feminist struggle, political and anti-capitalist struggle

Neither elections nor government institutions should enchalecar the mobilizing power of women. After years of claims of the feminist movement, in 2017, under the government of Rajoy, the State Pact was adopted against Gender Violence. Even just it is criticized by a broad sector organizations for their writing and so tiny the money spent, remains in effect. So far in the 2019 They have registered 81 deaths, whereby the total sum, recorded in Spain since 2010, It has reached a total of 1067 women killed by men.

With the budget running, government “feminist” PSOE continues to allocate ministries and administrations only 220 millions of euros. The Cabinet made the 9 last August, renewed for 2020 the allocation of funds to the Covenant consolidated starting 20 million euros for each municipality. According to a document from the Ministry of Equality Ministry of the Presidency, the money is distributed as follows: a fixed € 689 per municipality and an amount depending on the number of inhabitants, representing € 0.18 per person.

The regime's institutions raise the flags of feminism to "look good" to society that demands or to win votes, nothing else.

When there is excess (last year were six million euros), “It is uniformly distributed” between the 392 municipalities that are attached to Viogen, the police system of comprehensive monitoring of victims. The funds are divided with the criterion of population density, that is to say, more people, more money. Because, Madrid received 589.720,71 Vallisoletano euros and San Pelayo 698,72 euros.

Definitely, the Pact is just a patch to serious deficiencies in women's rights. When applied, It is intended a totally inadequate figure and, incredibly, money left over. when spare, not dealt with according to a criterion of necessity, but administrative. The whole package is one more formality rights that are taken and the needs of women. The regime's institutions raise their flags feminism "get along" claiming to society or to win votes, nothing else. It is a feminism of lip service.

Historically, the great achievements of feminism were achieved with strikes and forceful actions. The long road that lies ahead should not be co-opted by the institutions seeking to limit it, iron out their most vindictive edges and divert it from the streets to the offices. Because, is so necessary participation of women in political positions of power. And when we talk about women, we mean those that understand that the struggle to achieve equality it is linked to the struggle to defeat the system that generates all violence. We do not want to places of decision making arrive the "Trifacho" PP-Citizens-VOX, declared enemies of our rights, their representatives as Cayetana Alvarez de Toledo and Inés you Arrimadas. Ni "feminists" Carmen Calvo Ada Colau.

…It must be mobilized with a strategy, with the aim of turning around.

We need more anti-capitalist feminists in parliaments and local councils. Women who do not accept the church as a hegemonic institution, not feminists wear only when there is a femicide, but fight on the street side by side against inequalities of this system, everyday. It is urgent to increase the budget and if they fail to approve the PGE, to temporarily take out money from other sources, for example, fines on large companies and banks that do not comply with equal rights.

Governments and justice to call things by their name must demand: the murders of men to women are called femicide. This involves taking the necessary steps to avoid them, punish those responsible when they occur and that the State provide coverage of essential social and economic support for victims.
From Boards and to the left we have developed a transitional measures program for current problems. But you can not be shortsighted, It must be mobilized with a strategy, with the aim of turning around. That is to say, fight alongside the working class to patriarchy and capitalism fall together, we can be free from exploitation and oppression to which we subjected the system. In the upcoming Spanish elections Let us not be fooled, We not trust in those that feminists lip and are governed to maintain the state.