pedro Sánchez, the letter in which the Spanish president tipped the balance towards the Moroccan autonomy proposal for Western Sahara to the detriment of the self-determination referendum historically demanded by the Saharawi people.
a close up, which also aims to strengthen the anti-immigration policies of Spain. In this context, Spain and Morocco “cooperate”, turning outsourcing into an indispensable tool for Morocco to adopt the role of gatekeeper and carry out the first migration control through systematic brutality on its borders.

Without going further, Pedro Sánchezdeclared the same friday“That it has been a violent attack on the territorial integrity of the country”. Y, in this sense, explained that the Moroccan gendarmerie"He worked in coordination with the forces and bodies of the State to repel such a violent assault."After the congratulations to the Moroccan gendarmerie, the partners of the United We Can government have come out tocriticize it, but his statements are nothing more than pure makeup in the face of an anti-human reality that is deepening more and more, with them inside the government.
humanitarian crises, wars and famines
While in Europe the health and social crisis deepens, as a consequence of two years of pandemic and an economic crisis that they want to make the working people pay, by the debacle of the capitalist economy, an immigration crisis continues to unfold at the borders. An everyday tragedy in which many people lose their lives, trying to flee from hunger, of misery or war.
In the Moroccan city of Nador, border city with Melilla, Its geographical limits are delimited on one of its sides by a huge iron fence erected by Spain to prevent migrants from accessing its territory.. And it's the neighbors whopoint out "Those who tried to cross are people who don't have food, they don't have water, they have nothing, they have lost their fear. It is death or go to Spain».
In that sense, in the Spanish state, the self-defined “progressive coalition government” PSOE-UP acts in harmony with the European imperialist bloc. Strengthens its external shield using the Moroccan gendarme as an ally and deepens the repression in Ceuta and Melilla.

There are no first and second class citizens
While, the Moroccan Association for Human Rights (AMDH) in Nador hasrequest that it does not take place“the rapid burial of deceased migrants without the opening of a global investigation”, quickly and seriously to determine responsibilities and deficiencies”. From Walking Borders, Other NGOs present in the territories have warned of delays in the health care provided to people injured on the Alaouite side."The victims of the Melilla tragedy agonized for hours under the cruel gaze of those who should have helped them and did not", hadenounced Helena Maleno, founder of the network.
It is necessary that dying when crossing borders is not normalized, we have to fight to enforce human rights, basic democratic and social.
We demand the implementation of humanitarian measures and shelter for everyone with papers because "no person is illegal". We repudiate the implementation of the discriminatory and anti-human "fortress EU". We will continue to support the struggles of migrants, denouncing the human rights violations that are repeated in the capitalist system and fighting for a world without borders, a socialist world.