A call to the unity of the Socialist Revolutionaries

The emancipation of capitalism, which it is a global system, It requires an international leadership to lead the revolutionary struggle of the proletariat, which it is a world-class. This basic theory of Marxism takes shape in the International, as a world party. Today, the need to build an international revolutionary be the vanguard of the proletariat is still the fundamental problem to be solved revolutionary Marxists. Thus, It is urgent for the international revolutionary Marxist movement step towards building a world party of the working class to fight for the triumph of revolutionary socialism worldwide.

The capitalist system constantly demonstrates that it is not able to overcome the economic crisis, imperialist wars and rising class struggle. The imperialist system attacks the rights of workers, stir ethnic and religious massacres around the world, perpetrates invasions, fortifies fascist parties, abandons democratic rights, advances in environmental destruction of the planet and put in power sexist leaders, homophobic, nationalists, religious and authoritarian to try to overcome its crisis and current stalemate.

The last remnants of its prestige, as the thesis of the victory of the market and liberalism, the "end of history" and the "end of class struggle" -declaradas as indisputable realities after the collapse of the USSR 1991- They were swept away by the crisis 2007-8, which manifested itself in the outbreak of the US financial bubble due to the leakage of productive capital toward speculation by the sustained fall in the profit rate of large corporations.

In an era in which the class struggle grows worldwide, it is vital that the revolutionary Marxists put us at the forefront of struggles to direct the growing anger against the system towards revolutionary way. This will only be possible with the construction of a new international organization of revolutionary socialists.

The capitalist crisis brings opportunities

During the crisis 2007-8 and later spread to southern Europe 2010-2011, the United States and the European Union socialized debts of financial capital to rescue bankrupt companies. They adopted a policy of low interest rates and injected the market 1,5 trillion dollars through the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank to protect themselves from the effects of the economic crisis. This capital export crisis meant transferring the center to the periphery. The world's financial capital was seeking a greater share of the surplus value produced in peripheral countries through an extraordinary wave of speculation. This time, the result was sinking in the crisis countries such as Argentina and Turkey.

On the other hand, in the core countries are becoming dark clouds appear on the horizon of the capitalist economy. Eleven years after the outbreak of the crisis, without having resolved, a new financial crisis looms. More and more bourgeois economists admit that a new crisis comes, and warn the leaders of the imperialist capitalist system. This stagnation of the capitalist system, inevitably, He has sharpened the class struggle, and this will increase in the future. Since the crisis 2007-8, There have been decisive social struggles in many countries. We have noted the escalation in the class struggle and great upheavals in Greece, Egypt, Tunisia, France, Spain, Argentina, Brazil, South Africa, Turkey, Iran, Nicaragua, Venezuela and many other countries. They grow in US strikes. It has continued the resistance of the Palestinian people against the Zionist state of Israel. English Brexit threatens to collapse the European Union.

Unfortunately, We have not had an international revolutionary Marxist organization developed to intervene with force in these social conflicts. Today, reverse this is paramount, because in the next period the decisive battles of the class struggle will expand and be tougher. Exploited workers and youth to have stolen the future will not accept being crushed by the wheels of the system. Neither women remain oppressed and will support doubly exploited. The wrath of all, their protests and uprisings are inevitable. the tendency of imperialist capitalism to try to crush this resistance through repression and oppression will also strengthen.

We are witnessing an increasingly polarized world. There will be new opportunities that we must seize after the revolutionary struggle of the proletariat and to advance the construction of the revolutionary leadership. This is vital for the union of Marxist revolutionary forces in the world to lead the growing class struggle in the next period. The revolutionary socialist unity of the working class and youth is also a necessity for us. The new international organization must build should be formed around some critical points:

The international unit will seek to build the united front of resistance and offensive of the working class still active on the frontlines of defending workers. With the method of the transition program, You have a line to connect the current struggles with the permanent revolution.

Against the trend of bourgeois governments to authoritarianism, will fight to defend democratic rights. This fight will be organized on the basis of class independence.

He will participate strongly in the movements of the working class, youth, women and sexual dissidence.

In these struggles, the dispute over the direction of these movements of mass anger hand building Leninist parties.

