Venezuela: TIDE SOCIALISTA a new stage

In the context of deep crisis in Venezuela.Since the national coordination of our organization and to the accompaniment of a representation of our international current "Anticapitalists in Red", We were analyzing, assessing and reassessing the political situation, I acted up today and the political and organizational way forward. All as part of the relaunch of our organization, with new tasks and policy proposals.

We leave here the main conclusions that we arrive and we put through this text for consideration by our membership of various states, with whom we will meet in the coming weeks to discuss in depth all the issues raised here.

We also publish this text, as a contribution to our organization the working class, the popular sectors, women and youth. We do believe that we will continue Confronting enormous challenges for the anti-capitalist and revolutionary and socialist, who from Venezuela we intend to continue making our contribution against militant social forces and imperialist policies, and bureaucratic capitalists in all its forms.

The situation we live daily workers, workers, the popular sectors and youth is unsustainable. We struggle daily in extremely precarious conditions by only having water, light, food and all our basic needs. We have fallen to the limit of human survival hospitals in poor conditions without inputs and inhumane huge queues to get just a little water to live.

It is palpable discomfort and daily reaction of each family, starting with the value of women, they do their best to at least give him something to eat and our children. We can not, nor do we want, nor we must get used to this unsavory; we struggle to get out of this ordeal to have a dignified life we ​​deserve. And that encourage working families, the autonomous popular movement and the youth who want to have a future, to organize and fight, without resigned to this decaying present.

It is clear that, of this economic and social decline, We will not go falling into the hands of the US, Trump imperialist and puppet Guaidó, who are riding the huge social unrest caused by the disastrous government we have, and trying at all costs to advance their interventionists serving the big imperialist capital and transnational plans, They want to directly drive and enjoy the million dollar business that give our extraordinary energy resources and are now causing economic and political actions against Venezuela to further worsen the lives of millions. Everything that comes from the mouth of Trump and Guaidó must be reported, facing and rejected. We oppose a possible coup and all kinds of interventionism, whether political, economic or military. The first task of all anticapitalist militant, labor and socialist is to reject US war plans in Venezuela and throughout the region. And if it happened some kind of military intervention or invasion, we will be active against the same activists, independently of the government and proposing concrete measures direct attack on the imperialist interests in the country.

Both, oppose the imperialist plans does not mean in the least to give support to the regime madurista, a government that has paid the best social achievements of the Bolivarian process and has also become agents of transnational capital, in some cases US capital and overall capital of Russian and Chinese, who in the framework of a geopolitical struggle also want to keep the natural and strategic resources of our country and the entire continent.

Against falsehood spread by the media and official spokesmen, Maduro's government is not socialist, neither left, nationalist or leftist. It was consolidated as a bourgeois Bonapartist regime characteristics and strong repressive / authoritarian tendencies in the political model, and a model of national capitalism in economic. The government is responsible for downloading a brutal adjustment on the population through starvation wages and incessant inflation, Enslavement to workers' rights, worsening health, education and other social rights. In the meantime, meets payment of the foreign debt corrupt financial capitalism and has made and enabled a brutal embezzling over the nation. All amid the shameless enrichment of officials, in partnership and being part of a new rentier and parasitic bourgeoisie, born under the oil business. So we are clear opposition to this government from an independent position and left.

Based on these definitions, SOCIALIST TIDE since we want to promote the emergence of a new political alternative left, completely independent of US imperialism and its puppet Guaidó, the madurista regime and any variant that seeks to maintain this unjust and unequal system through the emergence of a third space or "transitional government" class conciliation. The workers and the millions, Popular sectors and youth who suffer daily the current social crisis, we deserve another political tool denounce and confront all those responsible for social decay we suffer.

To respond to the current crisis, we need also to relaunch a process of autonomous mobilization in defense of our social rights. Our right to water, to electricity, health, education, to work and decent wages and housing, we will not achieve them if we do not mobilize all our forces and independently of the reactionary actions that calls Guaidó and its national and international political partners.

