Argentina: FIT Unit, the results achieved and the future of the unity of the left

Passed elections, we will a change of government and to the country that is anti-capitalist and socialist left has a great responsibility. Los resultados electorales fueron modestos para la izquierda y muestran dificultades objetivas de la coyuntura y también problemas políticos al interior de la izquierda que se deben corregir. Which are? How we do to improve the location of the left? What changes are needed? What role you can play forward this great unity achieved? As input left in 5 points, analysis and proposals MST.

PJ's electoral victory opens the door to a new country, you will have many aspects of continuity and some changes in how to carry out an adjustment plan and a new agreement with the IMF. From the revolutionary left we believe that deep solutions we need millions of workers, the feminist movement and dissident youth will not be achieved with this new government. Since there is no way to achieve structural and qualitative changes without breaking with the entire political structure, economic and social of this regime and decadent capitalist system. And far from this, Fernandez's government is headed for an attempt at social pact with employers and the union bureaucracy to contain the workers' claims and popular, while deepens the delivery model, repression and environmental disaster Vaca Muerta, megaminería and agribusiness, while endorsing fraud external debt. Come to that country, in a context of popular uprisings in several countries show a mirror, what comes. Argentina will not be oblivious to these processes and social upheaval. Sunday's elections were the horizon as a framework

1.A time of polarization and punishment vote

It is very clear that the political situation that took place in the last weeks before the 27O, strongly concentrated enormous punishment vote the government showed the glut of millions with IMF adjustment plan, Polarization combined with strong product momentum that the government printed its campaign last month where whole gambled improve as much as possible making a comeback. These two issues, coupled with the actions of the mainstream media, They led to the 90% of the population would choose between one of the two proposals, as if general elections were in fact a kind of balloting.

Clearly these objective reasons hurt the rest of the four lists, it is no coincidence that all have receded from the step-general in the presidential category. And of course, from the left did not go outside this setback and pay the consequences of a very polarized election. Undoubtedly the context of these elections was not the most suitable for our forces as they arise to turn around, when a majority opt for the "punishment vote" and the lesser evil, to finish with a present crisis and economic and social disaster. Our choice was, on final, strongly influenced by the weight of this reality.

2. The results of the FIT unit

It is in this difficult context that we need to value that about 600.000 trabajadorxs and young people have supported us with their vote in the presidential formula and around 800.000 in legislative positions. Are the concrete expression of an important strip polarization and consciously resisted see on the left a real change proposal. It is an electoral base that is reduced relative to years past but at the same time you have to appreciate and defend, as a fulcrum important to think forward and overcome these levels of support, reaching important new bands today won by malmenorismo. The unit on the left is the fourth national strength is also a reality that leave for new targets.

With these results from left no national deputies are achieved in any province, which it is a negative fact, unable to enter new seats to Congress. If you managed to conquer a bench lawmaker in Buenos Aires that will be shared by rotation by all the forces of FIT Unit. As total balance of a year of many elections, from the left two provincial deputies in Neuquen and a councilor they were achieved, Cordoba two provincial deputies and council, an MP of the City in CABA and now let Salta provincial elections to try to obtain a banking and provincial councilor for the Capital, still an open tough fight but. It is lower gains in quantity to that achieved in the last election, and also the value we provide the struggles that come. In the case of MST highlighting that we got going alone Cordoba, prior to the establishment of FIT Unit, a bench that our colleague Luciana Echevarria takes for four years next December.

3. some debates

And they can not refuse the important objective causes that marked this election and the electoral setback on the left, it is also clear that there are political causes, Drag error current that can not be minimized or hide, There are responsibilities in left field and we have to discuss them frankly and depth.

On this issue and as we had publicly raised at the beginning of the STEP, we believe that the FIT took a long time to decide to expand the unit left was a claim and need for long, and we ended up forming the FIT-U to limit the presentation of alliances and having been divided into many provinces previous months.

We do not see this problem alone this year before our inclusion, but primarily as a wrong above dynamic; after the best elections FIT, When more responsibility and opportunity was at its peak electoral jump, He never had a policy to go for more unity, to democratically expand, to open and to respond to the expectations and disappoint reached. It was closed to the need for greater unity for several years while very good results were drawn in the provinces of Buenos Aires, Salta, Mendoza and Jujuy or from that location there was a bold policy to extensively unite all the left and respond better to that opportunity, so he was lost the best time.

When it was decided to open the possibility of an extension, FIT was already in decline in several provincial elections this year as manifested in Cordoba, Santa Fe, Mendoza and Jujuy among others, thus shaping the FIT unit was very accurate but also late and defensive. Even expanding the unit this year, both armed with lists and the campaign itself wrong hegemonistic positions remained, low openness to really integrate new references in visible places and protagónicas, In addition pretending that every act has to pass through the sieve of those who lead and those without a list, and electioneering wrong criterion, that does nothing to harness the full extent of the actual strength of each organization Front.