He will fight against imperialist intervention and occupation, strengthening anti-imperialist struggle of the proletariat and the popular sectors. Against ethnic and religious wars promoted by the imperialists, will raise the principle of class unity and brotherhood of peoples. It will organize the resistance against fascism, chauvinism and all kinds of religious fundamentalism.

campismo will face in all its variants. Against governments and nationalist regimes or friction with imperialism applying adjustment measures and use repression when their people will take away their support and decide to face them. These processes promote the development of independent initiative of the working class, We try to break the influence of the reactionary bourgeois forces on the movement and oppose any imperialist interference.

The unity of the revolutionary socialists must be distinguished from the reformist left, not seen itself as gravedigger of the system but as a nurse the same, and centrism, ranging between revolution and reform. Also skeptics and sectarian, where some weight to achieve hinder the development of the class struggle and the progress of revolutionary leadership. Without competing against these forces by directing workers and youth, and finally defeat, it will not be possible to convert the capitalist crisis in social revolution.

Another important point is the method for the construction of the international unity of revolutionary socialists. This should be appropriate for the international revolutionary context. This construction can not be done by a subordinate hegemonic party with parties in other countries. Experience over many years has shown us this. Such a method relies on a counter nationalist basis internationalism, finally ending the domination of the national perspective. further, This method feeds sectarianism and territorialismo, divides and weakens the revolutionary struggle of the revolutionary Marxist movement. Thus, It is necessary to have another method of joining the SRs. Although they come from different traditions, Marxist revolutionaries of the world must unite on the basis of certain political and ideological principles that lead to international unity. Projecting an international league without nuance and discussions is a kind of bureaucratic nationalism; not obey the dialectical or revolutionary praxis. Instead of repeating the same words, we must rely on the fraternal discussion, policies tested in the class struggle, and learn from those processes. International organization with common principles on the specific problems posed by the international class struggle and build fighting tools based on the demands of the class struggle and internationalist campaigns to hit like a single fist achieve real progress towards building a world party.

To enhance a revolutionary alternative

The latest evidence that the governed no longer want to be dominated as they are being, and that those who govern can no longer control them, It is the movement of the yellow vests in France. Nevertheless, as we see in this experience, revolutionary address weighted mass, which it is the only one who can solve this contradiction, It has not yet been built. The result of the crisis of leadership of the working class is demonstrated by the rise of racist parties, far-right and populist demagogues right in much of the world.

Bolsonaro victory in Brazil is the most recent example. Trump, Erdogan, Xi Jingpin, Putin, etc. They are a result of the crisis of leadership of the proletariat and bourgeoisie a cornered.
The crisis of capitalism, in many cases, It takes a turn to the left of the masses. But, by the crisis of the revolutionary leadership, this wave squanders its strength against the union bureaucracy dam, leftist populism and neo-reformism. In France, for example, the French Communist Party, Stalinist and reformist, with union leaders of the CGT, initially they tried to delegitimize the yellow vests, then they recommended postponing action fight and managed to keep up appearances performing minimal actions, despite the order of the working basis for a general strike. A great favor for Macron and the bourgeoisie, buffeted by the actions of yellow vests. Luc leftist populist Mélanchon and organization France unsubmissive which grew thanks to turn left of the masses- He also tried to discredit the yellow vests, and they showed only support after the movement take extraordinary dimensions. Not surprisingly, Le Pen has strengthened against this attitude of reformism, the union bureaucracy and leftist populism, Like all the extreme right in Europe.

Worth exemplify a little more. There is no doubt that the shameful performance of Die Linke in Germany, adapted to neoliberalism, will pave the way to the far right AFD. The Italian Communist Refoundation, which had a similar performance, She left him populist street movement right 5 Stars and the far-right Northern Alliance. The Syriza leader Tsipras eurocomunista and became the saviors of the bourgeoisie in Greece. The government of the PT in Brazil made possible the victory of a right-wing character as Bolsonaro. Kirchner is responsible for the triumph of Macri. In Venezuela the government of Maduro feeds right and pro-imperialist coup. In India, reformist Stalinist CPI and CPI (M) he was left field ready to rule the authoritarian populist right-wing Modi. In all these examples, reformist parties have supported neoliberal policies, consisting of privatizations and social adjustment packages. Anger and frustration of the working masses is the kickoff of the extreme right in the absence of a strong revolutionary socialist alternative.

