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The first anniversary of Referendum, Catalan democratic revolution is ongoing. The gigantic Diada was continued in another historic day 1-O, when your last spirit body claimed in fighting this. Monday dawned with Catalunya cuts roads, highways and streets, actions surprise and a student strike with pickets and demonstration called by Universities republic.

At noon a march with workers was made partly out of their workplaces, since there was no general strike day off. The leading a banner saying: "Tumbemos the regime, we will vote independently ".

Afternoon near 200 thousand people answered the call of the Platform 1 d´octubre (ANC, Omnium, CDR, etc.) marching from Plaza Catalunya to Parlament, Referendum ballot boxes with ballots filled SI. The message for Roger Torrent and Quim Torra, It was very clear: fulfill the mandate 1-O or resign.

A part of the mobilization came to the Ciutadella Park, another stood before the Chief of the National Police, symbol of Franco's repression. In both cases, into the night, Mossos d'Esquadra who were dissolved demonstrations.

No words can reflect the full extent of the determination and creativity of young people, women and all who struggle with yellow ribbon on her chest and stellate high.

The previous days were hectic. Saturday concentrations Sant Jaume Square and Via Laietana slowed him over to the police and fascists who had planned to reach the Generalitat to vindicate violent charges 2017. The Government authorized the fachos the Mossos guarded, even they are repressing fellow ARRAN. The resignation of Minister of Interior, Miquel Buch is the minimum that may be required.

On Sunday, squares and schools districts, were the scene of activities with music, games and meals, organized by neighbors from the CDR. The accounts of the players 1-O and testimonies of police brutality in schools, They reaffirmed that there will be "I do not forget, no forgiveness "and will continue the demand for the release of political prisoners and exiles.

No words can reflect the full extent of the determination and creativity of young people, women and all who struggle with yellow ribbon on her chest and stellate high.

We are proud to have been part of the mobilizations and the international campaign #Viva1Oct by Anticapitalists Network call from @WithCatalonia.

The contradiction is huge: there are people walking forward and walking back leaders.

Despite of 155 and repression, the democratic revolution goes his way, It is obvious. So it is that it is not a "bed of roses", but it is fraught with danger. The people and did almost everything, those who are not up to the circumstances are the leaders of PDeCAT, JxCat and ERC. Beyond the phraseology and the repeated symbolism, They want to put a bolt into limbo in which Carles Puigdemont placed the Republic to seek "consensus" with Rajoy. Something that repeats now asking for "a space of trust with Pedro Sanchez". This policy has already proved to be a failure.

Quim Torra what seemed like a scene from Poland when he said "Friends of the CDR: apretáis and do well to tighten " as a nod to the shares in Girona and other cities. As if he had nothing to do with the President of Catalunya which is who should "to tight" to effectuate the Republic.

ERC leaders are on the same line. Denouncing alleged "Magic independentismo", They are determined to bury sidedness, push for a referendum and agreed utopian uncompromising dialogue with the oppressors who refuse to self-determination.

... you need to build a new address, willing to uphold the people's mandate and take anti-capitalist measures. "

The contradiction is huge: there are people walking forward and walking back leaders. It favors independence process there is a weak government PSOE, the PP and Citizens kill each other and that the regime has many democratic and social problems without routing. Nevertheless, this will not last forever, and even if it lasted, They would turn to to agree, if only to go against Catalunya. They did it with 155, endorsed by the European Union.

For these reasons, It needs to build a new address, willing to uphold the people's mandate and take anticapitalist measures. The new can only come from the regrouping of social organizations, political and cultural, democratic and combative, the CDR as one of its protagonists.

A call of this kind carried out by our comrades from the CUP would be a great step forward because there are many who are increasingly sympathetic positions. from now, it is essential to an open and comprehensive call, with exchange of views in meetings and plenaries; which enters a great event and unitary democratic debate confluence.

The future of the Catalan Republic also played in visitor ground. It is necessary to win the support of Republicans and Democrats honest Peninsula and other countries, like the working class, nationality is to be. In a convulsive and changing political scene, this is not the last. "Because we can succeed. There is no God you have noticed that we can not do ".