"Freedom, equality and fraternity ": without green handkerchiefs
anti-feminist nonsense at the World Cup in France. The Argentina team is one that came to the event swimming against the tide of chauvinistic and patriarchal structures, which itself, It is to applaud. Sympathy aroused by the team, and because this World Cup is a questioning the machismo in her womb, in Catalunya we get together to see "The pibas" against Scotland. It was a great match. With "Ovary and heart" They rallied from a 0-3 and they ended up tying.
The result was a prominent news in the sports media. But, There was another important fact was denounced, which it is necessary to give greater importance, because the world is not played only on grass. A lot of women went to encourage albicelestes in the Parc des Princes. They sang, joy deployed outside the stadium and took souvenir photos, like any balloons in a World.
The problem came when entering. Security prevented them from entering the green handkerchiefs "Legal Abortion" in Argentina and they were removed. The orders came from FIFA, which then officially ratified: "A football stadium can not claim to be a place of any kind ..."
…you have panic feminist wave that travels the world…
This explains the absurd measure against "dangerous" green scarves, It is that you are scared to feminist wave that travels the world, wins the streets and questions the sexist and patriarchal institutions. FIFA wants to hide feminist expressions in the courts, why in World Russia severely punished the Pussy Riot.
The “capos” Soccer measured with different poles. Economic and political power that rub shoulders allow you to act at will. Nevertheless, when women and progressive causes are expressed, punish them.
Between the International Federation, local Federations, political and police authorities (that they synchronize perfectly with the Church) the power to define what you can wear are made and you can not look in the stands. They are much more permissive with own corruption, organized violence and racist expressions that do not sanction as they should.
…We continue filling the daily life of green scarves, for legal abortion, free and.
Cutting back democratic freedoms is not a flash in clear sky. Just to take some examples, in some games that are made in Spain income is prevented with yellow, requisitioning belongings arguing that symbolizes the claim by the Catalan political prisoners.
In France are also making progress on freedom of expression of workers struggling, immigrants and "Yellow vests." They have denounced our fellow the Commune.
If they touch a, play all. Because, We condemn the actions of the authorities and we sympathize with those who were victims of this outrage to freedom of expression in Paris. Whatever you do those who rule, We continue filling the daily life of green scarves, for legal abortion, free and; l comoor did the player Luana Florence proudly Muñoz from the field.
We have to arrange for patriarchy and capitalism simultaneously fall. It's what we do from Juntas and the Left in all countries where we are present as part of the International Socialist League.
Willow flower