Lebanon: Student Rage Day

For a long time, the authority works to eliminate the student struggle through the domestication of the future generation, that ensures the reproduction of the same existing system, starting with the early educational stages, through educational curricula that adjust to the nature of the system and an educational system that ensures the creation of a generation trained in submission and submission through the indoctrination system, as well as the role of schools. Create a generation that accepts the nature of the sectarian political system. This is the case even in the university stages, academically hitting the National University., and until the authority protects its interests in ensuring the continuity of its control over the university, has strengthened its presence through militias that prevent any revolutionary nucleus that could be created within the university, and this is clearly crystallized in the recent decision of the university to promise humiliations for fear of graduating. Revolutionary political productive cadres that work to change the existing economic pattern in the interest of the dependent bourgeoisie. And now even the interests of private university students belonging to the same class are also being hit by the dollarization of fees, since no one but the children of their class will be able to complete their educational career.

Because, today we must unite our efforts to defend our student interests against the political and economic ruling class, and unite to continue our revolutionary path through the following slogans:

  • Non-dollarization of contributions in private universities.
  • Return democracy to the national university.
  • Reduce the budget of private schools and compensate them with that of public schools and the National Academy University.
  • Scientifically modify educational curricula.

Consequently, we will participate on Saturday 19 December this year, on Student Rage Day, and we invite all students from all regions with high participation.

Place: Hamra, next to the Medina theater
Hour: four in the afternoon

Student movement for change

Rights # demands