EE.UU. Trump strategy

The images that have traveled the world of children separated from their parents, Caged in detention centers border, They constitute the most recent postcard from the barbarity of the US. de Trump. They are also part of the overall strategy of Yankee imperialism.

Since starting the plan "Zero Tolerance" in early May, 2.300 Children have been separated from their parents in the US border. with Mexico. Adults are deported to Mexico and children locked in cages inside real concentration camps, giant makeshift tents and abandoned supermarkets. Images are revulsive, indignantly. The scandal is such, which it has caused a wave of global condemnation. Even several voices of the Republican right itself, including Laura Bush -the wife of former President- They have denounced the cruelty of this measure.

La doctrina Trump

It is not the first time Trump seems to be isolated, holding too reactionary political establishment itself for Washington. Proposals for the border wall, to prohibit entry to the country of all Muslims or expel all undocumented immigrants were rejected or ridiculed by the entire political spectrum, except the nationalist far right. They feed the perception of Trump as a madman by a government without strategy.
But, Trump although little is guided by protocols, its policies, even those that appear to be irrational, They are part of a well thought strategy by bourgeois sectors -referenciados in the nationalist right and part of the Republican Party- that they make up his government. This is reflected in the document "National Security Strategy" which the government published alongside that of "National Defense Strategy" earlier this year.
The document is based on the premise that US. He has regressed in its global positioning policy, militarily and economically from the failures of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the crisis 2008, and that the orientation of neoliberal free trade capitanear through multinational organizations and free trade agreements no longer benefit US capital. Hence it draws a strategy aimed at strengthening the US position. in relation to the geopolitical power and the distribution of world surplus.

Repression and xenophobia

First, the document proposes deepening war on immigrants. Obama already had become the president who more immigrants deported. Trump intensified this policy, extending the deportations to many immigrants who have spent years, whole lives, in the country. Thousands have been arrested in dawn raids, directly deported and separated from their families. The policy of the border wall and entry restrictions Muslims are part of this policy.
The atrocities we are seeing in the border these days are going in the same direction. Of course the real goal is not to prevent the entry of immigrants, which they are a vital source of cheap labor hand for capitalism Yankee, but keep the eleven million undocumented immigrants in a state of constant terror inauspicious to claim their rights.

And operating profit

Secondly, the government seeks to increase the proportion of surplus value generated by global capitalism -in 1960 EE.UU. He concentrated on 40% of global GDP, today has been reduced to the 22%. All the demagogy of the campaign to recover Trump industrial jobs has to do with the need to generate more goodwill and concentrate more capital in the country. Towards this end, Trump imposed the biggest tax cut in history for corporations, He deepened the deregulation of the economy, He extended the fracking and began implementing tariffs key products such as aluminum and steel, mainly against China, but also harming old allies like the European Union-which generated a short circuit at the recent meeting of the G7.
Hand this, He came a global attack on the working class. The tax cuts permanently eliminates many corporate taxes, including funding important part of Obamacare, which would leave a 13 million people without health coverage over the next 10 years. At the same time, It is estimated that most workers end up paying more taxes in the coming years.
At the same time, there is a renewed attack on trade union rights. After advancing, in recent years, laws "right to work" to settle the power of collective bargaining, in many states, Now the Supreme Court is considering a case that would do the same with state workers nationwide.

"America First"

In third place is the geopolitical turn of Trump, the "war on terror" to the containment and confrontation with rival powers, China and Russia, local like Iran or "threats" such as North Korea. Along with this is the abandonment or renegotiation on more favorable terms to US. of free trade and multinational agencies. Misconstrued by some as a new protectionism, all this policy is nothing more than a search for a better way to defend and extend the power of the Yankee imperialist capital.

The resistance

Nevertheless, Trump has not achieved everything I wanted and faces active resistance at every step. Mobilizations of women when he took over and again this year have been the largest demonstrations in US history. Unexpected demonstrations at airports last year achieved a level of pressure that justice had to stop the ban on entry into the country of Muslims. The mobilization also broke the Republican caucus in Congress, avoiding its attempt to liquidate Obamacare and Medicaid -the public health program for the poorest sectors. Mass demonstrations in Boston, California and elsewhere slowed the emergence of fascist groups ephemeral.
In recent months we have seen a resurgence of the workers' struggle, with major strikes by teachers in states dominated the Republican right, who they have achieved important victories. These days there were also demonstrations in border detention centers and offices of the immigration authorities. And the 30 June is organizing a national mobilization in Washington D.C epicenter. against this new barbarity of Trump.
Trump is the least popular president in American history. And all surveys indicate that this year will suffer a crushing defeat in legislative elections, at the hands of Democrats. The challenge on the left and the resistance movements will not lose sight that has been the independent struggle that has managed to put a brake on Trump, Democrats not replace millionaires who want to defend the same capitalist interests. And that lies ahead the formation of an independent workers' alternative and people.

Federico Moreno