Elections in Brazil

With Lula proscripto, in the midst of a severe economic and political crisis, the outcome is uncertain. He 7 October elections will be held in Brazil in the midst of a severe economic and political crisis. Lula, the most popular candidate, is arrested, proscripto y declinó su candidatura en favor de su vice. Brasil viene sufriendo fuertes sacudones en las últimas semanas:

· Días atrás, the real was sharply devalued the currency run because of the Turkish crisis, which he shook the rest of the emerging economies and particularly to Argentina.

· Luego el Tribunal Superior Electoral dejó fuera de la contienda a Lula, unjustly imprisoned for a conviction on appeal by corruption and wanted to continue as a candidate of the PT. Even in prison, Lula clawing the 40% acceptance.

· Y el viernes 7, a desperate stabbed and badly wounded left to extreme right candidate Jair Bolsonaro (PAGE), Lula who retired recorded the highest rate: 24%. This Trump to Brazilian expresses a product polarization of discontent of broad sectors with the old political caste.

When winning the election deadline on Tuesday 11, Lula finally resigned his candidacy in favor of his running mate, Fernando Haddad, academic profile politician little known, who was mayor of San Pablo and Minister of Education governments petistas.

Now the PT bet that Lula Haddad transfer you to achieve most of its intention to vote and that on the ballot with the possibility to beat the rightwing Bolsonaro. The move is not easy, and perhaps the change was made with little time to make known to Haddad and perhaps the vote can be dispersed in other policy options that strip.

The preferred candidate of the regime, Geraldo Alckmin (PSDB), does not exceed 10% despite having almost half of the free electoral propaganda. Ciro Gomes (PDT, working) and Marina Silva (Network) dispute of the space of the center.

With less than a month for an election in which president is elected, one-third of the Senate, the entire House of Representatives and more than a thousand state legislators ... and do not know who can win in the huge neighboring country!

Crisis of political regime

This serious crisis is the result of deterioration of the Brazilian regime as a whole. During the governments of PT entered large amounts of currency. But they did not use them to make the necessary reforms to wean the Brazilian economy from the vagaries of the world market. Unlike: They were faithful stewards of the business of Brazilian capitalism and were postulated as a buffer against the Bolivarian process overflows that might arise in the region.

The crisis that hit Brazil 2013 unleashed a youthful rebellion was suppressed by the government of Dilma. From there, and after the president betrayed all his election promises, It began an irreversible attrition that was used by his allies to remove her right to impeach and enthrone his vice Temer.

They did it to attack historical conquests of workers with labor reform, the outsourcing of state enterprises and prepare a brutal assault the pension system, all to compensate the Great Recession, the decline of GDP and losses of Brazilian capitalists.

To this a significant deterioration of the entire political and business leaders to uncover the operation Lava Jato a huge plot of bribery and corruption that is involved until the current president Temer added.

In a difficult climate condemnable curtailment of democratic freedoms (proscription of Lula, militarization of Rio, Marielle murder of Franco, military interference in political decisions), This electoral process is in crisis and the regime bet on him to try to correct the course.

Both, the crisis of the old political regime that sustains the capitalist system in Brazil allows progress in installing an anti-capitalist and democratic choice. Anticapitalist Network supports the candidacies of PSOL, They are expressing the unity of those who knew how to plant a socialist alternative to all right and to the adaptation of Lula and the Brazilian PT capitalism.

Gustavo Giménez