France: from Olivier Faure to Philippe Poutou, the Popular Front in aid of Macron

ByGérard Florenson

The New Popular Front was formed in a matter of days. It took him even less time to show himself as the best student of the "republican retreat", that is to say, in withdrawing a good number of candidates classified for the second round in favor of people from the right and even ministers of the current government. Among the beneficiaries are some of the men and women who have brutally attacked social achievements by reducing pensions and the rights of the unemployed., and who have fought with the extreme right against immigrants. All these good people have obtained the license of democracy. Macron, who just suffered an electoral debacle, I couldn't have wished for a finer gift., while those who voted for the Popular Front to reject both the National Regrouping and the government's policies are receiving a cold shower.

The result will undoubtedly be to save some seats, but at what price?

Fascists have every right to mock the compromises reached by all parties and present themselves as the only true opponents of the regime., all the more so as some, even within the Popular Front, They calmly contemplate the possibility of a government of national unity.

Faced with these excesses, it must be said: not a vote for the extreme right, not one vote to the right, not a vote for the government candidates.

Unfortunately, none of the parties, none of the leaders of the Popular Front, heeded this elementary warning. The pretext is to block the path of the main enemy, as if this government of lackeys against which we demonstrated and went on strike were nothing more than a secondary adversary.

But the most scandalous thing is the silence, which is equivalent to approval, by Philippe Poutou, candidate of the Popular Front in the Aude, and the “anti-capitalist” NPA, who seem to have forgotten that class boundaries exist. It is not the only example of opportunistic deviations within its "Fourth International", but this one goes further than all the others.

(reproduced from International Socialist League (