Broad, Lluís, free and without charge

Vecinxs of solidarity with the repressed L'Hospitalet for their peaceful participation in a demonstration. The campaign of solidarity with the activists and vecinxs of L'Hospitalet, Laia Roca and Lluis Mollón has begun to reach quarters.

Support Group compañerxs comprised of a broad spectrum of women's groups, social, political and cultural campaign has begun rejecting the accusation liar "unrest" Y "Attack against the authority" carried out by the Guardia Urbana.

The alleged "crime" was to participate in a peaceful demonstration and the spontaneous 25 last March. We are in the presence of an attack on the most basic democratic freedoms by the Spanish state and its accomplices.

We are in the presence of an attack on the most basic democratic freedoms ...

It is a new invented assembly, baseless, It intended to cause fear to stop protests by the Catalan self-determination and freedom for political prisoners and exiles. They will not succeed. In the neighborhoods of L'Hospitalet and they began demonstrations against, of anger and amazement at an incredible case for its arbitrariness.

On Sunday 25 of November, at Catholic Center, one Din Solidari before a large presence joined rejection was performed persecution, in a seminar organized in every detail by lxs vecinxs. After sharing lunch, a neighbor read demonstrated by the Group of Apoyo.doc (continue to obtain adhesions) and Laia said an exciting and firm words, acompañada Louis.

The next day, the demand for lxs vecinxs of L'Hospitalet joined the other represaliados, every Monday by which an act is done in the Cozy. From Socialism and Freedom Network anticapitalist, Besides, We have begun a campaign international solidarity signatures.

Defender Luis y Laia, It is to defend democratic freedoms of all LA.

In the coming days there will be new activities and actions unit. The campaign is launched, You need to extend and strengthen, so that all neighborhoods become aware of the abuses and actively reject.

The chasing, the criminalization of protest and imprisonment for independence is ongoing throughout the Spanish State. Yesterday he touched their leaders, activists, singers ... now rests with Laia and Lluís, a family of vecinxs like any other, honest work.

You have to stop you hand the state to acquit and release the all LA, so that there is no next case with any nosotrxs, against other people on the mainland or on the struggles of workers. Defender Luis y Laia, will defend todxs.