Statement supporting the student movement in Colombia

The Colombian student movement, It is an example of struggle and rebellion for lxs youth in Latin America and the world. they question, amidst the capitalist crisis, the guarantee of the right to education. It is a movement that has put the reactionary regime of the right-wing Ivan Duque against the wall, which it was driven by ex-president Alvaro Uribe Vélez under a macho program, misogynist, warmongering and neoliberal. But this extreme right has been difficult to govern him, because he had not been a month since the possession of Duke as president when he had thousands of students monopolizing the streets against their policy commodification of education.

This situation shows that the right has many problems to govern a country where lxs youth who are questioning what kind of society are want to live, because while, They are fighting for increased funding for public education, They have also achieved the sympathy of other sectors of society, as lxs teachers, campesinxs, indigenous and workers through the debate that opens this struggle in a context where only 3% vegan young people graduate from higher education. We are segurxs that this fight was the door that opened into other deeper and deeper debates that challenge the capitalist system and imperialist intervention in this country, for while the ruling classes have frozen funding of public education for more than 20 years, at the same time they have invested in strengthening the repressive forces of the state to increase the armed conflict in rural areas, in payment of a debt that alone justifies the adjustment towards lxs workers through tax reform, in the privatization of all essential rights in a mining and extractive policies- energy that only leads to destruction of the environment.

On the other hand the great feminist wave came the student movement to stay, because the floor of conscience who have won women and sexual dissidence in the world, They have students discuss lxs Colombianxs on the need to build tools to combat patriarchy and off the movement, because they understand that this struggle is essential to advance the conquest of rights, but mainly in the total transformation of society.

And they go over 60 days of national strike, demonstrating the vitality and resistance of this movement, why must continue, As history has shown us that the stage of mobilization is the only one in the world today, which can ensure changes in the reality of the oppressed and. In this regard, We welcome the process lxs current resistance philosophy students at the University of Antioquia have since taken leaps in this process resists and keeps alive the mobilization. further, We denounce that the political will of the national government to address the problems exposed by the students and faculty Colombia, It is expressed in the strongest scenes of repression in the last great student mobilization 13 December fellow eye collection Esteban Mosquera who was attacked by the deadly weapons of the police, and the many arbitrary arrests demonstrate the inability of the neoliberal State to solve the structural problems and come to the systematic repression. Therefore, We demand the dismantling of the Mobile Anti (ESMAD) National Police.

That is why we believe that today more than ever are ripe for building a revolutionary tool - socialist that allows youth to jump on an anti-capitalist program, anti-imperialist, internationalist and feminist, to collapse the frames of the reformers directions and drive the movement towards horizons radical transformation of society. From Anticapitalists Network, not only we send a greeting support, but for all the solidarity internationalism from this process will continue towards increasingly superadore and revolutionary conquests.

reproduced from Anticapitalist Network
