Brazil: The radical left is organized inside the PSOL

Veronica O'Kelly - Concerning Socialist Alternative in the LIS. A few months ago, comrades of different currents decided radical left a bloc within PSOL. We do it because we face an attempted liquidation of the independent and anti-capitalist program that gave birth to the party when the direction of the PT and Lula betrayed and surrendered against capital.
This Friday 14/02 in the city of San Pablo the launch ceremony of the Radical Left Bloc was held at the Union of Metro System, in Tatuape, in line with the National Coordination CSP-Conlutas which was held on 14,15 Y 16 February in the same place, and we participate in the great majority of nosotres. The table of the event consisted of all currents that integrate: Socialist alternative (AS), Socialist struggle (LS), Current Socialist Workers and Workers (CST), Socialist Action Group (GAS), Freedom and People's Revolution (LRP), PSOL by Base, Socialism or Barbarism (SoB), Plinio Arruda Jr Samapio. and Renato Five. They greeted compañeres other streams as Samia Bomfim of the MES, management members of the Commune and APS, among others. They were present compañeres of the FIT-Unit Argentina, Guillermo Pacagnini by the MST and Alejandro Bodart by the International Socialist League.

We are facing the Alliance and its "refounding"

The days 17, 18 Y 19 May in Brasilia will be held the 7th National Congress of the PSOL. Last 31 January were presented 12 Thesis, They are reflecting the debates that run the party nationwide.
Radical Left Block has the challenge of facing the political course that most, Alliance formed by (Spring block composed of Socialist, current leads Boulos; Resistance, last rupture of the PSTU; insurgency, official section of SU-IV International, among others), He is giving the party. That direction is opposite to that of the PSOL of its origins and therefore speak of "refounding" the party. A service of this goal presented a thesis on the basis of a mistaken characterization of the government of Bolsonaro and the process of class struggle in the country, Latin America and the world, raise the political unity with all parties that oppose the national government. The sea, join the PT and the whole left of the regime to lift the presidency Bolsonaro.

Once again we are confronted with proposals of reconciliation of classes that support the existence of "fields" or sectors which although not anticapitalist (and much less revolutionary) and whether direct agents of corporations and entrepreneurs, as in the case of the PT who demonstrated in their national governments and their current provincial governments, They are progressive and are a "lesser evil" against Bolsonaro. Because, according to them, to do electoral alliances with the PT, PCdoB, PDT or any party that is opposed to the government. Boulos is the main spokesman for this policy and we see it in any act or event of the PT and Lula you have to service it. The election campaign of the last presidential own, who had him as a candidate, It was an absolute claudication Lullism, which he led to a very large electoral and political decline of the PSOL.

The MES and the old Left Bloc

Unfortunately MES (Movement of the Socialist Left), in the previous Congress it was part of the Left Bloc, Today it has spread and is more concerned about achieving good performances and some electoral seats in parliament, to give this battle within the PSOL. Why hold positions unclear and very ambiguous in relation to the debate on electoral alliances. On the one hand hold a speech against the possibility of allying with the left of the regime and other support Marcelo Freixo in Rio de Janeiro in its alliance with the PT. This leads to large errors committed as voting the government anti-crime Pacote. His whole policy is directed at electoral. We are at a key moment of the dispute by an independent and anti-capitalist PSOL, why not reverse this position end up being co-responsible for the liquidationist process that leads the Alliance.

All against Bolsonaro?

Jair Bolsonaro government is a government with many problems, which it has weakened social base losing what complicates it to carry out its adjustment plans, repression and cutting rights. In less than a year, surveys do not give your favor and discontent is growing. Supporting the government in December falls to the 40% from the 51% in April and the 44% in September (Source: CNI / Ibope). It is 4 October, President nonparty elections in the face 5570 municipalities throughout Brazil to put off their weakness and the prospect is to continue its decline.

Bolsonaro face on the streets and struggles, in unity with all is good and necessary, but that does not mean political unity with those who ruled and govern for imperialism and capital. That's why the PT, Lula and Dilma lost the popular support that led to the government. The great disappointment of the masses was exploited by the right and put misogynist, xenophobic, homophobic and anti-worker and his clan of Bolsonaro, in office.
The output is to be the opposite of those who betrayed, They applied settings, maintained inequality and poverty. The way out is to set up a political alternative for those of us who resist, we rebel and confront the Bolsonaro government and imperialism. Because, we are feminists, Ecosocialists and anti-capitalists defend a fighting PSOL, radical and by the base!