Strengthen workers' struggles, a task for everyone

The crisis forces workers to defend themselves What measures to adopt? It is a subject of permanent debate.

Faced with the debacle of the capitalist economy, the employers fit the template, factories close, turn first to ERTE and then to ERE for final dismissal; this is how they are leaving thousands of people unemployed. After getting rich for years paying low wages, with the reforms work designed at your convenience and receiving millionaire government subsidies; they pack their machines, They roll down the blind and walk away with their winnings. Do not matter the serious consequences they cause in working families or in the society.

There are offices and establishments where employers use of the situation to lower wages, cut rights and demand a "higher effort" -as if the one carried out so far was little- for "keep the company afloat ", taking advantage of fear of job loss.  When there are abuses, Young, the women and immigrants are always among the worst affected. Regrettably, in many cases, the Works Council is silent or barely moves, is it is necessary to demand that they take responsibility, they put their faces and organize the fight, Because staying quiet and idly is the worst option.

At the same time, there are bosses' attacks that are responding with strikes, mobilizations and actions of all kinds that are repeated in different regions of the Spanish State. There are claims in: NISSAN, ACCIONA, Bosch, Glass-Saint Gobain, Nobel Plastiques Iberia, Alcoa, Cádiz, hospitals, universities and colleges. Sometimes they win and sometimes there are results contradictory that leave a bitter taste. Surely, there will be more claims in the immediate future, that is why it is important to exchange opinions about the balance of conflicts, to repeat what went well, correct what went wrong and do what was not done when necessary. Yes we reflect between todxs, the conclusions will be more difficult, but surely more successful and useful. It is in this sense that we contribute our opinions.  

1.Is there no force? Yes, there is. Workers express his anger with mobilizations, strikes and actions to defend their source of work and its working conditions, even taking time away from his family and your personal affairs. It is clear that this time, the settings are for everyone, even for those who for years had no problems. Will to fight there, has been strongly expressed in NISSAN and in other conflicts. Y, if there are strikes, mobilizations, unity of action and strong measures, It could be win!

2. Should we soften the claims? In some occasions, the speeches of bureaucratic leaders go further than they actually do. With lies and maneuvers they push workers not to adopt measures blunt, that are raised as a synonym of "Shit" or not to act with "responsibility". If you lose your job, what use are testimonial measures? They give employers air and government officials give them margin to make formal commitments or look the other way. Many leaders they just call "war, war, war" when the letters are already thrown out because the conflict is weakened, with which there is no such "war";  while the most militant activists rightly call for measures decided long before. Debate and vote on a plan of struggle in assembly, is the best way to avoid maneuvers and mobilize until the last consequences. In the conflict of Saint Gobain kept their sources of work by adopting measures blunt. To win, fight methods must be radicalized.  

3. Is it useful to fight place by place? With different excuses bureaucratic leaders strive to keep conflicts separate. We do have claims and enemies in common, being divided is useless, weakens to the working class. Solidarity between workers has to go beyond different branches of production and social sectors, appealing to the neighbors, the students and the women. Beyond the fact that employers sometimes have friction, definitely, they defend the same interests for that, to "Coordinator patronal" you have to oppose worker coordination.

4. Is the problem the unions? It's not like that. Front to campaigns not to join, you have to make clear debates: he individualism favors the powerful, the problem is not the organization worker, but the leaders who make it bureaucratic, servile to the state and businessmen. It is not necessary to destroy the workers' organizations but to demand the leaders who take the lead in the claims and if they don't, there are to change them. And when this is not possible quickly, is totally lawful to create independent democratic bodies at the service of the struggle and coordination. Workers have to organize themselves as best they can seem.  

5. Can all union leaders be trusted? There are always exceptions, pero los que se encuadran en las centrales sindicales mayoritarias y responden ciegamente a sus cúpulas, terminan siendo correa de transmisión de las patronales y los gobiernos. Con sus maniobras de confusión o vendiéndose, they betray their own companions. A veces actúan a cara descubierta y otras utilizan un discurso combativo que luego no concretan. En NISSAN UGT y CCOO. They presented the agreement as a triumph that was not such and, Regrettably, the CGT ended up endorsing it, por esto y su desempeño en la lucha de acciona, un amplio sector de trabajadorxs les retiró su confianza. Sólo hay que confiar en la propia fuerza movilizada de lxs trabajadorxs.

6.Are the charges unquestionable? It's false. The Elected positions do not imply exercising an obedient verticalism. The delegates must be at the service of the struggle and the mandates of the assembly. The decisions cannot be made within the walls of the bosses' offices or union. Nobody better than those involved to debate and decide collectively what to do. The charges must be revocable if the assembly mandates. And when there are negotiations, why are they not chosen assembly representatives to accompany delegates? Why women that are a fundamental part of the struggle are not properly integrated? What the base decides everything in assembly and elects its leaders whenever it wants.

7. Are there two types of template? Another division out there that liquidating is the one that is promoted to separate the workers "Fixed" of the "Outsourced" those whose rights are not respected and are treats like second-rate employees. This only favors the interests employers, as clearly seen in the NISSAN dispute, the one in which ACCIONA workers, the "Invisibles", were relegated in their rights, amid cross accusations between the two companies. Same roof, same right. The unity of the workers in struggle must not be weakened.

8. With what labor agenda? The claims are varied, but there are some problems that unify the working class: avoid closings and layoffs, annul the labor reform, increase wages, remove black work and precariousness and working in safety conditions to avoid contagion of Covid-19 are some of them. The employer outrage, unmet needs and the existence of claims put the order of the day requirement of a unified measure, convened by CCOO. , UGT and the others trade union centrals, It is an indispensable necessity that leaders are bypassing. ¡General strike and national mobilization!

9. Is it negative to formulate political proposals? No is. Bureaucrats use as an excuse "Not to put politics in the union" but they do it slyly. Y, even if they didn't, with that attitude they encourage the working class not to influence, nor decide your own destiny, when the systematic capitalist crisis makes the little that is achieved today with great effort, get lost tomorrow before a new crisis or employer attack. The first obligation is to promote the widest unit of action to win, but that does not imply that we are all the same, nor that we think the same. Because, it is necessary to respect all political views, except the fascists, encourage free expression and put aside single thinking. Fight elbow elbow against closures and layoffs, for the repeal of the labor reform, is It is essential to propose transitional solutions, like the opening of the accounting books, the distribution of working hours and the nationalization of companies that close under workers' control, just to take some examples. Lxs workers we also have to make alternative policies and proposals.

These are our opinions. They can be shared or not. The we formulate as one more contribution to debate and search among all the best way to win, while we continue to support and promote strikes, the mobilizations and actions of the working class.