Saving lives is not a crime

Carola freedom Rackete, enough to punish immigrants and those who help them. Photography with bodies and Valeria Martinez Oscar, father of 25 years and daughter almost two, He shocked the world. They drowned in the Rio Grande escaping poverty towards EE. THE. a Europe, a rescuer was portrayed with a dead baby in her arms, after drowning in the Mediterranean Sea. They spent nearly five years since Aylan Kurdi found dead on the coast of Turkey fleeing war and nothing has changed.

The drama can be developed on the borders of Mexico, Syria, Europe or other region. But it has a common denominator: xenophobia anti-human imperialisms, governments and bourgeois regimes. People can escape as wars, persecution or extreme poverty, in many cases accompanied by their young children. And they find ill treatment, confinement in refugee camps, return to their countries of origin or plain, death.

The world's richest, historical and current robbers, economic causes, political and social crisis affecting the poorest, they are themselves who punish them for the condition that put. This is what Donald Trump representing, the EU troika and his accomplices.

They spent nearly five years since Aylan Kurdi found dead in the Turkish coast fleeing war and nothing has changed.

Like bestiality emergency on persons not reach them, OF. THE. and the European Union seek to criminalize more harshly also rescuers. In the XXI century it is punishable as a crime save lives. A German captain Pious Klemp, he demanded fines and up 20 years in prison to help immigrants. Carola Rackete, the captain of the Sea Watch 3 He was arrested accused of "Resistance or violence against a warship". What was his crime? Try to land on the Italian island of Lampedusa to 42 people who had saved at sea was 15 days.

Responsible for such actions is the Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini. This fascist uses the slogan "Italians first" to divert attention from the many problems facing the country and that his government has not resolved. In Europe there are several "leaders" who act in the same way.

In the Spanish State, boat Open Arms He accounted for more than 400 people saved, until the government of Pedro Sanchez forbade him to sail the Central Mediterranean. The NGO decided to disobey and continued bailouts.

…We call unitary mobilization by freedom of Carola Rackete and against criminalization Rescues…

National borders disappear when fluid allow for large financial capitalists negotiated, but they are waterproof when people receive emergency worthily. Although the EU denies it and assess the seriousness of the situation according to peak occurrence, We are facing a humanitarian crisis systematic, worsening every minute. It is no coincidence that international lawyers have asked that the Hague EU to investigate crimes against humanity for its immigration policy.

Whenever these barbarities reach the mass media two things happen. On the one hand, growing popular outrage, for the other, the executioners themselves display their cynicism expressing condolences. But they do nothing to reverse the situation and as usual. Fascists raised its policy openly antihuman, bourgeois "democratic" leaders do with some dissimulation, but they go in the same direction. The exploitation and oppression of workers and peoples number contempt for basic human rights.

From the International Socialist League, We call unitary mobilization by freedom of Carola Rackete and against criminalization Rescues, as part of a program transitional emergency proposals. The underlying issue is raised: socialism or barbarism. It is a dilemma steel to prevent imperialism and capitalism completely destroy humanity.

Oscar and Valeria Martínez.

The Aylan

Baby drowned in the Mediterranean.
The drama of the Mediterranean Sea.