Amazon, Cheaper by the operator

sidereal profits for the owner. No crumbs for workers. Employees of the plant logistics Amazon-Madrid, the most important of Spain, They have been on strike for three days, until Wednesday. The conflict has existed for several months.
They are calling convention itself remain in the company since the agreement does not favor regional package and increased 1,5%.
Police Intervention Unit did not allow them to conduct informational picketing employees to reach ETT (Temporary Employment). Workers were beaten with batons, there were wounded and arrested.

Is that the promises of dialogue and better working conditions by Pedro Sánchez, They did scale plant in San Fernando de Henares.

The control measure coincides with the Prime Day, the most important event discounts sales platform. Also with strikes of employees in Germany and Poland.

Amazon is a global giant Internet sales kneading fortunes. They are the ones that carried its owner to be the richest man in the US. THE.

According to Forbes magazine, Jeff Bezos displaced Bill Gates from the top. It is estimated that possesses a fortune 112.000 millions of dollars. The company bases its success on the exploitation and poor working conditions.
A super-rich owner, thousands of workers fighting for the 1.5% magnifying, Amazon is a sample of what capitalism means. The rich are getting richer and less, the poor are poor and increasingly more.

Amazon is a global giant Internet sales kneading fortunes. They are the ones that carried its owner to be the richest man in the US. THE.

The employer's workers specializes in anti maneuvers. It is supported by riot police, performs temporary contracts and transfers sent to different branches to weaken claims.
Given this, It is critical customer support, not buying Amazon during the conflict and supporting the fight. We sympathize with the workers and their just demands.
The unit of employees of all branches in Spain and Europe is fundamental to twist the arm of the employer, also that the union leaders play to support the fight and unify.
It is that the promises of dialogue and better working conditions by Pedro Sanchez did not plant scale in San Fernando de Henares.