The most vulnerable V: jornaleras / os del campo
The Covid-19 emphasizes social injustices and inequalities existing in the chain of food production.
By Conchi Martinez
In the context of the current global crisis of the COVID-19 we have a hard complicated panorama, as well explain my companions in previous notes. No, do not we all a, although since the coalition government, It is attempting to make us believe. Large companies and fortunes of the country, as well as the government are not in the same boat as most of the population. Some are up and some are down. Different sections, sectors and saying we mean people, They are not being protected to face the danger of a virus, of which it seems that some have priority over others. We talk about sectors already mentioned, working as home help and home, immigrants, women, elderly, and among other men and women workers in the field.
Just a few weeks ago there was a nationwide series of mass demonstrations in the streets led by and laborers of the field, that although there were summoned from their own collective, most were people who took to the streets. Demanding fair prices on products and their rights to continue agricultural work, which for decades and increasingly it is at the edge of collapse. Where small farmers, cooperatives and family enterprises each campaign to end losses, having to resort to the business of agricultural insurance or bank loans users. In the meantime, landowners and farmers receive large subsidies from the EU and, distributors and marketers in the food chain, appropriating profits producing sector.
In this context unsustainable, that exploded barely a month in most provinces of the Spanish State, It has reached the COVID-19, without being resolved this problem, to which we now add the pandemic. It is having clear that without agriculture we could survive, literally what types of aid are receiving these workers not spread, their health and ensure food production?
What kind of help are getting these workers not spread, their health and ensure food production?
In the provinces, farmers not only need masks to avoid catching, to work with different products are essential, well, for we find that the cost of these masks Specific prices almost quadrupled in a few days going to cost 6 € to 22 €. This money will not come from the coffers of the State, already running account of the laborers themselves who must decide whether to protect against possible diseases or pay these exorbitant prices.
When moving to the workplace, anyone who knows anything about the industry know who work in gangs, where They move in one vehicle, obviously with the measures taken with the Alarm status This makes it impossible. Several small unions farmers take days demanding solutions and measures, understand that but prohibits car sharing, Any real alternative? Unions have It had to negotiate with the government getting two people to go vehicles 4 And till 4 in vehicles 9. but where entire families are working on the same land and have only a vehicle?
And finally, even allowing this transfer, need I carry documentation and updated work permit them certifying that they are discharged in Social Security. We know plenty a high percentage of working and are not discharged and another large number are immigrants without documentation rule. These people should risk daily going to work to eat, despite the fines that obviously run out of their pockets. And let's think, they take risks for to eat them, but the result is, we can eat us too.
…landowners and farmers receive large subsidies from the EU and, distributors and marketers in the food chain, appropriating profits producing sector.
We understand that this crisis is not only health, neither its consequences may simply be accounted for in hospitals. We understand that if a system does not work at their bases, it's very easy in any moment, It is fully inestabilice, already that hangs by a very fine thread. Thus, It is so important to analyze this situation taking into account the reality of this sector part, a precarious reality.
And of course, us we propose that, How can we believe that a sector until a few weeks ago he was in a desperate situation, where in Most cases of entire families livelihood comes from this work, you can assume that entail economic costs this crisis? more agricultural foods sold during these weeks, in all the national supermarkets, the day laborers to the like small farmers, They will not even remotely solved their problems financial, and not only that, but also are they and they, the village employee, which you will again have to pay for this crisis. even all these situations mentioned, will worsen, because the aforementioned problems are emerging them to carry out their work.
We understand that there are numerous problems within each sector, of each person and family nucleus and that this global crisis will worsen, but to know them and to find there are solutions to be at his side and not above. The Ministry of Agriculture can not be taken for putting economic patches happy that surely will again receive the same companies receiving European agricultural subsidies, they can not turn a blind eye as long as the field does not hold, and they can not keep squeezing because almost nothing left, and when nothing remains, come to tell us what to eat. Since (SOL) Socialism and Freedom, We send our unconditional support for the small farmer and every day laborers in the field, We support your struggle and we remember.