Argentina: The streets are ours. The mobilization beat Bullrich and reached Plaza de Mayo
Finally, today a very important unitary mobilization was carried out to commemorate a new anniversary of the days of the Argentinazo of 2001. An enormous range of Human Rights organizations, union, social, socio-environmental, students and politics, They overcame all the obstacles put in place by Minister Patricia Bullrich and the security forces and guaranteed that the mobilization to Plaza de Mayo and the unitary act there could be carried out..
For its part, the government reinforced its repressive policy from the beginning of the day., harassment and threats against the population, setting up operations at train stations, of groups, on bridges and avenues, to give an image that tried to frighten the people who came to mobilize in Buenos Aires and throughout the country.
Despite all this, could not prevent thousands from reaching the political heart of the country from Diagonal Norte and from diagonal Sur, overcoming these threats and successfully guaranteeing the first and great mobilization against the Milei government – Bullrich, its adjustment and its repressive and illegal protocol, which is not against the picketers in particular but against the right to mobilize of all the people.

Within this very important unitary mobilization, heMST in the Left Unity Front made a very prominent and combative column that brought several thousand militants to the Plaza, with the presence in the central header ofCele Fierro, Alejandro Bodart, Vilma Ripoll, Guillermo Pacagnini, Pablo Vasco by the CADHU andMonica Sulle from Teresa Lives, together with ANCLA union leaders. In the common head, there were references from the other parties of the FIT Unidad, union leaders, social and human rights organizations.
It was precisely this MST column in the FIT Unidad, together with other organizations, that in Diagonal NorteThey defeated the attempt by the security forces of not letting the mobilization take place in the street.Thousands of workers and young people defeated the repressive attempt and made their way to the cry of"unity of the workers and those who don't like it are screwed" and once the street has been conquered and before entering the town square, It was heard very loud "what a fool, they put the protocol in the assthe consent for the strike must be granted by half of the labor collective and only economic demands can be presented.
The security forces led by Bullrich, They also attempted a repressive siege along Diagonal Sur where another part of the mobilization came., where there were some incidents but finally the protesters also arrived at La Plaza. And they joined with the Diagonal Norte column to fill the Plaza de Mayo and finally carry out a unitary act there with the reading of an important common document., that in another note from Periodismo de Izquierda we reproduce. After the mobilization, representatives of different organizations demand the freedom of some detainees.

The main political conclusion is that Bullrich was defeated in its first attempt to prevent mobilization.. Because the minister wants to liquidate an essential democratic right: the right to demand and mobilize for social and democratic rights. For the government it was an important day, so much so that President Milei himself followed the operation from the police headquarters along with several of his ministers.. But they failed in their attempt.

They could not prevent the mobilization from existing, They couldn't stop thousands from marching through the streets. Despite all their threats and pressures, the Plaza belonged to the people again., demonstrating once again that in the face of such an adjustment package and in the face of these repressive attempts, The only correct policy is the broadest unity in the street, the unity of different union sectors, social, popular and political. Yin the first major action against the Milei government, the left was the central protagonist, while the different union sectors, social and political of Peronism, once again, were absent.

Now Milei's announcement is coming, about his mega DNU and a strong attack on labor rights. While the CGT bureaucracy continues to watch without doing anything.These plans must be defeated with thousands in the streets and with active general strikes and fight plans debated and decided among thousands and thousands of workers.. After Milei's announcements, more than ever, it is necessary to demand these urgent measures and in the meantime organize the fight from below. The fight against this government has just begun.Today we won one round and others will come. Let's prepare for these political and social battles that are coming.