Brazil: Temer in jail

It is necessary to revoke all measures of his illegitimate government. La noticia de la prisión del ex presidente Michel Temer (MDB), on Thursday morning (21/03), It took everyone by surprise, but it was expected by those who since taking power illegitimately in 2016, they condemned their negotiations to implement an adjustment program on the coast of the working class. Law of outsourcing, Labor Reform and the Constitutional Amendment ceiling of expenditure are only some of the worst attacks promoted by Temer, ministers and their corrupt allies in the House and in the Senate, and that before his arrest, They should be immediately revoked.

It is important to remember that all Temer also tried to implement the pension reform, but it was defeated by the people on the streets and now his successor, Jair Bolsonaro (PAGE), tries to "terminate service". Temer prison and Moreira Franco, another corrupt old bitch right, You must step up the fight against "reform" Bolsonaro, and corruption cases involving the party of the President (as the so-called "orangery of the PSL") They should be remembered in the mobilizations of the day 22. Enough of corrupt politicians attacking people's rights!

At the same time, I must say that we do not feed any illusions with Operation Lava-Jato, which is nothing more than an instrument of part of the Brazilian bourgeoisie to save the rotten system of the people's wrath, what in 2013 He took to the streets in an unprecedented revolt against the political caste of the country. Prison Temer, Moreira Franco and all corrupt is important, but it will not alone solve the problem of corruption, que es intrínseca al propio sistema capitalista. La hora ahora es de reforzar la lucha en defensa de la Seguridad Social, and demand the immediate repeal of all anti-popular measures implemented by the corrupt government of Michel Temer.

Socialist alternative

reproduced from Anticapitalist Network | 23.3.2019