Anticapitalists born in Red

Of the 2 al 4 of May, in Buenos Aires, delegations from different countries in Europe and Latin America, then discuss and reach common conclusions about the world situation and the tasks we have raised the revolutionary, we decided to put up a new coordination of groups and parties internationally: Anticapitalist network.
After participating in a major event on May 1 against the National Congress, and in the midst of a political and economic quagmire, the week of the bicentenary of the birth of Karl Marx was tinged with militant internationalism. Several days of intense debate and exchange of ideas and proposals, between colleagues and peers come from France, Spain, Belarus, Venezuela, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay and that we had the honor of hosting, they finished shape and content to this new international project.
Large matches of the revolutionary era, in which we are immersed, and contradictory Step, which opened in the 90's, They were a solid starting. In a period where the revisionism and reformism have wreaked havoc on much of the left, we organize ourselves to keep fought for the destruction of the capitalist system and, for socialism worldwide.
The disappearance of Stalinism as a world system and the unconditional submission to capitalism that we are witnessing on the part of all petty bourgeois leaderships, bureaucratic, left nationalists and "progres" ended the stage where some of these addresses not revolutionary, by pressure rise, They are taking anticapitalist measures and capitalizing revolutionary triumphs.
In the actual world, Only the working class mobilized, building revolutionary parties with mass influence in our countries and the reconstruction of the Fourth International can afford to successfully confront the barbarism to which we are dragging capitalism in its imperialist stage. These are our strategic objectives.
Despite the difficulties and confusions that exist in the consciousness of workers continue to believe that a socialist future is possible and, fundamentally, necessary. Because, those who today will begin to regroup all our forces for boosting the mobilization, self-organization of our class and building revolutionary organizations with women now star in a revolution internationally, young people and the working class.
Although we started from grouping program basis and very solid principle, at the same time they have separated us from some comrades with whom for many years we share the same space, our project opposes the self-proclamation of other sectors of the left. We do not believe the owners of the truth and the revolutionary unique planet. Our proposal is serving join with many colleagues, organized individually, worldwide fight against disasters caused by the capitalism and for a better world. And we will continue bringing these proposals to the regroupment areas in which we participate and value.
We continue to act in the main processes of the class struggle and the new political phenomena that arise around the world because we are not sectarian and reject the idea that it is possible to build revolutionary parties with mass influence regardless of the actual processes develop in our countries. But we differentiate what is a tactic which has to be our strategy.
All this and much more we discuss and advance these important days in early May 2018. In addition to the socialization of the materials of this first meeting in the new website in the coming days will be operational (, we intend to develop shortly, a manifesto propagandizaremos our worldview and our proposals, as a contribution to the new generations that every day they give can fight like this rotten system and with which we intend to quickly splice.

Alejandro Bodart

see also:

An internationalist week

Anticapitalist voices Network