Madrid: massive demonstration for public health

The discomfort broke out by the Emergency Plan of Ayuso. Active solidarity with healing in struggle is necessary. Faced with the damage to the public and the living conditions, A general strike is needed.

About 300.000 people took to the streets against the emergency plan of the president of theCommunity of Madrid, Isabel Diaz Ayuso (PP) and in defense of public health. The call was made by neighborhood associations that had the support of social organizations, opposition political parties, art and culture personalities. The demonstration started from four different points of the city and converged in the Plaza Cibeles. It was so great that thousands of participants failed to reach the final destination. The population said enough! and solidarity with health. This time he did not applaud from the balconies, as during the pandemic, but mobilizing.

For health and for more

The messages expressed in the slogans and the posters were clear: "Patients are not customers". “Madrid gets up, Health endures ". “I am very pissed off. I struggled for the rights that are taking us today. ESPABABILAD, Pussy!”. "Madrid is much more than bars and reeds. Madrid is its people, Your health, His education ... And that is not achieved by lowering taxes. ”It is clear that discomfort, focused on the deterioration of health, exceeds this area and covers the set of the social situation that is lived. That is why the demand for"Ayuso resignation"

The ridiculous recourse to deny reality

For the PP spokesman in the Madrid Assembly, Pedro Muñoz Abrines, The action was a"failure".For Ayuso it was"agitation" how"Destabilizer strategy" mounted by the"left" to harm her. The certain is that the spontaneous influx of thousands and thousands of participants expressed a failure, But not that of mobilization but of the reactionary reorganization plan of the extrahospital emergency centers presented by the Madrid government. The claim is not for"Disturb" A ayuso, It is the answer to distressing situations. At the close of care centers. To the emergencies without doctorson-site. To the care of online patients. To the lack of professionals and material resources. To the waiting to obtain shifts of specialties and surgical interventions that lengthen for months. To low wages, precarious working conditions and destroying residents. To one of the lower budgetary investments in the health of the Spanish State.

A combination of old and new aggravated problems

Budgets in decentralized health and education come from the year 2012, with the"Tijazants" by Mariano Rajoy (PP) when he was president. Since then, both with efforts from the PP and the PSOE, The public has deteriorated by: disinvestment, New cuts and progress of privatizations. In pandemia, The cuts were paid with human lives. It is a problem that persists in time, which is manifested in the extrahospital urgencies and in primary care. Ayuso's plan was"the straw that broke the camel" of a generalized disaster that comes from once.  

If healing, we all win

In Madrid satse unions, CC. And., CSIT UP and UGT had signed with the regional government the conditions of the new plan of the extrahospital emergencies, But then, Before his failure, They broke the agreement. Only the Amyts medical union had refused to sign the agreement and maintain the call for an indefinite strike from the 7 of November. Monday 21 Primary care doctors and pediatricians will be added. No one can remain oblivious to claims, You have to sympathize with the strike of health workers and support them to triumph. Management in the Community of Madrid represents the reactionary"Badge" of the PP, as stained glass of what they want to do nationally. They have to defeat them and close the step to extend their reactionary plans to other communities.  

For a unified fight

Although the government of"Progressive coalition" PSOE-UP, Headed by Pedro Sánchez took distance from the crisis in Madrid health, the problems are national. It is no coincidence that, In the last General State Budgets, The greatest increase has been allocated to military games, NO TO PUBLIC EDUCATION AND HEALTH. The deficiencies are repeated with greater or lesser intensity in the systems of each of the autonomous communities, that Rajoy's cuts were not qualitatively tracked. Crises with patients' care and working conditions are generalizedly deficient. This critical panorama ends inexorably in a conclusion: A unified health struggle is needed, with coordinated mobilizations and strikes, with the support of the population and the planning of actions in joint assemblies.

the general strike: An urgent need, possible and necessary

Union bureaucrats are not up to the task. They just want to negotiate with governments and employers, Always behind real needs. It is time to demand the majority addresses of UGT and CC. AND. A general strike, in support of health in fighting and with an agenda that includes the most immediate claims of the working people. It is an urgent need, possible and necessary to stop the accelerated deterioration of living conditions. In the Spanish State, contradictions and tensions that require a strong irruption of the working class and the people continue to accumulate, toned with the fight in health. It is also necessary to put up a new political alternative, a far left to turn everything.  

Europe, part of the fighting torrent

The capitalist crisis and theRussian Invasion War to Ukraine We revolutionary socialists have before us a challenge of confluence. Inflation shrinks wages, Governments destroy the public and the lack of life worsens the daily situation of millions of people. Given this, Claims grow, indispensable for the crisis to be paid by the capitalists. Thestrikes in France, Belgium, those ofTeachers in the United Kingdom, of health in Madrid and others, They are an indicator of the willingness to rise from the European working class, as part of the mobilizing torrent that grows throughout the world.