The experience of the populists, nationalism and reformism left in Latin America has also done terribly. All leaders of these experiences sank into corruption. In Venezuela and Nicaragua, the bureaucracy in power decided to become a new bourgeoisie and turned their authoritarian and repressive governments to defend their privileges and avoid being crushed by the same contradictions that generated. In Brazil, the PT governed by sections of the big bourgeoisie and actively acted in the region to prevent popular uprisings of early twentieth century and the new governments that emerged will leave the confines of capitalism. In Argentina, the bourgeois left -Ala kirchnerismo PJ- He acted to prevent sparking turn left in the Argentinazo 2001 It was capitalized by the revolutionary left. What makes different Argentina is that despite the mediation of kirchnerismo the organization of the revolutionary socialist left is important and widespread and revolutionary masses have options. As a result, the far right and authoritarian tendencies have not been strengthened, while the revolutionary socialists have strengthened themselves, although skepticism and sectarianism of FIT to the rest of the revolutionary left has not yet struck a qualitative leap.

In the United States and Britain, Left masses are referenced in neo-reformist leaders like Sanders and Corbyn, the failure of the revolutionary left. Although reformism does not promise radical changes, to provide accessible targets, he is appealing to those disappointed by the neoliberal policies of years. Therefore it is necessary to pay special attention to the enthusiasm of youth towards these reformist leaders since after decades, in the heart of the empire, thousands of young people are identifying with the ideals of socialism. It must adopt tactics to processes like these to contact the masses and accelerate the construction of revolutionary socialism. It is unacceptable that the revolutionary vanguard becomes isolationist, Sectarian and interpreter processes. But, on the other hand, is necessary to avoid attitudes that strengthen the illusions that the masses deposited in the reformist parties and leaders. And you must tell the truth to the workers and youth, never confuse or hide flags and criticism. Not surprising to note that Sanders and Corbyn have moderated, even as opposition. This turn right should be interpreted as a kind of preparation to try to prove the imperialist leaders that they are figures that can be reconciled with the system. At the same time, This rightward causes leading sectors quickly make the experience with them and move towards positions that approach the revolutionary left, provided that it knows a policy and guidance given to them.

The effects of centrism

Our main strategy is to build Leninist parties. In the case of SU, the refusal to build Bolshevik parties and adopting a strategy perspective of establishing mass parties with reformist forces, It is nothing more than adaptation to reformism. In the process of building a Leninist party, the revolutionary vanguard can adopt the tactics of joining these parties to contact the masses of workers and youth, without compromising its critical position for a moment. But generate illusions about those games is a big mistake. These parties have a limited program and fighting for their parliamentary location. Thus, The closer they get to be government, more integrated approach to the system. Their leaders try only be the left wing of the bourgeoisie, and any attempt to hide this would mean deceiving the working class. This is pure reality, no sectarianism.

The main task of the revolutionary Trotskyist tradition is to build Leninist parties with mass weight. These parties will ensure overcoming the influence of the treacherous labor aristocracy that harms the class struggle, They will drive those fighting to ensure the continuation of the revolutionary mobilization; will lead the way to the formation of organs of workers' self-government and ultimately the destruction of bourgeois power. Those who deny this task with the proclamation of a "new era", collaborate with disarming the workers' vanguard.

Leninist party concepts, democratic centralism, proletarian power, workers' democracy, revolutionary vanguard, etc., They are repulsive for parties claimed that Marxists and have adapted to the bourgeois parliamentary systems. These movements have moderated under the intellectual hegemony of liberal democracy, moving towards an acceptable level of critical system. The best proof of this is the political support of some Trotskyist organizations that claim the government of Syriza despite its betrayals. summarizing, in the coming period we will see the exacerbation of the capitalist crisis, imperialist aggression and the class struggle.

Because, create an international revolutionary alternative for the working class is our revolutionary task.
We can not accept that the only alternative for the working class are the reformist parties and the trade union bureaucracy under the domination of the labor aristocracy. The consequences would be disastrous for the world proletariat. The centrist formations, still unclear, They are tottering, with the reformist bureaucracy, They are also a dead end for the proletariat.

You can not build a Leninist party only nationally. Proletarian internationalism is not an abstract principle, but a real struggle and solidarity that has emerged from the class struggle itself. Urgent to create a worldwide organization of revolutionary Marxists to accelerate the class struggle in the world. The SEP and anti-capitalist in Red are aimed at creating this organization. We called socialist organizations and individuals who want to be part of building a new socialist revolutionary international organization to contact us, to raise the fight and hope for a socialist future.

February 2019

reproduced from http://www.anticapitalistasenred
