Need a new political direction

He lost the independence divided the parliamentary majority. The people are fighting for the Republic. Differences were certified in the last parliamentary session that was to vote on the general policy. JxCat and ERC had agreed to allow the delegate vote of Carles Puigdemont, Jordi Turull, Jordi Sánchez and Josep Rull (JxCat).

The lawyers considered illegal recommended that formula and adopt the already approved by the plenary whereby Oriol Junqueras and Raul Romeva (ERC) designaron Sergi Sabrià, as a substitute in the House. Finally, the Bureau revoked the initial agreement with the votes of ERC and PSC and lost his own majority independentismo.

As a result of the new scenario, no proposals were approved for self-determination nor reprobation Interior counselor Miquel Buch, by loads of Mossos d'Esquadra in recent demonstrations.
In the first instance the full reprobation rejected the King for his speech 3 October last year compared to 1-O Referendum. Then it approved a damning proposal and calling for dissolving the monarchy, but in this case by CatComúPodem, in which he had removed the mention of independence. Seats in this grouping acquire a new relevance.

This has caused a political backlash of Pedro Sanchez in defense of the monarchy, as he promised "legal measures" Parlament and act against "In defense of legality, the Constitution and state institutions ".

As a result of the new scenario, no proposals were approved for self-determination nor reprobation Interior counselor Miquel Buch, by loads of Mossos d'Esquadra in recent demonstrations.

The meeting has generated debates about the direction of leaders. The first is to ask Who must be responsible for what happens in Catalunya? The finger can only point in one direction: the regime of '78. 21-D and M.Rajoy 155 They were defeated when the independence parties were in a position to invest Carles Puigdemont as President. But this did not happen by "legal" arbitrariness of Llarena.

The "Exemplary democracy" She sets a record: in less than a year two terms of the polls was loaded: 1-O y 21-D. This reality, coupled with the existence of deputies who are imprisoned or exiled, falsely accused "Violent rebellion", It causes an abnormal situation in the Catalan institutions, President Pedro Sanchez is responsible for maintaining.

Having said that, can not justify all political decisions under the umbrella attack regime, that will certainly continue. Then the question arises What role the leaders of the majority parties in the Government and the Parlament? From our point of view, They are squandering the trust and the popular mandate.

ERC, JxCat-PDeCAT were pushed into the declaration of the Catalan Republic by the people mobilized. Then they locked themselves in limbo self-determination of the suspension without term. And although they were again massively supported and placed in a position to govern together, they did.

This will not last forever, therefore it is necessary to define unambiguously between autonomist or Republic, submission or disobedience. It is urgent the broad regrouping of forces consistent,

In the speech reaffirmed the goal of the Republic, in the facts, the dilate, the sidestep and point to autonomismo. ERC submits his actions to the dictates of the regime and electoral speculation, defending a utopian consensus with representatives of the Spanish State, in the form of dialogue for a referendum agreed, with international mediation.

The destiny of the President Quim Torra (JxCat) It is also in discussion, for not making effective the Republic, the repression of demonstrations and Mossos in the new legislative scenario. And there were claims of CDRs who requested his resignation and ANC set a deadline before withdrawing their support.

And what do down? The constitutional process no traces, appeal for international support of the working class and peoples? neither. How I am preparing the birth of the new Republic? With the mediation of Pope, Trump and other world leaders of oppression, as he called Torrá, certainly not. It is a fact that people do not prepare politically or organizationally for new clashes with the oppressors.

Like that and everything, the Catalan people kept alive their claim. Dyad with more than one million 11-S convened by the ANC, advocatory acts with 30-S, with the 200 thousand mobilized 1-O with a leading role of the CDR, confrontation with the fascist actions and the unshakable will for freedom of political prisoners and exiles.

This will not last forever, therefore it is necessary to define unambiguously between autonomist or Republic, submission or disobedience. It is urgent the broad regrouping of forces consistent, with the base of the parties that reject the course of their leaders, with CDR, with feminist groups, social and cultural.

The CUP has a program that is required to kick off a call of this type. Is a collective task ahead of the first order, away to leaders who betray and undertake the construction of a new political leadership.