The most vulnerable VI: Inquilinxs
Housing is a right, forever, hasIt s even during this serious health emergency.
Royal Decree of the 17 March defined measures for those who pay mortgages. Four conditions were established for access to the benefits: “First, which happens to be unemployed or, if being an entrepreneur or professional, undergoes a substantial loss of income or a substantial drop in sales. Second, the share mortgage, plus costs and basic supplies, result exceeding the 35% of net income received by the household. Third, that as a result of the health emergency, the family unit has undergone a significant change in economic circumstances effort in terms of access to housing, where there has been a significant change in economic circumstances when the effort that represents the mortgage burden on family income has been multiplied by at the least or that there has been a substantial drop in sales when this fall is at the least of the 40%, for self. Y, by last, that the income of the household in the month prior to the application do not exceed three times the minimum wage ". With writing, will benefit only those who meet the requirements, not all of the mortgaged emergency.
And for whom no action was taken? For lxs inquilinxs,, in the Spanish State they are among the 20 and the 25% and now people are greatly affected by the crisis their income. Whereas rent a house in Spain is swallowed around the 37% of net income, This is the group most affected their economic situation and for which so far no response. They must juggle to pay their rents in the coming days, yes it is they can do, since they are putting “between a rock and a hard place”
It's a tough situation worsens when it comes to vecinxs residing in Baleares, Madrid, Catalonia and the Canary Islands, since in these regions the percentage of income spent on rent exceeds the 40%. Did palliative essential services? Yes. cutting ban was announced basic supplies: light, water and gas, but only for vulnerable families who can not pay the bills; not clear who is considered such, or how should families do to prove their status and not pay.
Housing is a basic right, It can not be a business, much less to such an emergency.
This has generated a very big fight between inquilinxs lxs. Much has been felt today, 31 of March, To over 15 days of the start of the alarm state, the Council of Ministers will address the issue. According to the rumors in the press, measures would: the suspension of evictions and extension of contracts due during the alarm state, both the six-month period. The proposal for tenants who can not afford the rents would grant micro-credit through the ICO (Official Credit Institute). These are loans guaranteed by the State that tenants should return in installments ranging from 6 a 10 years. That is to say, the "solution" for inquilinxs lxs would borrow from the state to guarantee to live. More than a relief it is a long-term burden, when owners and even those who have many properties that are engaged in the real estate business, They are amassing huge profits, in a market completely over dimensioned, where rents are sky.
We will see what the Cabinet decides, but so far all decisions hide behind doublespeak: They are presented as social benefits to the needy, but are concessions to entrepreneurs, owners and rich. The living conditions of workers and the people lxs remains variable adjustment. We support the measures raised the CUP and requiring various groups as a Social Plan Shock, raising the rent strike to stop payment immediately. We should not be trabajadorxs lxs who pay the cost of this crisis, to which we have brought capitalism and the policy of successive governments while saving the big bankers and businessmen, they have no trouble making ends meet with a roof worthy.
It is nonsense that there are people sleeping on the street, lxs that young people can not be independent, there are so many people forced to share an apartment, even overcrowded and those who work must devote much of their salary to pay rent. Now is a shame that, when families are concerned about their health and that of those around, should have a calculator in hand to see how they will pay for the roof over the living. Housing is a basic right, It can not be a business, much less to such an emergency. further, evictions should be banned, forever, even with a pandemic that could leave entire families in the street, for the benefit of investment funds, banks and those who profit housing. A social plan is urgent to ensure decent housing for all, No more charges, but with less. In a country where the housing bubble and financial speculation lead levels above indices rentals crisis 2008, can not be saved again speculators. This in the immediate, the bottom outlet passes to put all the unemployed departments at the service of those who need housing, not speculation, the pair of face-income housing plan easily accessible to solve one of the most serious social problems in the territories of the Spanish State.