Catalonia: Another multitudinous National Day

The village still standing. To achieve the freedom of political prisoners and the Republic needed new leaders. National Day of S11 again be massive. During the day there were various advocacy activities. In the afternoon, about 600.000 people gathered at Plaza Spain, going to the call of the ANC (Catalan National Assembly): “11S Objective Independencia” #democratic tsunami. Stellate thousands of flags in the hands of assistants, chants and posters expressed unequivocal messages: strategic unit, the Catalan Republic and the release of political prisoners and exiles.

Media and bourgeois politicians to serve the Spanish state put emphasis on the fact that it has been the least numerous Diada from the 2012. It is a partial balance to discourage and install the idea that independence is on the wane. The truth is, despite repression, imprisonment for civil society leaders and officials, of court cases neighbors activists and leaders maneuvers; Catalan people have not been defeated. This is the most important fact. The king, the regime del'78; Pedro Sanchez of the PSOE and its partners “progress”, he "Trio de Colón" PP-CS-VOX and EU imperialist bloc, They have failed to break the people's will for self-determination expressed in the Referendum 1-O.

…Catalan people have not been defeated.

It is still not the last word. In the short term the Supreme Court ruling after the trial Farce be known political prisoners. Definitions also come to the Spanish Government arising, either from agreements between the parties or new elections. The answer will have to be strong: ignore a non-acquittal and face any president who does not recognize the right to self-determination.

Having said that, It is true that mistrust and disappointment there, and will not exceed turning the page. The root cause for which participation in the National Day has decreased is that the leaders are not to rise to the occasion. The major parties are divided by their own interests, They opted for the autonomismo, continuity of “symbolisms” and alleged “Super Skills” surprising.

Jordi Cuixart told the judges on the face “Do it again”, as well, it is necessary to achieve it. It is necessary to discuss, democratically decide and execute the mass civil disobedience, permanent mobilization and general strike. These measures can only be guaranteed from below, from each assembly in places of work or study, from each district, village or consequential city. It is the best way to enforce “strategic unit” that divide.

It is necessary to discuss, decide and implement the massive civil disobedience, permanent mobilization and general strike.

We do not put any trust in politics that leaders of ERC, JxCat-PdeCat carried forward from the Govern, he Parliament and out of them. It is urgent to build a strong alternative policy, and anti-capitalist left in Catalonia and throughout the Spanish State. To break with the imperialist EU bloc and fight for a socialist Catalan Republic, feminist and ecologist, in governing the workers and the people at the service of the great popular majorities. mobilization, CDR revitalizing a strong policy of political postulation of CUP can be the key levers to re-energize the libertarian wave.

By last, we note that from SOL have been part of the tributes to Gustau Muñoz, killed by repression 1978 and those killed in 1714, realizado in the Moat of Moreres, Then we were in the concentration Plaza Spain. And at sunset we mobilize with colleagues from the CUP Hospitalet for Rupture to the act “Organize popular power” organized by the National CUP.
We feel a great joy to have shared the day with compañeres of SEP Turkey present in Barcelona. And a great pride for the solidarity received from Buenos Aires, where our sister party the MST was part of a unitary ceremony at the Obelisk. For parties who make up the International Socialist League, Catalan people's struggle for the Republic and the freedom of political prisoners and exiles, It is also our struggle.