In addition there was during the campaign, within the framework of a policy generally very correct, political mistakes as boldly intervene in the political crisis following the STEP and have those decisive days, from some forces FIT-U, more political union responses. There were also deficits in how to report more strongly the candidate Fernández. At times we saw a refusal to criticize him more harshly in the face of what was coming, as if that better dialogue with their bases, when to defend the vote of the left it was best to thoroughly clarify the nature of the future government. On several occasions, in particular the PTS, He chose to criticize more collaterally Massa and governors, as if that reached. That some of our voters have finally gone Fernandez reaffirms the importance of being more emphatic in his denunciation.

4. The negative role of those who divide

Paragraph deserve the forces from the left they have worked all year to divide rather than made available to contribute to a large unit, we refer in particular to the New MAS Castañeira and Zamora. To the second stage of the campaign also Tendency PO was adopting a hostile position and nothing constructive. These forces have left more notoriety do with his desire to see bad results in the FIT Unit.

New MAS gave back the claim of unity of the left and its media favored figuration, although it was far from being able to overcome the STEP. And towards the general elections he deepened its strong functional sectarianism regime parties; He did nothing to support the candidacies of FIT-U and above, He is having said in his campaign that essentially was the candidacy of a woman, He "forgot" that postulate quickly and CABA decided to support the same level at FIT-U and Zamora, when they knew that so weakened the possibility that a partner, Myriam Bregman, He was elected deputy. New MAS worked consciously to not have a new deputation left. So here comes the disaster of a divisive policy.

Zamora we can only add that pays a very bad choice with its divisiveness and personalism all these years. It was well below previous elections after rejecting once again join the unity of the left. Unfortunately this divisiveness by way of the facts helped the last pew instead of the left today take the PRO.

For Tendency PO yes integrated in parts lists FIT-U, within the framework of its internal political fight he was moving further away from front to end up not doing anything inspecting or campaign. And through its main figures he used its presence in the media and the preparation of articles centrally to criticize the FIT-Unit. He has made no positive contribution to this front which, given its public balance, It looks away.

5. Our proposals for the left forward

When we decided to form the FIT unit, as we said at the time, we did believe contribute to a great new left unity, even we are knowing that we offered unfair and unreal locations according to the balance of power between the parties that we integrated the front. Precisely because we have an electoral strategy we decided to accept the same, to give the possibility of a common experience against the vanguard and activism left and this laid the foundations of a higher unity and better future. So we contribute to the joy that the announcement of the constitution of the front motif in thousands of leftist sympathizer.
Now begins a different stage at which we want to bring. We are proud and proud militants for the unity of the left and therefore, while we build our revolutionary party, the urge and defend as a political necessity against all parties and institutions of the system. Hence all proposals and criticisms that we are set in terms of improving the situation of FIT Unity and to overcome this moment positively to future.

Journeying that a central definition; if continuing with business as there will be different results but recoil. Therefore necessary, based on the positive aspects of this unit, forward also change everything that needs to be changed, como única forma de fortalecerla. En este sentido dejamos una serie de ideas y propuestas.

First we see very important that the FIT unit remains active and responsive to the new situation that opens in the country and in Latin America. The common activity during the campaign should be extended to support the ongoing struggles, the common impulse of militant trade unionism, towards new unit lists or student union elections, to the feminist movement and dissident, and new actions in support of the struggle of the Chilean people and other countries.

We propose begin to overcome the limited electoral stage according to reality the need for a permanent political front drive left into intervention in the class struggle and against all national political debate. Because deep down is not just to see if we get a little more or less parliamentary representation which is important from now; it comes to see, strategically, If we are to be able to put the revolutionary left as an alternative of power to millions, in an international context of capitalist crisis, rise of struggles and social polarization. That project we must carry forward.

Forward, on this basis intervention and the important political and programmatic framework with the front, we create a past more suited to the reality of the member parties and not functioning according to election results essential. A fully functioning democracy, agreement and consensus and fraternal debate and patient nuances or differences.

While we act in reality, It is an open debate on what kind of agreements achieved in upcoming elections. For us these future agreements must allow real integration depth of each force, achieved either by agreement or by democratic mechanisms such as internal or some other variant to ensure the active participation and depth of all political forces and references. They do not go and force relations unreal, nor the unmovable nominations. There must be free to any organization that is truly protagonist and thus make their contribution to the common front, as part of the renovation and the necessary diversity that adds visions and political force.

You also have to have a policy to new sectors who want to be part. We have received the support of intellectuals, artists, environmentalists, union leaders, social movements and some leftist groups and popular. If we want to progress we must also think of a future inclusion of these references and that they feel that the FIT unit is a place where they can really be part, provide and build, and not just support with their vote or signature.

The great challenge of this important unity achieved between the PTS comrades, PO, IS and our MST, is overcome, to get well, all learn from successes and failures. Having a positive vision and while critical of everything it takes. Not close our eyes to the problems and go on as if nothing had happened, but bet on change whatever is necessary to strengthen the unity of the anti-capitalist and socialist left on new bases common work and keeping the same political strategy towards workers' government and socialism, facing all political variants of the capitalist system.

In the immediate we propose the convening of a meeting of the National Bureau of FIT Unit to exchange analyzes and proposals, develop a new joint political declaration hard to spread among workers and youth, and start our common intervention in the new political phase beginning where the unit will be tested FIT.

Sergio Garcia

International Socialist League