Argentina: Debates towards the general strike of 8M

Demobilize or divide the enemy is functional. In 2018, and dissident feminist revolution conceived an unstoppable green tide. The claims include legal abortion, WITH, ESI, budget anti-violence, Secular state and more. ILE false to the girl raped in Jujuy and the string of femicide, throughout the country they emerged called unit to mobilize. That is to say, to keep the streets as political territory of complaint and demand that the state and its institutions, who are responsible. FPV or groupings called periphery not mobilize or split the calls. Must confront this policy of skidding, Functional enemy: the capitalist and patriarchal system.

we start the 2019 and in these few weeks it demonstrated that the struggle is more necessary than ever. On the one hand, a girl in Jujuy 12 He raped and pregnant years was forced by the anti-rights deal with premature Caesarean section and against her will, it was exercising his right to legal abortion. The scandalous case demonstrated the infeasibility of the fetus outside the body gestante that term and put at risk the only Gridiron: that of a child subjected to all the violence of the system. On the other hand, 24 femicide and 10 travesticidios in 35 days that go directly this year are an affront. The lack of public policies show neither ignorance nor a "state absent": It is present for complicity!

In addition to the anger and pain, such facts put us all to rethink feminist activism who organize to deny us our rights and how the face. It is the State, that through its health system, education and justice goes around and does not solve anything. And are the Catholic churches, evangelical and other anti-rights, with his blue handkerchief star constant pressure to prevent legal abortion, the ILE, ESI and effective protection against sexist violence.

Regrettably, within the feminist movement there are some political sectors, kirchneristas as certain groups or allied, to not mobilize or divide the calls, they end up playing into the reactionary anti-rights and the rule. The same on the right to abortion: with different arguments hinder the fight to spare to parliamentary 2019, instead of, for example, August PASO take to make a binding referendum on whether or not the law already approved by Deputies.

Copyright versus anti-Macri against Abortion?

Since last November, in the midst of imperialist G20 summit to which he called not mobilize, CFK reaffirmed what took so many years later as a state policy in alliance with Bergoglio: abortion is not a "popular" problem. In his speech he said Clacso: "In our area there are green handkerchiefs and scarves heavenly. And we must learn to accept that without bringing to the division of forces. This is critical. Can cost; You may not like what I'm saying, but it's what I think. "

It's a calling line down the unit green-blue to unite "all" against Macri in October. Then several groups seeking conform K, avoid the abortion issue or dissociate the fight against the government and even the electoral campaign, because they know that their candidate does not defend that right. Somehow also accompany this young feminists as Ofelia Fernandez (Emerging-Front Great Homeland). In his interview with Florence Alcaraz states that when neoliberalism advances "must be military with some discomforts" ... how to build hand John Grabois, the friend of the Pope. The consequence, in the facts, It is that this slows or weakens feminist mobilization.

Of course, the wrong attitude of the legitimate discontent and resistance among many young activists of these organizations, I do want to mobilize. And they are right! We know that to win the IVE, an emergency budget for anti-violence law or to stop setting Macri and IMF, for whatever, we need to continue on the streets and now build international arrest women and dissidence: a great general strike active 8M.

The march of 1ºF and unemployment of 8M

Before the case of Jujuy and femicide, it was and is necessary to respond mobilized in the streets and in unity. But in Buenos Aires there were sectors K to demobilize or divided. In the Coordinator of Student Base (secundaries) and the Student teacher Joaquín V. Gonzalez -one of the country the largest tertiary- the respective lines of the Emergent and Caravan-Patria Grande refused to mobilize because "we must build a feminism majorities increasingly powerful bodies and multitudinous, beyond individual cases generated and generate a spontaneous reaction of colleagues and compañeres "and" that this time, This is not one of those cases, and that the call is not sufficiently broad and massive in terms of what we think is necessary to build "(1).

So the unitary march 5.000 compañeres Plaza de Mayo convened by 60 organizations and as part of a national day of struggle with Jujuy is not "one of those cases", "It is not sufficiently broad and massive"? As they were ridiculed, at the end of a small group of the caravan it was to try his papelón not total ...
At the same time, four more groups K or related, instead of marching with the joint column, were for hers to the Plaza before the unitary act only with slogans and anti-femicide but omitting the abortion issue: Evita, We are (canker), Tide and PTP-PCR, PJ orbiting space-K. The result is the same: weaken the necessary unity in mobilizing.

With these clusters now opens another substantial political debate: how to boost stoppage 8 of March. Surely in preparatory meetings starting this week we will hear from you all kinds of excuses so as not to require the CGT and the CTA the general strike is needed: which is a stop only women, that the union leadership will not accept, that the bases do not give, each resolved in his guild, anything…

We do not. From Juntas and the Left, Free Diversity and the MST we all. As well as it raises the document read unit 1 in Plaza de Mayo: "We demand that all cash unions call strike". To them leaders we are going to ask for meetings to convene the general strike the 8M. And if they refuse to do so, They will have their deserved pañuelazo. Because we need the general strike not only for abortion, the ILE, ESI or emergency budget anti-violence, but also against setting, the rate hikes, layoffs and low wages that Macri and governors apply to us by order of the IMF. The women If there is a social sector hardest hit by the adjustment we are precisely, lesbians, trans, transvestites and people do not Binaries! We are plenty of reasons to push the unemployment of 8M!

Jeanette Cisneros
1. FB of the executive committee of the student center of JVG.

reproduced from
