Davic forum: The elite flirts with the ultra -right

Of the 20 al 24 January was held the Annual World Economic Forum in Davos, Swiss. Trump's message to the forum caused both uncertainties and sympathies. Globalization and protectionism are two edges of the same imperialist capitalist system that generates crisis, Misery and inequality. no confidence in the liberal and pro-imperialist government of Zelensky, no confidence in the liberal and pro-imperialist government of Zelensky.

With one eye in wars

HeGlobal Risk Report It is the annual study that the forum performs every year in consultation with the elites. In 2025 concluded that the highest short -term risk is in the occurrence of armed conflicts. His second concern was misinformation, With the rise offake news and the manipulation of public opinion originated in the power accumulated by technological magnates. In the evaluations of long -term risks, the environmental problems caused by extreme meteorological phenomena appeared, The loss of biodiversity and collapse of ecosystems. For the first time in many years, The absence of severe warnings was notorious for the future of the capitalist economy and appeared as concern and factor of instability protectionism.  

Threats began to execute

From the beginning of his new presidential mandate the 20 from January, Trump has relaunched protectionist proposals and in his telematic speech to the forum said"Europe has treated the United States very badly". The authorities demanded: duplicate military spending to the 5% del START, He criticized that Europeans do not buy enough food products or cars from Americans and regretted that states are engaged in long regulatory processes. And threatened: "My message to all the companies in the world is simple: come to manufacture their products in the United States and enjoy some of the lowest taxes in the world. But if they do not produce them in the United States, Which is your right, so, very simply, They will have to pay customs rights ".

These decisions have begun to be implemented with tariffs of the 25% About the goods that EE. THE. It imports from Canada and Mexico and with the customs recharge of the 10% To China. The reactions did not wait since these countries also announced tariff and non -tariff measures. The commercial dispute has been tensioned and with it questions have been opened: What consequences will cause in the economies of the countries involved? What will be the final result? Will the measures remain unalterable or derive in negotiations?  

Powerful authoritarian techno friends

Trump receives support from the authoritarian techno CEOs that combine conspiracy theories with messianism like Elon Musk who in 2008 He was appointed young global leader and then took distance from the forum by sharing his qualification as"Left conspiracy". His appointment as administrator of the Government Efficiency Department of the White House and the repeated samples of alternative sympathy for Germany (AfD) They indicate that his Nazi -style greeting was more than his own expression. It must also be said that other millionaires like Jeff Bezos (Amazon) y Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) who were spokesmen for capitalism defended by the forum have also suggested their willingness to adapt to the economyMAGA (“make America great again”).

Elon Musk emulating Nazi greeting at a Trump event.

EU winks

Before the commercial shock shock Europe delineates different profiles. Of word, The French president, Emmanuel Macron and the German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, They have enrolled in the line of an EU that accentuates their own economic decisions. Giorgia Meloni and Viktor Orbán go in tune with Trump. President of the European Commission, Úrsula von der Leyen expressed willingness to negotiate with the US administration. And entrepreneurs do not like anything that the Trumpist plan includes reducing the taxation of high income, Lower societies tax and generalized deregulation. The makeup that the EU uses to flirt with Trump blurs the warm references that before about "social inclusion" and "sustainability".

A massively resisted Libersaurio

In his attempt to occupy a place among the outrages highlighted in Davos Milei he developed his delirious thesis on collectivist ideas infiltrated in the Club of the rich Megas and on the Marxist plot of the neoclassical economy, paradigma neoliberal. His criticisms included the rejection of the agenda“woke”, To diversity, Gender rights and feminism as ideologies that according to their machinations constitute«Lisa and plainly child abusethe consent for the strike must be granted by half of the labor collective and only economic demands can be presented, associating homosexuals with pedophilia. They were such disgusting statements that causedmassive rejection mobilizations in Argentina with samples of solidarity in many other countries and as a demonstration rather than ultra -right generates polarization, With rejection in the streets.

Massive mobilizations in Argentina against Milei's sayings in Davos.

Photo gallery. Anti -fascist and anti -racist pride throughout the country.

They only care about profits and hold the system

In the different instances of the forum, When they care about war risks are not thinking about the genocide executed by Israel's Zionist State against the Palestinian people, or in the deaths caused by the Russian invasion to Ukraine; but in instability that hinders the increase in business profits. When they alert about climate change and false news they formally do so, avoiding pointing out the true cause that generates these ills, the capitalism. When they minimize the scope of the economic crisis demonstrate disdain for poverty and inequality since, According to an Oxfam report, From pandemia, the heritage of the twelve richest men in the world - all heads of great multinational emporiums - a 193%, The heritage of some 1.700 Millionaires on a global scale has increased to the record of 15 billions of dollars, he 15% of the World GDP.

I repudiate the forum and fight the ultra -right

The last edition of the forum kept intact its reason for being, which is none other than the update of the debates between political and business leaders to guide the decisions that support the capitalist Sisstema, In this case with a careful flirting to the ultra -right, since nuances do not necessarily imply incompatibilities. We repudiate the realization of the forum and the existence of the ultra -right that, although it is presented as a new ideas carrier, embodies the dark ideas arising from the criminals doctrines of fascism and Nazism. You have to fight them in all lands, mainly in the streets, with actions in unity of action and organization to defend social and democratic rights.

Next to social struggles, democratic and for a background exit

It is essential to fight for social rights, promoting mobilizations and strikes against governments that apply budget cuts to social items, austerity measures, of labor precarization, They fire and limit salaries. The capitalist economic crisis has to pay those who generated it: Entrepreneurs, Bankers and capitalist speculators. You also have to fight to maintain the democratic rights conquered and to expand them, since institutional regimes are increasingly authoritarian and their parties, mainly ultra -right, try to install your hate speech in society and apply policies against the poorest, Against women, Anti-LGBT and anti-immigrants. The historical dilemma of socialism or barbarism becomes increasingly current, which sharpens the need to build strong revolutionary socialist organizations nationally and internationally. It is the task that the International Socialist International League assumes (LIS) settled in the pillar to boost theinternational regrouping of revolutionaries with the strategy of workers' governments and a system without exploiters or oppressors, equal and democratic, that is to say, socialist.