Argentina: Plenary militant trade unionism. Step forward and discussion with the Socialist Left

Saturday 3 on camping Pilar del SUTNA, a new regional plenary was held (North Zone).
Coordination in space born in June in Lanús, important resolutions were adopted and developed a strong debate with IS (Argentina organization ITU-CI) on the union model. They attended classist and leftist groups in the north with important representatives of unions, internal and delegates tire, CICOP and ATE several sectional and hospitals Eva Peron y Belgrano, SUTEBA, Union Ferroviaria, telephone, Rioplatense Refrigerator, metallurgical, glass, and judicial power, among others. ANCHOR (our union current MST) PO and CSC were the most important delegations, also participating Breaking Chains, 18 from December (new MAS), Current IS and Jorge Weisz. Groups that make up ANCHOR, State alternative, Teaching alternative, Violeta rail, alternative Health, Gray Tire, and movement Teresa Vive, among other, They were part of the discussions on state commissions, Private and gender.

A representative table

A representative table chaired and coordinated the event. By ANCHOR were Orlando Restivo (President of San Martin and Belgrano Sectional provincial director of CICOP) and Claudio Mora (Fate delegate and Secretary General of the CTA San Fernando). I joined the same representing the National Bureau of PSC with Ileana Celotto (AGD y CHI), Edgardo Reynoso (UF e IS), Elisa Maria Salgado (Sec. Gral. SUTEBA Tigre) and Alejandro Crespo (Kick).

Discussions at the meeting

In an enthusiastic atmosphere and a splendid day that accompanied the debates, reports were made and commissions discussed in the base document and proposed resolutions, all agreed by all organizations prepare this meeting for several weeks. The need to strengthen international solidarity with the brotherly people of Brazil after the triumph of Bolsonaro, its impact on Argentina, the government crisis, the budget and the new agreement with the IMF were part of the discussions. An exchange on the reality of state workers and teachers in the area and the industrial belt. And the proposed resolutions were addressed, including the need to reclaim the national strike and fight plan, action against the Senate when the budget and mobilization against the G20 concerned among other specific planteos. the anti-bureaucratic union lists greeted railroads Miter and Belgrano Norte. At the end of the plenary, The resolutions were adopted with the contributions received.

The union model under discussion

Forming a pole of regrouping the Railway Sarmiento, Meeting Ferroviario Blacklist, He opened a debate not only on the railroad but began to spread in militant activism and leftist. A debate on trade union model we consider fundamental. Our current is pushing it for a long time and it seems very necessary to begin to generalize. And that space Plenary faced him.

Unfortunately, the small delegation of Socialist Left placed it in the worst way, with a strange method both workers and the left, with gross misrepresentations of reality and so nothing fraternal, as it should be part of the discussions between fighters. Starring a real papelón, in plenary and in committee, with slanderous attacks to address the MST and PO, interrupting peer interventions. But more than that philistine method, what matters is the content showing that prisoner sector a very important political desubique.

Nor in the mouth of his speakers (Monica Schlotthauer and Edgardo Reynoso, Sarmiento delegates) or IS members who participated in the commissions, They mentioned the importance of anti-bureaucratic lists unit Miter and Belgrano Norte and support for electoral fights against bureaucratic variants of the Green. They also talked about the upcoming battles against the budget vote in the Senate nor against the G20. In all commissions, despite their rupturistas attitudes and slanderous attacks Blacklist- Railway meeting, the comrades were answered in strongly and with many arguments which unfortunately did not reflect.

Conversely, the exclusive focus of its intervention was to vindicate the character autoproclamatorio driving Sarmiento Bordó. Far from any reflection of why activists ex Emfer and major groups left operating in the railroad joined in an alternative list posed democratize the delegate body to fight seriously to address the adjustment and sweep the Green.

Instead of calling lists support northern, mocionaron "repudiating" blacklist Sarmiento and promised to "crush" (sic).
Instead of explaining why they did not call the various currents of classism to join the new list and put in place a joint project, as it is the responsibility of those who hold most driving, they dedicated explain a fallacy: there was no unity list "because they are not the called". In the debate we were clear: not be confused with uniformity unit. The unit is produced with the integration of diversity. uniformity, such as driving the Bordó and IS, divide.

Instead of seriously argue why the candidates were not elected by sector to then integrate the sheet list the reactionary forces statute, to be the most representative base, they preferred to assemble the sheet list members only Bordó. We have no doubt that if pre-selections were made by Industry, the list would consist of all sectors and it is clear they do not want exposed to it. In the debate we provide numerous examples of sectors where statutory restrictions were raffled to democratically elect delegates. Proving that the claim is fallacious IS that "can not" choose candidates for delegates per sector.

We provide several examples. CNEA where they selected delegates for strikeouts and thus earned the best companions that then made up the sheet list requiring retrograde status ATE. It is famous the body of delegates of the Rio Santiago shipyard industry, a conquest imposed by workers over the same status ATE. In the case of workers of the former Emfer, they did with the ultraburocrático status of the UOM. There chose the best companions and even the commission claims the elegy on the base, where were the top rated peers. Also always they are incorporating members of other groups to avoid uniformity. Today these partners are providing this valuable experience of union democracy to the Black List Sarmiento.

Proving that union democracy is not declaim, practice.
The importance of a debate that we must deepen
The vast majority of the plenary, Height rejected the proposals of IS, reflecting the pressures of occupying for many years, more of 18 in Sarmiento, maximum driving positions without the counterweight practice strictly a democratic union model. An apparent adaptation apparatus induces them to reproduce bureaucratic methods of the old union model we need and want change.

You can not declaim that "two mandates and back to work" and not fulfill it. It fails to reflect the needs of the base and begins to revolve around caring for the union office. You can not be confused with uniformity as unit which is rooted in the Sarmiento. Uniformity cancels discussion and divided, proportionally integrating is all garantica unit to be represented in a body of delegates or directive, representatives of all sectors.

Undoubtedly are the first but forceful aspects of an argument to be explored further and that is key towards the development of new management process. Because the historical and structural crisis of the bureaucracy has opened a trade union replacement process where there will be new opportunities to win delegates, internal, Sectional and up unions.

There left and militant sectors are called to play a key role, provided they apply a new union model and not the practices of the old model that is rooted in our class for decades and must be banished. It is a cultural battle, but not only propaganda. Practical application is accessed only trade union office. Strictly practicing independence and not adapting to the apparatus. Practicing democracy and workers being slaves of the assemblies. And being consistent with the unity in diversity and not uniformity of the single thought.

This policy debate, as we said in the event, must continue. Plenary militant trade unionism, He took an important step rejecting the methods and policy raised by the Socialist Left and right voting resolutions by unanimous consensus. Undoubtedly, if in addition to the actions and organizational steps being taken, an enabling environment is demonstrated to advance these discussions, will facilitate and strengthen the unified intervention in the next processes of struggle, electoral organization and the labor movement. We salute you have begun and we propose to develop background.

Guillermo Pacagnini, ANCHOR coordinator / MST

reproduced from Anticapitalist Network

Nov 7, 2018