11-S: Day of millón

On the day the Catalan people again show the world that stands. The launch of a rocket to 17:14h o'clock, He transformed the absolute silence in one voice that crossed the Diagonal Avenue between Plaza de las Glorias Catalanas and the Royal Palace. He had begun Day 2018 under the slogan "Let's Republic" .

The arms of more than one million people from different social sectors and places of Catalunya, hundreds of thousands of coral-colored shirts, stellate flags, posters and yellow ribbons were synchronized for a wave by the Republic and the release of political prisoners and exiles. The view from a helicopter is amazing.

From SOL is proud to have participated in the day. We were in the Gustau tribute to fellow Muñoz, delivering proposals in the vicinity of Fossar de les Moreres, in the Diagonal wave and the Self-Determination act, organized by the CUP.

Those who are not happy are the defenders of Spain. Pablo Casado (PP) was a "Coven independence". Inés Arrimadas and Albert Rivera (citizens) they defined "Hijacked by nationalists, a day Exclusion, hatred and attack Spain " . Miguel Iceta (PSOE) he denounced "exclusion". Ada Colau (In Common We can) nor he mentioned respect for self-determination. The right, Social Democracy and the "equidistance progressivism" will have to digest the success of the independence call.

The right, Social Democracy and Progressivism equidistance have to digest the success of the independence call.

Concentration convened by the ANC (Catalan National Assembly) strengthens the fight against trumped-up charges and unfair trials leaders and independence activists. It is shown that injustice and persecution have not managed to defeat the people. This is because the mobilizations, general strikes, highway cuts, the organization of the CDR, 1-O-D and 21 defined a mandate: enforce the Catalan Republic. So hard it was decisive for Soraya Sanchez de Santamaría It is added to the meteoric path M. Rajoy from the offices of power to his living room.

Yes there is still no free Catalunya is not the responsibility of the people but the PDeCAT, ERC and JxCAT. It is impossible to ignore that faltered when it came to holding the Declaration of Independence. It is something that still pays dearly, since the regime took advantage of the situation and went on the attack and beheaded driving the process, subjecting to jail and exile.

Beyond preserve something of the independence rhetoric, Indecision last veered toward the autonomismo of this, it is both the Parliament as the Government. Uncompromising dialogue with Pedro Sánchez support, mentions against "Magic independentismo" and the "Shortcuts"; they serve to negotiate a pact with the oppressor referendum refuses to do so, leaving for later the effective implementation of the mandate popular 1-O.

But still is not the last word. It is essential to meet again in schools and streets of the neighborhoods that were the scene 1-O. Enhance the courageous spirit that defeated the Guardia Civil, It will reaffirm that there is no forgiveness for Felipe oblivion VI, those who supported the repression, nor will it be for you to step back.

Many major social and political problems have their origin in the reactionary constitution of '78, with its monarchical parliamentary system inherited from Francoism.

Nor should allow fair democratic claims invalidating the social. Adjustments ordered by the European Union hurt the below and above favor, applies both when the government of Pedro Sánchez, and when it does manage Quim Torra.

Both are true defenders of capitalism and the bosses' profits. Job insecurity and unemployment are outrageous. A salary is not enough to pay the rent, and food services. Cuts in public health and education worsen living conditions. The decline in historical conquests of the working class due to the passivity of the union leaderships of the UGT and CCOO. Far from calling democratic assemblies to define a protest statement, a general strike and control plan, They continue to deploy complicity with employers and governments shift.

Many major social and political problems have their origin in the reactionary constitution of '78, with its monarchical parliamentary system inherited from Francoism. It is necessary that a Constituent Assembly, Free and Sovereign discuss and decide on major issues that cross the peninsula. It would be a democratic choice that can only be placed on the agenda the emergence of the mass movement.

The bottom outlet passes defeat capitalism and build a socialist federation of republics Ibéricas, with a system of full freedom for workers and people who choose to integrate

It is urgent to build a new politics of left and progressive alternative, with comrades of CUP, CDR, feminist groups, of immigrants, social and cultural, independent and open personalities who want to consistently fight for an anti-capitalist program, with internal mechanisms democratic.

The bottom outlet passes defeat capitalism and build a Free Federation of Iberian Socialist Republics, with a system of full freedom for workers and peoples.

Our young revolutionaries grouping, anticapitalist, feminists and environmentalists, It is at the service of these tasks.