Repeal of the labor reform

Protest it is the best way to recover lost worker conquests.

On Wednesday the PSOE signed an agreement with Unidas Podemos and EH Bildu in which it is proposed "The complete repeal of the labor reform" in exchange for not hindering the approval of the fifth extension of the alarm state, which also had the support of the right-wing sector expressed by Ciudadanos.

And the scandal broke out again, since right away "Erased with the elbow, what they wrote by hand ”. The spokeswoman for the parliamentary bloc of the PSOE, Adriana Lastra, He went out to rectify himself with an explanatory note stating that it was a "Bad interpretation", they keep only the derogation of partial aspects.  Definitely, that what counts are the investiture agreements duly reached with United We Can, which included the formulation of going back only in what they considered "More damaging to workers' rights", such as the prevalence of the sectoral agreement or the ultra-activity of the agreements, not in the entire labor reform imposed by the PP in the 2012.

"Erased with the elbow, what they wrote by hand ”.

For Bildu, It is worth both the signed and the rectification because, according to her spokeswoman parliamentary, Love Aizpurua, we must be "aware that the reform work cannot fall overnight, we cannot bring the population to a legal vacuum ”. In the meantime, Pablo Iglesias, second vice president of Government ratified what was agreed and, this time, he chose from the extensive menu that disposes according to the circumstances, the requirement of repeal unabridged.

The employers put the cry in the sky. Entrepreneurs of the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE) and of the Spanish Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises (CEPYME) They announced the suspension of social dialogue, considering the agreement a "capital irresponsibility". They felt disappointed since, what they are negotiating with the government and the unions is more labor flexibility, as recommended by the European Commission. The Catalan employers concentrated in Foment del Treball Nacional also expressed their discomfort. Government officials quickly apologized and promised that "Everything we do we will do it with the help of unions, employers and political forces ", but momentarily, the relationship has been strained. The UGT and CC.OO trade union centers. they went out to put on cold cloths and to insist on their request "Social dialogue" since they believe that"There is time for the waters to calm down" and you can debate the labor reform among all.

In first place, we reject the new extension of the alarm state, that has been transformed into an alarm scam used to cut liberties democratic, when there are other alternatives to attack the health crisis of the Covid-19, without authoritarianism. Having said that, it is unfortunate the actions of all involved, not only because of its position before the fifth ratification of superpowers for Pedro Sánchez but also, for their positions on the reform labor.

…no trust can be placed in either one or the other. New union and political leaders are needed, to turn everything.

As on other occasions, United Podemos we wanted to make a difference, presenting himself as a defender of the complete repeal, but it allowed the investiture of Sánchez accepting the partial repeal. Collect, he practically came out to defend that both the signature and its rectification are fine. And a separate paragraph deserves union leaders, enrolled with the government in the project of the "National unity" and the "Social dialogue", as a trap to pass new settings, without expressing even a hint of confrontation.

If among all the actors there were some who really wanted the complete repeal of the disastrous labor reform that liquidated historic workers' conquests, they would not only be pending of the parliamentary agreements, marked by maneuvers and lies, in exchange for raising your hand for maintaining the state of alarm. To get rid of the labor reform you have to appeal to the workers, in the factories, in the offices, in all workplaces, democratically debating in assemblies, recovering the streets, with mobilizations and general strike, as part of a fight plan that includes the necessary precautions in the face of the pandemic and actively supports the indefinite strike at Nissan. But from this, not a word is said, including the leaders of the majority trade union centrals. Because, no trust can be placed in either one or the other. New union and political leaders are needed, to turn everything.