Brazil: Bolsonaro against workers. The unions watch on TV.

The Chamber of Deputies approved the Pension Reform presented by President: 379 votes and 131 against. It is a reform in the service of big business, who owe millions in social security rights, and the brutal adjustments advocated by the IMF model. The approval of the labor reform proposed by Temer in 2017 He opened the way for greater wave of attacks and insecurity of the rights and dignity of the Brazilian working class, which it is now threatened with the possibility to retire at 65 years, in addition to the requirement to have contributed to social security for at least 40 years to qualify for full pension.

This reform, the government also directly attacks the public capitalization system, so it is practically obligatory for workers to hire private services funded, where every month, In addition to mandatory contribution, amounts must deposit these savings so you can use them in your retirement. In general, capitalization companies use the money of active contributors to speculate on the great capital of the stock exchanges. This same private capitalization system was implemented in Chile, and today absurd figures recorded in the suicide rate among the elderly, those with no prospect of decent retirement, They take this drastic measure.

It is also necessary to note that there are sections called "progressives" who oppose the current proposal, but they not give up the idea of ​​presenting another proposal for pension reform, as in the case of parliamentarians of PDT and PT governors, especially governor Ceará, Camilo Santana (PT), who last year carried out a similar reform in his state, where state workers to have their pension rights should hire the State Foundation Supplementary Pension.

Today we should be living a day of struggle against the brutal attacks that the Chamber of Deputies approved against the working class, but unfortunately the main trade unions, CUT y CTB, respectively addressed by the PT and PcdoB, are idly, without leaving the streets and following the same flawed tactics used against the proposed labor reform proposed by Temer in 2017, which ended up being approved by the National Congress.

Resistance on the agenda this week, once again, the leadership is in the hands of young people, who they are on their way to Brasilia, where they will participate in the congress of the National Union of Students and Friday 12/7 will conduct a national march against cuts in the education budget and will continue to Congress.

We will not accept any download of adjustments and cuts in the rights of the working class, far less than the class pay the bill for large employers who accumulate multibillion-dollar debts to social security, and every day they are benefiting from the government's amnesty for debts. We defend the immediate suspension of payment of illegitimate debt and comprehensive debt audit begins.

In May, the bloc of deputies of four global PSOL presented amendments to the bill pension reform. The proposals were intended to take advantage of financial income, without removing the rights of the working class, changing the direction of the reform proposed by Bolsonaro. The proposals anticipate issues that must be debated and driven toward real reform that the country needs, tax reform.

But reform, as proposed by the PSOL, It begins taxing large fortunes, profits and dividends, to increase the rate of inheritance tax and the collection of IPVA (Property tax on automotive vehicles) for aircraft and ships. With only these 4 mentioned proposals, it would be possible to raise about R $ 143 billion a year, a higher annual value deficit that the government says there in Social Security, ending the privileges of a minority and guaranteeing the rights of the majority of Brazil, which it is composed of the working class and retirees.

From Socialist Alternative, We understand that the only possible way to stop attacks by this government driven delivery, cuts and adjustments is to be daily on the streets, dialoguing with workers, young boys, women, dissidents, unemployed and retired, building a revolutionary resistance to overcome the crisis of bureaucracy in which the main trade unions are engaged. Also sustain and support the demonstrations called by youth, that since June 2013 They are leading the fight against attacks on rights. It is more than necessary to break with the plants that have chosen to be in their comfortable offices and no longer represent and / or fail to speak to the working class, thus paving the way for the construction of a national grouping revolutionary and anti-bureaucratic class we need those who are part of 99%.

Lucas Tiné and Veronica O'Kell