France: false victory of the CFDT

At the time of writing this article, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe announced the temporary and partial suspension of the age-axis of his bill until the social partners reach an agreement. Of course Laurent Berger and the CFDT trade union center do not need anything else, who immediately greet "the retirement of the age-axis", "Withdrawal that marks the will of the government to compromise". And Berger warned that the CFDT "will continue discussions within the proposed framework to answer the questions that remain about the future universal regime.". The UNSA is no less and for its part indicates "a great advance", estimating that exchanges can "finally begin".

But even if the CFDT shouts that it "achieved" said withdrawal, is nothing. In fact, Edouard Philippe specifies in the letter he transmitted to the trade union organizations that "the bill will stipulate that the future universal system includes an age of equilibrium". What the government has suspended is, Thus, the short-term measure of progressive convergence (2022-2027) towards an age-axis at 64 years. That is why it is up to the "social partners" to agree on measures for financial equilibrium and ... a future age-axis to be defined!! Otherwise, the government warned that it will legislate by decree.

The age-axis is the tree that covers the demolition forest of the pension system by distribution. The age-axis is the distraction that allows Macron and his government to try to impose a universal system by points, whose sole objective is to reduce pensions and extend the working hours of employees. The Berger-Philippe farce started on 11 December has just found its epilogue, as expected.

There is a well known historical rule: the more the masses go to the left, more appliances go to the right. What reaction is there on the side of the inter-union CGT-FO-FSU-SUD? On the 39th day of the longest strike since 1968, Will Martínez and Veyrier finally break with "social dialogue"? Will they finally call the renewable interprofessional strike until victory?? ¡No! Both prefer to continue participating in the "negotiations" to ensure that the prime minister listened to them!! Para Veyrier, The mobilization must continue until the presentation of the bill in the Council of Ministers on 24 January and then, Until April, during the parliamentary debate.

meantime, decentralized action days follow national actions, starting the days 14, 15 Y 16 from January. These isolated days of strike only achieve one thing: demoralization, ebb and, ultimately, defeat! And the workers know it perfectly. Will the base accept?
Nothing is less sure, like the UNSA union of the RATP (public transport) what, through a press release, he 11 January recalled that the mobilization is aimed at "total withdrawal of the reform project" and that the temporary suspension of the age-axis is only a "decoy". The crisis is still open, everything is possible.