Thus, we call for honest and honest workers, students, farmers, women, critical intellectuals, and classist social activists and leftist organizations, to coalesce in the coordination and promotion of a common struggle for the just demands of the people. In unity with some of these organizations denounce clasistas, within the Intersectoral Workers of Venezuela (ITV), whom they left behind Guaidó and try to divert the struggles at your service. Now it is necessary that those who made those allegations in common, Come together in promoting a new field of coordination of the workers' struggle and popular.

While policies are needed to coordinate and control actions in different areas. In that sense from Marea Socialista we have always had a different attitude towards unitary sectors of the Bolivarian process from today distanced from government, beyond the agreements and differences that can have different points. In that sense throughout the last time we have promoted and been part of different platforms with different referents, some of which at the time they served to denounce the nation embezzlement, the robbery that is external debt and delivery of Arco Orinoco Mining.

However in recent times, against the possibility of a crisis and confrontation more, space emerged called ARC (Advisory Referendum Alliance) which in fact it was advancing to become a political unit that raises output intervention and tutelage of the UN and other international bourgeois sectors, policy we reject because we have always opposed all kinds of interventionism of such imperialist agencies, responsible for great evils in their interventions in various countries. While we not consider right, generate false expectations that the solution to the current crisis will come only with new elections. Beyond intentions, the claim is the same as elections are on the agenda Guaidó and the imperialist countries with bourgeois governments that support it and hope to gain the same, thus opening the country to full control of US imperialism. Because, the proposed referendum and elections in a previous context to injerencista Guaidó and the US plan could have been useful, but not now, let alone set a target based on wrong under UN tutelage, the Vatican and other reactionary international institutions.

When this space called ARC some members of Marea Socialista partake of it was formed to give our opinions and seeing the possibility that advance by a right path. But today we believe that it has been consolidating within a mistaken policy role of product sectors from political forces of the opposition right with the wrong companions endorsement from the Chavista. This way we do not believe that will solve the crisis and also feeds a political solution under a reconciliation program class and bourgeois-democratic, we do not share. Thus, from Marea Socialista we decided not to participate in this space called ARC. With some of the same social referents, surely we continue to find in other specific struggles and in other areas for discussion and exchange.

Our policy proposals

In the deep crisis in our country, no possible shortcuts within the framework of the capitalist system. Although it is a long and difficult road, in the current situation we still believe that a positive change for workers and communities will only come from a real jump in its genuine mobilization and mass, the only one who can change the course of the current situation, in favor of the workers and the people. That way we promote, and so politically we intend to drive units left pointing in that direction, the pair of strengthening the national construction of our organization.

From SOCIALIST TIDE call on the political and social organizations and leftist comrades committed, social and intellectual references that are independent of Guaidó, Maduro and every capitalist political formation, we sit down to discuss the formation of a unified political front left among all our forces, under an anti-capitalist program, and truly socialist worker. And that unit has its reflection in the common impulse of the working class struggle, the popular movement and youth.

Our commitment to the anti-imperialist struggle against Guaidó plans and the US is complete, we want the Yankees out of Venezuela and Latin America. Our opposition to economic and political plans of the government is also consistent; want them to go through an independent and autonomous mobilization all those responsible for this crisis. With the "Plan País" Guaidó lose all sovereignty, They will deliver the country to the rule and not live better. With Phony "Plan de la Patria" Maduro will follow the current disaster and miserable and insecure lives of millions. So we are on a separate output, workers' and popular.

We are to develop an autonomous mobilization against imperialist attack and all external interference who want to try the next days and weeks and promote concrete measures against US interests, question Maduro's government does. We are for the unity of the peoples of Latin America against US imperialism and its partners Duque, Bolsonaro, Macri and other governments complicit in US plans in the region.

