Meetings program, anticapitalist feminist

The anti-capitalist feminism has a rich history, with theory, program and policies that take as their own. We reaffirm that our overall program is the transition program for the working class and the people. Along the women's movement raises specific claims. The Fourth World Feminist Wave gets old claims and incorporates new, dimensiona, stresses and synthesizes proposals heat of mobilization. We have to collectively discuss and develop our program to enrich heat from the experience of women in different social sectors, taking advantage of Boards and to the left is the gender grouping SOL – Spanish state and we are part of Anticapitalist Network, an international current worldwide involved assimilating nuances and different experiences, how #EleNao in Brazil, the Campaign for Legal Abortion in Argentina and Latin America or "Red Peak" in Nicaragua.

We raised it high the banner of anti-capitalist feminism flying millions of women worldwide and took the post of our socialist comrades who gave their lives in the struggle against oppression and exploitation, as Yolanda González, killed by a fascist group and detained companions disappeared in Argentina PST, just to mention some examples.

The statistical data referring to European women are alarming. Niñxs care: does the 92% of women compared to 68% of the men. housework, 79% Women's 34% of the men. Management positions: just a 33% will occupy high office. In politics: 35% in the European Parliament, and alone 10 of the 58 Heads of State or Government. Earnings: women earn about 16,3 % less when comparing wages, reaching a 23% least in supervisory positions. Contraception and family planning: there are still difficulties in accessing contraception, 9% of women experience unmet needs.

With its peculiarities and inequalities between countries, worldwide women reveal us against injustice and went out to demand our rights. And in this capitalist and patriarchal system overall, not differ much.

Before each event starring women's groups somewhere in the world, It is fed back to the movements unfolding in other, sometimes very distant. Social networks help spread, mutual influence and reproduction of initiatives. We are convinced that this new wave feminism has its local peculiarities, but the heat of the struggle is nourished, It grows and matures into an interaction that is both international and internationalist.

We provide our opinion to the ongoing discussions, posing a series of transitional tasks in the Spanish State, ranging from minimum demands raised in the struggles that lead until the final liberation of women, by the working class, defeating the sexist and patriarchal capitalism and build a socialist world.

In that sense, We posed here only a number of points which consider central, as an incentive to build the program that will result from the collective elaboration and intervention in the processes of struggle.

1-Step by working women

Women are the majority in lower average salary jobs, such as paid domestic work, education and health, they are socially seen as an extension of care tasks. We are also most heads of households in poverty, confirming the feminization of poverty.

The role played in the strike in factories, colleges, Offices, transport, television, etc., The struggles of Kelly, of domestic workers and care, temporeras of Strawberry and many other partners in the various processes of social struggle, working women located on the first line protest. Support for the struggle for equal rights for working women is the fundamental starting point, in particular for equal pay with men. Also we are fighting for:

  • Parity in management positions of companies.
  • Punishment chiefs who exercise power abuse their authority in the employment structure.
  • full recognition, payment and domestic labor rights.
  • That proportional representation is expressed in conducting unions.
  • By trade union education and information campaigns on women's rights.
  • That specific claims be raised before each call for action.
  • especially immigrant women who are least able to defend themselves and denounce abuses protection.
  • Extension of licenses for pregnant, shared with males and nontransferable.

2-Domestic work

Questioning the official ways of being a woman is a daily exercise and at that question(we) They begin to discuss more and more tasks that are supposed naturalized for us.
If there is something that women, especially the most vulnerable sectors, We occupy much of our lives, It is in housework. We do not mean to wage labor of domestic workers in another home, but when we do in our house, everyday, for almost a lifetime and for free. Therefore we defend:

  • Recognition and socialization of housework and unpaid pension rights.
  • Unemployment protection.
  • Protection against dismissal.
  • Prevention of occupational hazards.
  • Labor inspectorates.
  • Actual coverage of collective agreements.
  • Opening public kindergartens and preschools, eaters, laundries and community nursing home quality.
  • Enough of precarious work without a permanent contract.
  • No Amendment 6777, PP down the budget
  • We adhere to the call for the ratification of Convention 189 the ILO, while recognizing that the plans of these international organizations are incompatible with the plans of imperialism and its national partners, whose two main axes are deepening the extractive looting and impose new labor reforms.

3-Larger budget to address gender violence

The mobilization of thousands of women got the PP government earmark 200 million euros in the Covenant of State. The PSOE-WE CAN pact would, eventually, the figure 220. But, even so, the budget is insufficient to address a problem that so far this year ended the life of 50 women. Only 220 million euros per year for Spain, for security forces and, health, education, Justice, media, reintegration mechanisms for women victims of violence, comprehensive recovery centers, It is completely inadequate and shows little interest in solving this problem. Just to take an example, in the general budget 2017 They have been approved 1.824 million euros for the modernization of the Army.

  • Mechanisms for democratic debate and decision feminist groups in drawing up the national budget allocated to gender.
  • By mechanisms of social control over the budget.

4-Election of judges and prosecutors by direct vote

To end sexist and patriarchal justice, favoring violent, as members of the herd and legislates against women.

