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Brazil began the campaign against extreme right-wing misogynist. He 7 October will elections in the midst of a severe economic and political crisis. The issue is that the situation goes beyond the strictly electoral. This time the far right has a candidate with an intention of vote 24%, which would place him chances of being president. His name is Jair Bolsonaro (PAGE), a kind of Donald Trump in Brazilian version.

It is capitalizing on two facts. On the one hand, the withdrawal of Lula, the most popular candidate who is imprisoned and proscripto, in whose place his deputy Fernando Haddad will present. For another, approaches the discontent with corruption and disasters old Brazilian political caste.

Bolsonaro is a misogynist, It is against the rights of women and expresses the most brutal patriarchal sexism.

At the same time, It has generated a strong polarization, this rejection was swift facho. They were the United Women's Bolsonaro which since Facebook launched the campaign # EleNão.

In Brazil, nosotrxs We support the candidacies of PSOL by integrating Socialist Alternative Anticapitalist Network. That does not mean that this campaign urging us find a single complaint. Nearly two million women began this rejection, it's not by chance.

It is because if the extreme right will win, install a reactionary course still in power. During his career and the campaign itself has made clear what you think. Bolsonaro is a misogynist, It is against the rights of women and expresses the most brutal patriarchal sexism. This, already grave, worse, remembering that occurs in the country where recently Franco was killed Marielle, feminist and socialist fighter.

When we assault, women transform us into a single fist to defend ourselves.

Another focus of attack is sexual diversity Bolsonaro, which it defenestra with arguments from the Middle Ages. consistent, also it claims past military dictatorships, repression and torture. from now, It is a faithful servant of the interests of big capitalists. This character is part of a difficult climate condemnable cut democratic freedoms such as the proscription of Lula, the militarization of Rio de Janeiro and military interference in political decisions.

If anything is increasingly clear, It is that there is a wave feminism Fourth World unites us: We play in a country and we become one fist responds worldwide. It is international solidarity that makes powerful the feminist movement.

Since Together and left and SOL -State Spanish-, We are doing the campaign # EleNão. Saturday 29 of September, participate in the act called by WOMEN AGAINST Bolsonaro en Barcelona, action invite you to share feminist groups and all LA aquellxs they reject obscurantism of the extreme right toward women and toward sexual dissidence.