We are for an emergency plan beginning with a replanning of the electrical system, where workers, technicians and trained professionals assess the situation and come up with communities affected a new plan under public ownership and state, controlled and managed by their workers and social control of the population and not of the ruling bureaucracy.

We are for the total control by the workers of the national petroleum system, without intervention or participation of foreign corporations or dictates bureaucratic / military. We are by banning megaminería, the expulsion of mining corporations, and for a democratic debate with communities and workers on possible ways of mining production without pollution or environmental destruction.

We are for emergency wage increase according to the basket and in this regard, continue our claim introduced in the Supreme Court to apply the Art 91 of the Constitution so provides, although we not cherish any expectation in that court but in mobilizing workers to achieve. It is true that no money; There are many millions from oil revenues, the nefarious foreign debt payments should cease and the millions who hide in international banks as part of embezzling the nation. These resources can now improve the lives of millions.

We are for the recovery and repatriation of flight capital and embezzled and allocate those resources to the urgent importation of food and medicines to address the massive social needs.

We are for the rescue of PDVSA's assets (as Citgo) and financial funds confiscated US and other imperialist countries to Venezuela and to take all possible measures to compensate us as a country against this act of prey.

We are for the rejection of layoffs in the public sector and in private with the reinstatement of all the dismissed. And production under workers' control of any company that fire or threaten to close. Put it this way, to operate at full capacity to state enterprises in the area of ​​food and commodities have been left abandoned by the government.

We are for the right to free movement and social protest and against any state or parastatal repression fair and genuine demands of workers and populations affected by the crisis. We demand freedom for prisoners workers to fight and cancellation of workers and peasants trials prosecuted for protesting.

We are for free trade union organization and legalization of new unions, without any state interference, of the government, or opposing employers.

We are for freedom of movement and dissemination of ideas and information and the cessation of the state locking, censorship and attacks against alternative media and popular Whack, a democratic space of years of militancy in favor of the rights of working people to be respected.

Against false democracy that Guaidó offers and also false Constituent holding the government, We are working to impose by popular mobilization and a process of true Free and Sovereign Constituent where people discuss and decide all, with full freedom of presentation to all political parties and trends. Has the sovereign right to decide what to deal with all major national issues that generated this crisis, and not only force him to choose between Maduro or Guaidó, while they decide the country's destiny outside the poor and working people.

In a true constitutional process, from SOCIALIST TIDE we propose a comprehensive emergency plan all, anticapitalist and truly socialist to end all interference and privileges of international oil corporations, mining, national employers', which also ends with the political privileges of the ruling caste and electoral justice and political power for power Fingered; we direct election by popular vote of the members of the judiciary and the electoral power of the CNE.

We have these and other proposals in the same direction, because we are for government workers and people, because we want to end the capitalist system in all its forms and its undemocratic institutions of one form or another, They are plunging our country.

Clearly we are in a new situation and we have new political tasks, and we are now beginning a new and different stage in our construction as a revolutionary organization, anticapitalist, workers and socialist.

In this political revival and militant SOCIALIST TIDE we invite you to join all and all those who share these objectives. To the workers who have been part of the Bolivarian process and live with disappointment the current disaster. A youth who was born to political life and in this crisis and the future looks uncertain. Women who fight for their rights in every popular sector, for equality in the workplace and against all forms of violence against women.

To all of you, We invite you to organize with SOCIALIST TIDE, to build a revolutionary party of the workers, youth, the anti-capitalist and anti-patriarchal feminism. A militant organization, revolutionary and internationalist with all our colleagues and all anticapitalist Network and the new international organization we headed to found, because the international construction is decisive part of the struggle we fund against imperialist capitalism in Venezuela and worldwide.

For all these invite you to make bigger and stronger SOCIALIST TIDE, an organization fighting, working and truly socialist. Towards these objectives, We will move next month to a national plenary of our organization where we will discuss collectively strengthen this way.

National Coordination of Marea Socialista, 5 April 2019

reproduced from Anticapitalist Network ?| 5.4.2019