  • It is necessary that the positions of judges and prosecutors are elected by popular vote and integrated equal number of women. further, must be limited and revocable mandates for poor performance.
  • Feminist groups should be recognized as part of juries to gender attacks.
  • Gender training for judges, judges and prosecutors.

5-Separation of Church and State

Who wants a cure that will reward. In the Spanish State the Catholic Church receives 11600 million euros in grants by the Government, 650 million euros in salaries and social insurance catechists, 600 million in maintenance of Catholic historical and artistic heritage, 4750 million euros in grants to Catholics concerted. further, You do not pay taxes for its thousands of real estate.

  • For a secular state
  • Outside the Church and the state of our ovaries and our beds.
  • For public education, secular and scientific

6-The murder of every woman to be recognized as what it is: FEMICIDE

Something that looks like a simple linguistic change is the political recognition of violence that women live daily. It is to recognize oppression we live every day and we killed by being women. As set out in the Declaration on Femicide Monitoring Mechanism Belem Do Para Convention (MESECVI): violent death by gender either takes place within the family, domestic unit or within any other interpersonal relationship, in the community or by any person. At 2017 They were counted 99 femicide and the 2018 97.

7-Full rights body

Patriarchy assigned to our bodies reproductive role of capitalist society. Our free sexuality is restricted overtly or subtly. Do not let anyone decide for us.

  • Sex education campaigns, both reproductive and personal enjoyment.
  • Legal and free abortion. Support for women fighting for abortion in Argentina, Andorra and other countries.
  • By removing barriers to abortion in the Spanish State. The extensive periods of public health complicate the realization and women are forced to turn to private clinics at a cost of between 300 and 500 € which should cover the state if it can not guarantee abortion in a public establishment.
  • That every pregnant body can decide under what conditions an abortion and be respected.
  • We reject that doctors can be conscientious objectors.
  • Discrimination against the LGBTI community, equal rights and full employment quota trans.

8-Stop the sexist and patriarchal violence

The exploitation and oppression are violent in themselves. Acquire different manifestations in the private sector and the public. The bad deals, controls on individual actions, limitations in social life, preconceived psychological mechanisms and verbal abuse are gender-based violence must be fought.

  • The elimination of all forms of violence in all areas.

9-Enough of institutional violence

This is particularly deplorable to emerge from the agencies themselves who are supposed to protect women. Hospitals, in the police and justice feels particularly. It is necessary to educate so that this does not happen and punish the excesses come from whom they come.

The municipalities have special secretariats and manifest themselves in different ways to attacks on women. This need not be testimonial or one more way to seek electoral gains. We must demand effective measures, accompanying the mobilizations and put the resources of agencies serving companions assaulted.

  • By removing bureaucratic obstacles to each allegation made by a woman gender violence.
  • Enough re-victimize women. For procedures that prioritize women and non-violent.
  • No means no.

10-Against the mafias sex

Combating trafficking networks and pimping and its state under, social reintegration plans for victims. Employment alternatives for those who wish to leave prostitution and social rights to sex workers.

11-Education with a gender perspective

Education is also a fundamental right that can not be curtailed women for the fact of working or being mothers. We need to provide economic and time necessary facilities for the development of our educational careers, both from employers and from the State.
Education is a priority area for gender mainstreaming:

  • By curricula with the participation of the educational community.
  • By teaching models that incorporate the gender perspective from the first educational steps, avoiding the adoption of games and preconceived attitudes that prepare the ground for planting the patriarchal sexism.
  • By a Law of Sexual Education nationwide with content from a gender perspective, dissident, secular, scientific and non-binary. That no body and no identity is not invisibilice.

Must take the necessary measures so that fellow students can advance your career, whether or not workers, without abuse, attacks or discrimination or their teachers or other classmates submitted or.

12-Punishment child abuse

Child abuse occurs at an early age and is particularly repugnant when it happens in the private sector or institutional.

  • By punishing abusers and violent.

13-People have no owner

Another evil that is becoming common is aggression in adolescents courtships and start seeing people, particularly women, as the property of men. They are normally expressed during secondary school.

  • By awareness campaigns to reject these attitudes.
  • For an education that promotes affective-sexual healthy and respectful relationships.

14-They play a, play all

Anywhere in the world that has an important fight, there will be women in other cities and continents supporting them. Every struggle fed us for the next, because, international solidarity activist, You must remain a hallmark. We are one wherever we are. It is a fact that the degree of progress in the claims is very uneven worldwide.

We must devote particular importance in Spain to immigrant and refugee women, while the companions of other countries that still have outstanding achieve basic civil rights or are the victims of past centuries that institutions subject them to the worst humiliations, punishments and limitations just because they are women.

15-Capitalism and patriarchy fall together

From Juntas and the Left we support every struggle of our comrades in unity of action, when it comes to common demands the fight should be joint, that's what strengthens us for our immediate claims. You are welcome all the gains won patriarchy, more partial to be. Based on this fundamental premise, we will not stop raising transitional measures to further progress towards the strategy, towards a bottom outlet that the system of exploitation and oppression will never give us. Because, we organize to fight alongside the working class until capitalism and patriarchy fall together.