Day against genocide and for Palestine

On Friday 27 In September, an important state day of solidarity with Palestine was held under the motto: “Let's invest in life, not in weapons. For the end of genocide and apartheid”.

The call made by the General Confederation of Labor (CGT), Workers Solidarity, student organizations and others, included the call for a general strike and the demand that Pedro Sánchez's government break diplomatic and commercial relations with Israel. Slogans won the streets again “from the river to the sea Palestine will conquer” e “Israel murders, Europe sponsors”, the banners improvised by the participants, people with kufiya and Palestinian flags next to those of Lebanon. During the day, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's war speech before the UN Assembly was repudiated, against the Palestinian people, Lebanese and with threats to the Iranian.

Information pickets were held during the morning, access lock, avenue cuts, performances and mobilizations. In the Community of Madrid, There were activities at the Carlos III University and the Airbus factory. in Catalonia, particularly in Barcelona, There were traffic closures on Diagonal avenues, Meridian, blockade at the entrance to Carrefour on La Rambla, Classes were suspended at the Raval campus of the University of Barcelona (UB) and at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and there were also various information pickets; there were important actions, Besides, in Baix Llobregat and Tarragona. In Galicia, the 8 a.m. train service for the Coruña-Vigo section was canceled because part of the crew joined the actions.

In the afternoon, important unitary mobilizations were carried out. In Barcelona different columns concentrated on Gardens of Gràcia and thousands of people marched to Plaça Universitat, Finally, a unitary manifesto was read and members of the Palestinian community spoke., Enough complications, the Palestinian prisoner support network Samidoun, CGT and Workers Solidarity. One of the axes of the day was the denunciation of the relations of Israeli interests with universities and public agencies, the links with the multinational ICL that sold white phosphorus to Israel, the presence that the Israeli real estate sector has had at The District fair and others.

In Madrid, nearly ten thousand people marched from the Atocha station towards the Plaza de Cibeles and Callao, There were also actions against the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In the mobilization in which unions and groups supporting Palestine participated, slogans such as “Progressive Government Zionist accomplice” . In Valencia, Thousands of people mobilized from the Plaza de San Agustín to the Porta del Mar, doing a bombing simulation performance and deaths on the way. The mobilizations were replicated in Palma, Coruña, Vigo, Ourense, Palencia, several cities of the Basque Country, Málaga, Zaragoza, Guadalajara, Sevilla, Jerez, Granada, Santander, Burgos and others. Definitely, It was an important day that was reproduced in many of the main cities of the Spanish State, in advance of other actions that will be carried out on the way to 7 October. From Socialism and Freedom (SOL) We participated in the day expressing our solidarity with the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples and distributing the “Declaration of the International Socialist League. Yesterday Gaza, Today Lebanon Stop Israel State Terrorism! and inviting the next international conversation “Zionist barbarism in Palestine and Lebanon”.