A virus with two faces: the Covid-19 and the capitalist crisis.
The Covid-19 strain continues to spread, with thousands of deaths and infected which are updated hourly different countries. This is a serious threat on a global scale: its level of expansion originating from the Chinese city of Wuhan, World Health Organization (WHO) It has declared pandemic.
At present the Chinese bureaucracy states that the peak of infection has passed; but you can not rely no more on what they say as they censured social networks and Li Wenliang to, the doctor who detected the virus and died at the catch, for alleged disclosure «fake news». The spread of spectacular construction of two hospitals in a few days, It demonstrates a more effective propagandist attitude. The virus has stripped the poor Chinese health system, oppression and poverty suffered by hundreds of millions of people in the capitalist world power second and methods of its bureaucratic ruling caste.
At the same time, Yankee imperialism advantage everything in their power to undermine its competitor. Since the beginning of the Covid-19 international events were suspended, such as the International Mobile Congress Barcelona, under the guise of the coronavirus when in fact it was crucial the presentation of advanced Chinese technology whose expansion wants to avoid EE. THE. possibly be to the edge of a new economic catastrophe. In the meantime, EU assesses the border closure, It is acting in an uncoordinated and slow, to which each country is arranged as can. European imperialist bloc goes from crisis to crisis and again demonstrates its irrelevance to respond to them. Fear has reached such a point that the European Central Bank It has announced it will buy bonds of debt and inject additional liquidity, although it will not change interest rates.
pandemic, its impact on the second world power and what this weighs on the whole world economy, They are acting as the drop which overflows the glass of a very deep crisis.
In the Spanish State continues to complicate everything: Madrid, Galicia, Catalonia, the Basque country, Murcia and La Rioja have closed schools, as a prelude to more stringent measures. Congress has suspended its activities. Minister Irene Montero has tested positive for coronavirus the same as other officials, the executive is exposed and in situations of emergency. The measures announced by the "Progressive coalition government" They are partial and deposit an excessive demand on civilians, when the central responsibility is on the actions of the authorities. There is concern for people at risk and uncertainty that has manifested, for example in Madrid, with an unusual influx markets to buy essential goods and supplies for emergency. The executive said the Alarm status by decree, which gives special powers to act, something that we place no confidence. Yes appealed to the experience of specialists and public health workers and other social institutions as a basis for the development and implementation of an emergency plan, the measures would be more effective, They would provide more confidence that generated by lying politicians of the regime and radiating tranquility of the sensationalist media.
In this as in other crisis situations, It is very difficult to rely on international institutions and governments: They are irresponsible and greedy when it comes to protecting public health. At the by, They are generous to ensure corporate profits. Respond to imperialist interests, the great monopolies of laboratories and private health. What rule they are more concerned about the health of the capitalist economy than the lives of people. A sample is repudiable agreement between the bosses and unions Spanish through which want to streamline temporary layoffs by the health alert. The PSOE government-Can should reject, ensure employment and safeguard the health of workers, without job insecurity and with full rights. That the crisis pay the rich patterns and, not the workers and the people.
To the emergency, we take as valid references the proposals made by the CUP for Catalunya: Strengthen the primary care system with a budget plan and resources necessary to ensure the universality of care 100% public needed. Give the necessary tools to resolve doubts and queries about Covid-19, in this sense, enable, indefinitely and without compensation gratuity of the call through the 061. Make publicly available all health resources: Public administration have the right to be reserved for the public health system, indefinitely without compensation, all private health spaces necessary for the management of this crisis. parallel, the suspension of the free sale of sensitive medical equipment such as masks or disinfectant gel and transfer all the stock and production in public hands for distribution under the criteria of common interest and not based on private interest is essential, subordinating the needs of the purchasing power. Ensure the maintenance of care with dignity: If the virus management behaving end the closure of centers for care work such as those directed to care for elderly or schools, public administration should prevent this involving the neglect of any dependent person. Private health resources available to public administration in the same way as above. alternatives provide all affected workers to see their work normally and families who are affected if schools close or care centers for the elderly. Ensure that scholarships will continue to give room to ensure good nutrition for all students. Ensure the working conditions of those who are forced to be confined and not to fall on the working people or the health system powers emanating from exceptional situations of occupational risk prevention. Thus, it is necessary to review the recommendations signed by the Labor Relations Board of Catalunya posed by teleworking as an alternative to IT or dismissal. I bet and strengthen + D + I immediately public. Ensure that after the crisis increased resources will revert to public primary care or general, increased resources to the health system 100% public. And that, so, no public funds will be used to bail out private health.
In this as in other crisis situations, It is very difficult to rely on international institutions and governments…
To act decisively, They should be placed immediately all economic and scientific resources to the service of finding remedies for the virus. Sanatoriums large private laboratories and refuse to cooperate and provide the necessary inputs to the public crisis, They must be expropriated and placed under workers' control and users, the health of the population is first of all. At the same time, it should be noted that the global health system dominated by capitalist profit is not ready to face the virus. Despite advancing treatments, of vaccines, antibiotics and retroviral reduced substantially during the twentieth century mortality epidemics, the collapse of the capitalist system, cuts in health budgets, poverty and environmental disaster-all compounded by the lack of information and prevention-, They make the WHO recommendations are "wet paper".
pandemic, its impact on the second world power and what this weighs on the whole world economy, They are acting as the drop which overflows the glass of a very deep crisis. And they jumped several times global stock markets, including the US for fear that the coronavirus pandemic ends to unleash the global recession that economists announce. The capitalist crisis is a real breeding ground for the emergence of emerging diseases. Merge the social crisis, the increasing pauperization of swaths, migration, environmental depredation. But also the lack of response devices. the terminal crisis of health systems, drowned by the coexistence or the preeminence of “subsectors” Private and transfer of resources to these. Also a consequence of the implementation of structural adjustment policies and liquidation of all vestiges of the welfare state, reducing social wage and health budgets, and low investment in science and technology, and asymmetric hypertrophy of the medical industrial complex, profit for pharmaceutical companies. As members of the International Socialist League We denounce capitalism social inequalities multiply, poverty, wars and diseases, because, remains a tradeoff iron: socialism or barbarism.